OFFICIAL: Auto-flower Solo cup contest - Sign up here!

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using miracle grow moisture control with some other stuff mixed in, but mainly mg. regular party style solo cups with drain holes grown indoor under cfl lighting 200 watt equivalent. feeding/watering with a homemade simple tea whenever they need it.


Well-Known Member
I'm going with a Rapid Rooter plug for seed starting, and in my 16oz clear cup I got Botanicare ReadyGro. General Organics full line of nutes, 400w MH, and may switch to two 400w HPS half way through.


Well-Known Member
sorry for yure loss AK.



sorry for the loss, shtuff like that really hit home. smokin one for you and sendin good vibrations to ya avatar.


Well-Known Member
using miracle grow moisture control with some other stuff mixed in, but mainly mg. regular party style solo cups with drain holes grown indoor under cfl lighting 200 watt equivalent. feeding/watering with a homemade simple tea whenever they need it.
Sweet or Unsweet........J/K. I use alot of AACT in my organic grows!


what up guys, i was up for like 3 straight days and then slept from like 2pm today til right now. 4am lol i feel alot better now though. thank you everyone for your thoughts. you guys are all awesome, im gonna burn one right now. 4:20am :)

ps. listening to raidermans video, ty bro


Well-Known Member
what up :) just got done going to a funeral and then I spent from 8pm until just now (12:08AM) in the woods with my girls doing some MUCH needed work that i have been putting off.

I buried my cousin today, She died of an overdose. 30YEARS OLD. 2 guys wanted to get back at her so they fed her drugs until she stopped being concious and then left her in a bath-tub. fucking scumbags. ROTTING in a drab cell for the rest of their life ISNT enough for scumbags like this, they should be lynched.

on a brighter note. i hope everyone out there is doing well tonight. i am seriously dirty from head to toe so i gtg get a shower but il be back to answer questions and all that fun stuff in a bit

for the gentlemen who asked if he could use this thread to post pics. YES!!! you can. i welcome it:) talk to you all soon
Hey man, sorry for your loss. That shit ain't right man. Im sure she had a good heart, and the powers that be will see her in a better place. Those fuckbags will get whats comin' to them.


thank you see4. i appreciateyour words. she truely suffered in this life. addiction had her from when she was 14 until the minute she died. and it was addiction that took her. she is TRUELY happier now. i would bet my own life on it

anyway, how we doin today guys, ive been working ALOT on my outdoor. they are coming along pretty good. i wish i would of started earlier but i will have about 10-12 females that will be 15 ft tall monsters...thats the hope anyway! anyone still waiting on seeds?


Well-Known Member
anyway, how we doin today guys, ive been working ALOT on my outdoor. they are coming along pretty good. i wish i would of started earlier but i will have about 10-12 females that will be 15 ft tall monsters...thats the hope anyway! anyone still waiting on seeds?
SEEDS?! we still got orders out for this contest? haha :) tell the USPS to hurry up with their sort facilities.. Although it has been a while since a postal worker went postal... we may be due.(so wait patiently) :)


lol im hoping everyone is ready to go! im going to be sending a mass PM to ALL particpants soon. in order to be in you MUST answer me back. its okay if you miss the PM but please get back to me ASAP becasue i do need a final count before we begin. ill be messaging everyone in the next few days. it will be before the 29th. good luck everyone!

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
thank you see4. i appreciateyour words. she truely suffered in this life. addiction had her from when she was 14 until the minute she died. and it was addiction that took her. she is TRUELY happier now. i would bet my own life on it

anyway, how we doin today guys, ive been working ALOT on my outdoor. they are coming along pretty good. i wish i would of started earlier but i will have about 10-12 females that will be 15 ft tall monsters...thats the hope anyway! anyone still waiting on seeds?
addiction is a cruel burden to bare


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
thank you see4. i appreciateyour words. she truely suffered in this life. addiction had her from when she was 14 until the minute she died. and it was addiction that took her. she is TRUELY happier now. i would bet my own life on it

anyway, how we doin today guys, ive been working ALOT on my outdoor. they are coming along pretty good. i wish i would of started earlier but i will have about 10-12 females that will be 15 ft tall monsters...thats the hope anyway! anyone still waiting on seeds?
15fters gzz Swinging for the fence there AK......Wish ya lived down here in Texas,Id for sure help ya, Clip, clip!


Well-Known Member
Once you've spent enough time working in an outdoor garden, like ak probably has, you don't notice things like hand cramps. haha especially during HARVEST.... :)
My hands got tired when I harvested like 3/4 a zip off last plant I did probably a year ago, I can't imagine all those Christmas trees, would take me weeks haha. You're livin' peoples dreams! :weed:
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