The Irish Growers Thread!

Jay thats actually a great idea. It would put a lot of stress onto the plant and it would be a hassle to take down the tent and equipment and put them away in their boxes but can be done. Im really leaning towards this but have a main issue that id have to think hard about. What if they happen to open my wardrobe and smell it. i can hide it amongst clothes but i mean the smell of this baby is really fruity. I do have an ona block and im sure that smell will be pretty obvious. I may very well just try this you know in the coming days and give it a test run. But without a carbon filter it will be a very difficult task to hide the odour
Hope your plants pull through fred!

Mdjenks: i think its because of the ph and nutelock maybe. My ph meter ran out of juice and i didnt bother buying new batteries. just been using a liquid ph indicator for the past while.

On a more serious note. (copied from my grow journal)

Absolute disaster folks :sad: Got an email from the landlord saying he is selling the house within the next few months and that from next week himself and the auctioneer will be calling down to inspect the house. Ive pushed that visit until the week after but im going to have to chop her down at some stage next week! she is 35 days of 12/12 today and needed at least 3 more weeks. My fucking pocket microscope hasnt arrived yet either and im just all flustered on what to do! I need it to be dry and jarred and all the equipment packed away into bin bags when they show up to avoid suspicion. I really think this growing game has not agreed with me at all :sad: Depression mode activated

don't get to down on urself man shit happens that you can't control just roll with the punches and you always have another day to start a new my friend!
Had a cheese plant outside taking cuttings off her for the last few weeks, shes getting a bit short on cuttings left so I think she's going to be binned soon. Too many nosy neighbours around to be flowering outside. What have you got on the go yourself?

Was just wondering cos nearly all my plants have contracted leaf spot disease, apparently it is most prevalent in warm wet weather and thought you might be familiar with it so was gonna pick your brains.
I have a BB cheese, WW x AK, WW x HG, 2 x Wild Thailand, 1 x WW, 2 x LSD and 2 Red Poison auto, I had 3 of the red poison but yesterday morning when I went to see them the head was gone from one of them leaving just a stem and the cotys.The WW had 6-7 nodes but I had to pull the first 4 sets of leaves and did the same for 1 of the LSD's, not ideal stripping them of half their foliage but had no other choice. I sprayed them all with Bordeaux Mixture with added liquid silicon at a very high ph and then when that dryed I sprayed with a strong neem solution which I also used to spray the top of the soil so hopefully that helps.There is no way to eradicate the disease so all i can do is keep it under control.
Hope your plants pull through fred!

Mdjenks: i think its because of the ph and nutelock maybe. My ph meter ran out of juice and i didnt bother buying new batteries. just been using a liquid ph indicator for the past while.

On a more serious note. (copied from my grow journal)

Absolute disaster folks :sad: Got an email from the landlord saying he is selling the house within the next few months and that from next week himself and the auctioneer will be calling down to inspect the house. Ive pushed that visit until the week after but im going to have to chop her down at some stage next week! she is 35 days of 12/12 today and needed at least 3 more weeks. My fucking pocket microscope hasnt arrived yet either and im just all flustered on what to do! I need it to be dry and jarred and all the equipment packed away into bin bags when they show up to avoid suspicion. I really think this growing game has not agreed with me at all :sad: Depression mode activated

Sorry to hear Jasper and so close to being finished as well.
As the guys mentioned if you could stick em in black sacks and hide them for a while, they wouldn't be at the house long, a quick look around for valuation purposes is all.
They have no business looking in your wardrobe but if there's a look on it even better or as ae says down the garden somewhere or in the car with the seats down and a cover over them.
If you have an iphone or android based phone you could download a magnifier app while you wait for your microscope.
Good luck anyway mate.
Hope your plants pull through fred!

Mdjenks: i think its because of the ph and nutelock maybe. My ph meter ran out of juice and i didnt bother buying new batteries. just been using a liquid ph indicator for the past while.

On a more serious note. (copied from my grow journal)

Absolute disaster folks :sad: Got an email from the landlord saying he is selling the house within the next few months and that from next week himself and the auctioneer will be calling down to inspect the house. Ive pushed that visit until the week after but im going to have to chop her down at some stage next week! she is 35 days of 12/12 today and needed at least 3 more weeks. My fucking pocket microscope hasnt arrived yet either and im just all flustered on what to do! I need it to be dry and jarred and all the equipment packed away into bin bags when they show up to avoid suspicion. I really think this growing game has not agreed with me at all :sad: Depression mode activated
You know if you have a lease then you can tell the landlord to fuck off?

