Egyptians protest again.


Well-Known Member
Allow me to propose a way to ensure this very idea that has all the hallmarks of excellence: it is simple and elegant, and it is also universal.

That idea is to retain the money economy.

The hallmark od symbiosis is that each participant provides/contributes a benefit to the composite organism.
Money allows one to valuate and quantify the degree of benefit.
If you cannot or do not want to pay for your basic needs, you have disqualified yourself as a symbiont and shown yourself a parasite ... and here is the elegant bit. Since money provides a consensual metric (price) for each benefit, you have shown by how much you either are a symbiont or a parasite.

I am delighted by the sheer power of this idea. People need to work (confer benefit) to make the money (the measure of benefit) that buys them a precise amount of symbiont status. The rest are the definitive parasites, the drag on the social organism. Think of it as evolution in action. cn
Wouldnt it be wonderful if the USA got back to that practice....
Allow me to propose a way to ensure this very idea that has all the hallmarks of excellence: it is simple and elegant, and it is also universal.

That idea is to retain the money economy.

The hallmark od symbiosis is that each participant provides/contributes a benefit to the composite organism.
Money allows one to valuate and quantify the degree of benefit.
If you cannot or do not want to pay for your basic needs, you have disqualified yourself as a symbiont and shown yourself a parasite ... and here is the elegant bit. Since money provides a consensual metric (price) for each benefit, you have shown by how much you either are a symbiont or a parasite.

I am delighted by the sheer power of this idea. People need to work (confer benefit) to make the money (the measure of benefit) that buys them a precise amount of symbiont status. The rest are the definitive parasites, the drag on the social organism. Think of it as evolution in action. cn

Why are you guys now talking in some weird wacky, almost rhyme? ah nevermind.

You just said that people who don't pay, become parasites. But that isn't necessarily true. Maybe people don't have to pay, and maybe they can become self sufficient and therefore not take anything from the system, Thus, not be parasitic.

Also, as far as I can tell, what you just described is the same thing as the very system we live in now, which is completely fucked up, because right now people have to work hard, like slaves, just to earn enough money to survive, while the people who pay the slaves reap in mass amounts.

I find that there is 1 perfect way to describe my "goal" in many situations, and that is just to say that "we just need to make things easy", everyone understands that (luckily).

But first we ought to establish what we even want to change.
I propose we make basic foods either free or very cheap. How? Perhaps we can establish farms where people volunteer their time to do work once a week? (or even less often)
If people do not work, then they will not eat, that is part of the symbiotic nature of the matter, and that is the motivation to volunteer.

there are way too many details for me to bother writing it here, but the idea is that life should be easy, not hard. We shouldn't have to spend our whole days, 5 times a week just to pay the rent, and stuff like that.


Well-Known Member

  • there are way too many details for me to bother writing it here, but the idea is that life should be easy, not hard. We shouldn't have to spend our whole days, 5 times a week just to pay the rent, and stuff like that.​

Just because you say so?

It is really very simple. Each person should be responsible for themselves and whomever else they choose to be responsible for. If you are self sufficient then you obviously are not a parasite by definition.


Well-Known Member
there are way too many details for me to bother writing it here, but the idea is that life should be easy, not hard. We shouldn't have to spend our whole days, 5 times a week just to pay the rent, and stuff like that.
You should move to Failville. Fin says robots will do all the work in 5-10 years.

How old are you, again?


Well-Known Member
Why are you guys now talking in some weird wacky, almost rhyme? ah nevermind.

You just said that people who don't pay, become parasites. But that isn't necessarily true. Maybe people don't have to pay, and maybe they can become self sufficient and therefore not take anything from the system, Thus, not be parasitic.

Also, as far as I can tell, what you just described is the same thing as the very system we live in now, which is completely fucked up, because right now people have to work hard, like slaves, just to earn enough money to survive, while the people who pay the slaves reap in mass amounts.

I find that there is 1 perfect way to describe my "goal" in many situations, and that is just to say that "we just need to make things easy", everyone understands that (luckily).

