milk as a nutrient ?

LOL never heard of that and surely if theres any good in there theres BAD shit in there too .
i wouldnt recommend it lol DAMN
Nice idea if there was any science behind it. Maybe there is?
I think its a red herring though mate. Why waste, time and plants by feeding them milk when there are proven nutrient formulas out there that work fine.
If you do use it though and it works, let us all know.
Top marks for thinking outside the box though.
milk is bacteria. that cant be good. except if u have alot of microorganisms in the soil to eat it all.. there might actualy be somtin good in milk.. mixed with other things of course
well i know that it does,nt kill them. while off work for a while and bein bored i once started to feed 2 clones i had outdoors newborn baby milk afta readin the back of the box while making a feed for my newest recruit. but i forgot to put any sort of labell on them so they,r lost inamongst! but theyr defenatly alive and well!
Yep thats wot we been saying you just gotta try but lol i cant see you knowing everything to pull it off (knowing if it does work or not or a little or not as well as do some tests lol and tell me how it works out ... .!! lol
I fully agree with what everyone has said and I just reckon you're barkin up the wrong tree mate.
I really hope that you can get some good results from tryin but I ust think you're wastin you're time mate. You can improve your grow with many different techniques that have been tried and tested and are known to work. Personally I'd stick with those but good luck anyway.
What a great idea! Lets take milk, and put it in dirt! And to top it all off! Lets heat it up to 80 degrees! Your probably just gonna make your grow room smell like a 13 year olds room after a 2 month runescape binge. I would not do this.