Read the terms of your lease, it's a legally binding contract afterall.

I did it before when I had a batch of ladies near being finished ;)
black sack and down the bottom of the garden then.. maybe some other black sacks of genuine rubbish around them!!!

Dont have a garden per say ae86. its all tiles at the back and its very very small and my landlord is one of those people that if they see a garbage bag outside he'll chuck it into the bin!

don't get to down on urself man shit happens that you can't control just roll with the punches and you always have another day to start a new my friend!

Thanks jenks! its just that when something goes wrong all goes wrong at once! i think its the fact that the last grow didnt go too well ad this was going great that it takes a toll. You just get into that "bubble" and are like fuck everything! On a different note your chernobyl is looking awesome dude! frosty as hell. Beautiful stuff jenks!

Sorry to hear Jasper and so close to being finished as well.
As the guys mentioned if you could stick em in black sacks and hide them for a while, they would be at the house long, a quick look around for valuation purposes is all.
They have no business looking in your wardrobe but if there's a look on it even better or as ae says down the garden somewhere or in the car with the seats down and a cover over them.
If you have an iphone or android based phone you could download a magnifier app while you wait for your microscope.
Good luck anyway mate.

i turned off the carbon filter for a bit earlier and omg the smell was incredible! it almost filled the whole room. So putting them away in a black bag is not going to be a solution after all. No amount of ona block and air freshener can cover it up :D I downloaded an app for android so waiting till lights come on so i can try it out.

You know if you have a lease then you can tell the landlord to fuck off?

Read the terms of your lease, it's a legally binding contract afterall.

I did it before when I had a batch of ladies near being finished ;)

Harrekin you may be onto something here. I took out my lease agreement and this is a quote from it under "USE OF PREMISES" :

"The LANDLORD will make sure that:

The landlord can here after (day of signing lease), only enter the premises with the permission of the tenant"

this could be a potential loop hole guys. at least until i can finish her off. Now my landlord would enter the house on his own accord but he always announces himself when coming up the stairs. He doesnt come into the room, he knock and waits for me to come out. hes never entered my room before and ive told him i like my privacy so i keep my door locked at all times. He says thats perfectly understandable. now ive pushed back himself and the auctioneer coming but he may very well pop in anytime he wants. How should i play this guys if i wanted him not to enter my room for at least another two or three weeks?? He has stated that the auctioneer will be looking to bring in people at the end of august/ start of sept to view the house but ideally the auctioneer would want to have a look at the place before hand. I intended to chop her down the weekend of the 24th so at the end of august would be a perfect time for them to visit. id really appreciate any advice or help guys :D
Is it an apartment or kind of bedsit/studio you live in, have you access to a shed?
If they don't intend to come until the end of the month you'd be grand but it is possible the landlord might want to give the place the once over beforehand to make sure everything is ok cos afterall he wants the highest possible valuation. If you tell him he can't come until a certain date he might want a reason and if he's anything like any landlord I ever had he'd be as thick as the wall and still call regardless.
Having a secure place for them albeit temporary is still vital IMO, even the attic for a few hours would do and if your dark period is during the day it wouldn't disrupt them.
Is it an apartment or kind of bedsit/studio you live in, have you access to a shed?
If they don't intend to come until the end of the month you'd be grand but it is possible the landlord might want to give the place the once over beforehand to make sure everything is ok cos afterall he wants the highest possible valuation. If you tell him he can't come until a certain date he might want a reason and if he's anything like any landlord I ever had he'd be as thick as the wall and still call regardless.
Having a secure place for them albeit temporary is still vital IMO, even the attic for a few hours would do and if your dark period is during the day it wouldn't disrupt them.
Nope, you're negotiating too much.

Unless there's a specific clause in the lease that states the landlord can put the house up for viewings, auctioneer visits, etc before the end of the term of the lease then you can simply refuse outright.

The lease is unquestionable by him or you, you both signed the dotted line.

So finish those ladies and tell him he'll just have to wait, unless the lease allows him what he wants to do.