But first we ought to establish what we even want to change.
I propose we make basic foods either free or very cheap. How? Perhaps we can establish farms where people volunteer their time to do work once a week? (or even less often)
**If people do not work, then they will not eat, that is part of the symbiotic nature of the matter, and that is the motivation to volunteer.**

there are way too many details for me to bother writing it here, but the idea is that life should be easy, not hard. We shouldn't have to spend our whole days, 5 times a week just to pay the rent, and stuff like that.
the things that should be free, education, food, clothing, shelter, transportation, energy.
free education would change everything. everyone would then have a genuine chance to learn, contribute, evolve.
why is this important?
it would stop the restriction of knowledge and wisdom. we could then create better tools and methods, we could hear from different people and their ideas.
just because someone tells you to do something does not make it right. simple as that. ask why, ask how, ask what other options there are, have we tried them in the past, proof? examples? options? etc etc etc.... if people are afraid to answer these questions ... once again, ask why.
i understand the creative processes and how to creat an idea, or an opposite, or a similar opposite... etc etc etc....
the fact is communication is restricted.
if it the flow was unrestricted, what do you think you would learn?
since day one its always been a struggle, and for the most part people have the knowledge of how to do things, or what to do, or how to change. but it is easier to stick with their addictions.
its pathetic.
we could have machines, non-sentient, non-ai, just simple tools. no conscious, no self awareness, doing most of the hard or dangerous work if not all.
your job could be to run one of these machines via remote control, you could sit at home naked eating cheetos and knitting a sweater while doing it.
for 3 or 4 days a week, 6 hours a day (more then enough) you could run machines to feed your family by farming with them. you could make and design the clothing which you could also help get the materials for and read up on the latest ideas, theories, inventions, etc etc etc....
im sorry to tell you but the monetary system and the current system of government is a joke. a horrible joke...told to keep you in a perpetual state of stockholme syndrome.

in regards to **, we have been poorly educated, we have been educated to simply survive and not thrive. i honestly believe people would chip in without provocation or threats like if you dont work, you wont eat.
people will be educated to contribute not based on fear but on the facts that by helping each other you are helping yourself.
not to mention the actual costs or supplying food are non-existent in the sense, what do you have to do to make a plant grow? what do you do to care for animals?
the prestige and the glory would not go to the people spewing out regurgitated information but instead to the source. who created that? how? what thinking processes did they use? what can i do with their invention and how can i apply it to everyday life in my current section? what tools can i use it to make?
people for the most part like to help, they like to feel they are equals and have contributed, they want to be part of something greater.
that means the people with swag working mcdonalds could work 3/4 days a week @ 5-6 hours and be equals because guess what! they could also come up with great ideas and this could be a phase to help acquire a better perspective, it could be an opening to design better ovens or fryers or food fusions or even how to interact with people on a different levels.
unfortunately once you get on a path, or a circuit, with a monetary society in a dog eat dog, survival of the person willing to cheat, lie, and steal the most, it can be hard to get out.
education must be free
the basic needs must be free
freed education = more people with a higher level of intelligence, more people at a higher level = ???? better chances at everything and yes even shinny monkeys can learn.

shit what can i say
im a doctor not a scientist, more than just an alchemist, mixing all these elements rooted in my consciousness #


Well-Known Member
i know.

we can do better so dont even play.

turn the crown upside down and fill it with knowledge, become a true king.......#

it is time to get out of the circuit and do better. it is time to remove the illusions and evolve.
Hmmm...I guess I wasted my typing.

Pay Forward takes us into the real circuit of life.
Beginning everything with calm mind and proceeding calmly is the better for all. To have a tight control over thoughts, words and deeds is better for all.

Is that not the problem? The only problem. Lack of self control? Lack of altruistic intentions?

It will pain you, however, because it is very difficult and people will denigrate the effort but never try it. So this is not about ignoring, it all. This is about embracing it all from a 360 x 360 degree point of view.

Empathy and understanding, Harmony and Peace can happen only then. It begins in the dark heart and can only radiate from there. It is very real, so I would not be so quick to discount the power. It is happening every day.

No one can find Now unless we spend the effort. And if we don't spend the effort we will never know the better ways to conduct ourselves with others.

You asked, I answered, but you don't like the answer?


Well-Known Member
not once have i mentioned religion being right or acceptable.

there are planned gardens and communities everywhere. whether to the extent you are thinking or with organized chaos or whatever is up to the gardener/s

who doesnt dream? only warlords? how can you miss this? you are dreaming! ......

You are dreaming and suggest we are not up to speed to understand the dream of all mankind. i did not say this. you inferred it and are trying to put words in my mouth. what is the dream of all mankind?????

this by the way is just to prove most of what you have been spewing is nothing but contradictions and lies of your own ill conceived perception.
The dream of all mankind is Peace. Yet are you a gardener? Don't you realize, and stop re-sprewing my words please, get your own. Don't you realize there is no peace in that garden.

The only reason we can keep plants in the silly configuration you call, a well ordered garden, is by force.

And that is only because we choose plants that don't fight back. Not all plants are passive to humans.

So, you want to be the dictator it sounds like. You are using examples that work against you. And all will.

There are other views, more real, than saying Edward Scissorhand can fix it. :) People fight back.

You cannot garden with know that.
@karousing I can tell you're smart! And it doesn't even really take allot to be smart! I think. Anyway, I like your thinking, mainly because it is pretty much the same way that I think.

I am the type of person who comes up with idea`s to improve everything around me. With everything that I see, I'm often able to think of a way it could be more efficient, mechanised, better, 100x cooler, ect.
People on the tv often say that mechanising work is a bad thing because it means less jobs.. but? mechanising work is a great thing! And this is where the conversation becomes? more complex.

According to some people, mechanising jobs means that more people will have no jobs, but that isn't necessarily true, it just means that people will no longer do the work they once did and now a machine will simply do it.
that means that those people will technically have more time on their hands! good thing, no?
This does not mean that these people who have been replaced by a machine are to be thrown into the trash and allowed to starve!!! We, as people who are willing to work together must simply discuss how we can maintain the good interests of everyone! and the priority for everyone is to not starve :)

I must go now, and get high.

Just because you say so?

It is really very simple. Each person should be responsible for themselves and whomever else they choose to be responsible for. If you are self sufficient then you obviously are not a parasite by definition.

You sound like a bad person. You do not care for team work, do you? and you only care about your self, right? that is why you want everyone else to just care for them selves too, right?

You should move to Failville. Fin says robots will do all the work in 5-10 years.

How old are you, again?

Failville? I sense you will fail to find out how Old I am again because I never told you in the first place. You condemn me for making a simple statement that would positively effect everyone. You must be stupid.


New Member
You sound like a bad person. You do not care for team work, do you? and you only care about your self, right? that is why you want everyone else to just care for them selves too, right?

Failville? I sense you will fail to find out how Old I am again because I never told you in the first place. You condemn me for making a simple statement that would positively effect everyone. You must be stupid.


Well-Known Member
Failville? I sense you will fail to find out how Old I am again because I never told you in the first place. You condemn me for making a simple statement that would positively effect everyone. You must be stupid.

"Everything should be free." There's a simple statement that would positively affect averyone.

I think it is you who are the stupid one, dumdumz.
Well at least you're honest in what you say, when you said that you think it is me who is stupid.
Anyway, no need to jump to harsh conclusions, I am definitely not not smart, but that is besides the point. And the point is something which you don't care to chat with me about because you are set against me for reasons I don't need to explain to you. Buh bye.


New Member
Well at least you're honest in what you say, when you said that you think it is me who is stupid.
Anyway, no need to jump to harsh conclusions, I am definitely not not smart, but that is besides the point. And the point is something which you don't care to chat with me about because you are set against me for reasons I don't need to explain to you. Buh bye.
WTF? You told me you are much smarter than everybody else here... what happened?
me? say that Im smarter than everyone here? I bet you a million dollars you can't find that exact quote. (because it doesn't exist) A DEER *thumb suck - retard eyes*

He wised up?

Oh I am DEFINITELY smart than you. No way in the world you can prove otherwise, because its impossible, and that's a fact. Thank you sir! Have a nice day.
Don't worry though, Maybe you're better in other aspects of life?... like, Maybe your dick is bigger than mine!??

Though according to the world penis calculator, it probably isn't.

I know you are from the USA, and Don't forget, You have no clue where I am from ;) But its not like there are many places below the USA on that penis size website!! Lolololoz


New Member
me? say that Im smarter than everyone here? I bet you a million dollars you can't find that exact quote. (because it doesn't exist) A DEER *thumb suck - retard eyes*

Oh I am DEFINITELY smart than you. No way in the world you can prove otherwise, because its impossible, and that's a fact. Thank you sir! Have a nice day.
Don't worry though, Maybe you're better in other aspects of life?... like, Maybe your dick is bigger than mine!??

Though according to the world penis calculator, it probably isn't.

I know you are from the USA, and Don't forget, You have no clue where I am from ;) But its not like there are many places below the USA on that penis size website!! Lolololoz
man you have just owned us all and proven once and for all how smart you are... Don't be ashamed your penis is an in-grown pubic hair and wherever you're from i'm sure it's only an isolated incident...


Well-Known Member
man you have just owned us all and proven once and for all how smart you are... .
I can clearly remember many times, it has said point blank it is smarter than you...also, than me......than everyone in Aus and the USA.

So, what is that word when a person is so checked out, in his own fear of failure, he is compelled to crow about that and beat the ego drum and call attention to the very failure?....Oh. I remember now.

A child.