Hope this helps.
Is it an apartment or kind of bedsit/studio you live in, have you access to a shed?
If they don't intend to come until the end of the month you'd be grand but it is possible the landlord might want to give the place the once over beforehand to make sure everything is ok cos afterall he wants the highest possible valuation. If you tell him he can't come until a certain date he might want a reason and if he's anything like any landlord I ever had he'd be as thick as the wall and still call regardless.
Having a secure place for them albeit temporary is still vital IMO, even the attic for a few hours would do and if your dark period is during the day it wouldn't disrupt them.

Its a house but nothing at the back. I dont think hiding it while they are here is an option. Seeing as it is hydro it will be without proper airflow in the water and most likely cause a root disease or further increase the one it already has. My landlord has been in the house since this morning. Ive been hearing him cleaning away and hes been right outside my bedroom in the bathroom cleaning away. I reckon he is going to be visiting and doing the house up for the next few weeks at least. He is a great landlord and pure sound and he knows not to interfere with anyones privacy. However he may well ask me to let him into my room so he can check for damages etc. But like i said hopefully i persuaded him not to come for another week and half to my room. Il try to think of an excuse next weekend so i can have another week of flower.

Nope, you're negotiating too much.

Unless there's a specific clause in the lease that states the landlord can put the house up for viewings, auctioneer visits, etc before the end of the term of the lease then you can simply refuse outright.

The lease is unquestionable by him or you, you both signed the dotted line.

So finish those ladies and tell him he'll just have to wait, unless the lease allows him what he wants to do.

Hope this helps.

Harrekin you my friend are really giving me a glimpse of hope! I read and re read the lease and nothing in there about selling or allowing them to enter my room to check. It says a landlord can enter the property if there is an emergency but would my room be excluded from that as it is my private dwelling? I dont have a fixed lease term, its just as a month by month basis so do you reckon that negates any rights i have to not let him enter my room? Ive been here for a year and because of this selling inconvenience he has offered all at the house a 10% discount on rent.

Like i said come next week il try to make another excuse to push back their visit to my bedroom. Although im afraid that if they are in the house and they see me pottering about the house they will ask me to let them into the room. Like ive been hiding away in my room today with my headphones in so no noise is made. Hes been working away since this morning. So thats what im worried about now. If he hears me or sees me and asks to let me in can i refuse entry? i may just tell him that "id rather you not enter yet. I want to clean it up a bit and make it presentable for you"
I didn't realise you were growing in hydro so that really limits your options.
It's not too bad either than he can inspect the rest of the house without having to go near your grow area but sure as advised by Harrekin perhaps your best bet is the lease.
Just out of curiousity why is he cleaning the house when it's fully occupied with tenants?
I think he is just cleaning the living quarters and has asked us to keep our spaces clean. I think hes doing it cos he prob suspects that none of us are going to :D Ya the lease says he cant enter the premises without permission but he always does. If i deny him it looks really suspicious and he could ask 1 of the other 4 housemates. But hes been very good regarding entering bedrooms so far. He realises we need our privacy but like i said im going to try to push it back as much as possible. Either that or harvest at day 42. if i can get to day 56 il be content chopping her down. She is at day 36 now
yeah kinda limited options there jasper, pity it has come at the time it has but its sods law as they say.... fuck knows its happened to me a couple of times..

hows the camper comeing along fred? don`t say you stopped work on it already..
yeah kinda limited options there jasper, pity it has come at the time it has but its sods law as they say.... fuck knows its happened to me a couple of times..

hows the camper comeing along fred? don`t say you stopped work on it already..

I'm not sure what to do with it ae, I had to declare it off the road and when I went to the tax office I found it it hasn't been taxed since 2001, the guy who sold it said it was on the road until last year so that got me thinking why it hasn't been taxed for so long, anyway I got in touch with the NCT people and asked for the test results of the last test but they wouldn't give them to me because I wasn't the owner at the time.
Last thing I want to do is put a lot of money into it and find out it's a dud.
I'm not sure what to do with it ae, I had to declare it off the road and when I went to the tax office I found it it hasn't been taxed since 2001, the guy who sold it said it was on the road until last year so that got me thinking why it hasn't been taxed for so long, anyway I got in touch with the NCT people and asked for the test results of the last test but they wouldn't give them to me because I wasn't the owner at the time.
Last thing I want to do is put a lot of money into it and find out it's a dud.

well if you can get her up and running your half way there, the rest is spit and polish as they say... don`t give up just yet dude, you might be surprised, if you want to pm me the chassis number and i`ll scope out some guys here for bits for you.. theres a hugh importer here that does just jap yolks...
well if you can get her up and running your half way there, the rest is spit and polish as they say... don`t give up just yet dude, you might be surprised, if you want to pm me the chassis number and i`ll scope out some guys here for bits for you.. theres a hugh importer here that does just jap yolks...

How's it going ae?
It's just I don't understand why she has been off the road for so long, she starts first turn of the key and the engine purrs so it got me wondering if it was something else, thing is it will I'm guessing 6-700+ to get it to NCT stage and that's a conservative estimate, would be a right kick in the stones if there's some wrong with the chassis etc.
I got the water pump and cam belt kit so just waiting on a guy to bring it away and then I suppose brakes and a service next.

Was up to the "garden" there and if this weather continues I'm gonna have fuck all, the leaf disease is on all of the plants now, I'm waiting on a powerful fungicide I ordered to come so hopefully it's here tomorrow.
If I keep pulling off the infected leaves there will be nothing left, not sure if it's a good idea but was thinking of looking for another spot where I can put up a small polytunnel, something like 10ft x 5ft , they're on ebay for about 80 quid.At least if I can keep them dry during flowering they might have some chance.
How's it going ae?
It's just I don't understand why she has been off the road for so long, she starts first turn of the key and the engine purrs so it got me wondering if it was something else, thing is it will I'm guessing 6-700+ to get it to NCT stage and that's a conservative estimate, would be a right kick in the stones if there's some wrong with the chassis etc.
I got the water pump and cam belt kit so just waiting on a guy to bring it away and then I suppose brakes and a service next.

Was up to the "garden" there and if this weather continues I'm gonna have fuck all, the leaf disease is on all of the plants now, I'm waiting on a powerful fungicide I ordered to come so hopefully it's here tomorrow.
If I keep pulling off the infected leaves there will be nothing left, not sure if it's a good idea but was thinking of looking for another spot where I can put up a small polytunnel, something like 10ft x 5ft , they're on ebay for about 80 quid.At least if I can keep them dry during flowering they might have some chance.

well to settle your fears get the guy thats doing the cam belt kit to give the whole van a once over, couldn`t cost you more than 50 quid for an hour of his work, even get an estimate from him for labour if you get the parts to get her through a test...

if its not worth doing he`ll quickly tell you... if hes trustworthy that is..
Its a house but nothing at the back. I dont think hiding it while they are here is an option. Seeing as it is hydro it will be without proper airflow in the water and most likely cause a root disease or further increase the one it already has. My landlord has been in the house since this morning. Ive been hearing him cleaning away and hes been right outside my bedroom in the bathroom cleaning away. I reckon he is going to be visiting and doing the house up for the next few weeks at least. He is a great landlord and pure sound and he knows not to interfere with anyones privacy. However he may well ask me to let him into my room so he can check for damages etc. But like i said hopefully i persuaded him not to come for another week and half to my room. Il try to think of an excuse next weekend so i can have another week of flower.

Harrekin you my friend are really giving me a glimpse of hope! I read and re read the lease and nothing in there about selling or allowing them to enter my room to check. It says a landlord can enter the property if there is an emergency but would my room be excluded from that as it is my private dwelling? I dont have a fixed lease term, its just as a month by month basis so do you reckon that negates any rights i have to not let him enter my room? Ive been here for a year and because of this selling inconvenience he has offered all at the house a 10% discount on rent.

Like i said come next week il try to make another excuse to push back their visit to my bedroom. Although im afraid that if they are in the house and they see me pottering about the house they will ask me to let them into the room. Like ive been hiding away in my room today with my headphones in so no noise is made. Hes been working away since this morning. So thats what im worried about now. If he hears me or sees me and asks to let me in can i refuse entry? i may just tell him that "id rather you not enter yet. I want to clean it up a bit and make it presentable for you"
To be honest, I'm not entirely sure how it works if you're on a month by month basis as Iv always had a year initially and then just "rolled over", but I'm pretty sure the law assures you the right to the privacy and comfort of your home with reasonable exceptions pre-allowed for in the lease.