Please someone help me


New Member
Ok first off i was wondering if the energy star insulate u use for a portable air conditioner on ur window to reflect the sun off of is any good for a reflective material its like sheet rock maybe styrofoam yet lighter with a shiny coating on other side ? Is this good or no? And also how many plants can u grow with a 150 w hps ? And last but not least ive herd people say that with every gallon of a pot u get 12 inches of growth is this true because then ive herd other people say that they have grown a foot tall plant in a 4 oz dixie cup and others say they have grown a 3 foot plant in a one gallon pot now i no these plants like there space im not a new grower but im a bit of a beginner but not first time i just want to get these things straight b4 i get any farther i have plants in 2 gallon pots what size can i expect as well as yield. I live in a big house with central air as well and i have like 10 ft tall closet ceilings in my walk in closet and i wanted to get the most n best growth possible. But also what comes into play is the fact im working with only 1 150w hps so what is the tallest i should grow it since the light need to penetrate the bottom half of my plant for flowering please help me?


New Member
Whats up man. Any thing reflective is prolly better than nothing so that should be ok. IMO id use 1 gallon buckets with round saucers and just fill in light footprint. Id guess 3x3 or 4x4, so 9-12 plants. 2 gallon pots will work as well id just veg the plants a little longer. There are many things that can cause a plant to Just try to get that 150w as close to canopy as possible without much heat build up. Id guess about 12" will be good. Also remember when you switch the lights to 12/12, depending on the strain your plants will stretch 1 to 3 times the height they were when u started them into flower. Just keep that in mind. IMO also fuck that bottom half of the plant! id cut all that junk off after your plants stretch in it just seems thats where all the junk bud comes from. Not always but in general. Good Luck man and hope all goes well for you. HighplainDriftr


New Member
Thanks finally someone came to my rescue so what height should i start to flower at there 28 days old at 6 inches height ? Also with 1 or 2 gallon pots how big should i let them get?


Active Member
Thanks finally someone came to my rescue so what height should i start to flower at there 28 days old at 6 inches height ? Also with 1 or 2 gallon pots how big should i let them get?
I'm by no means a pro. I'm supernoobish myself, so my .02, isn't worth the two cents, but from what most people say around here, your ladies will double, or even triple size in flower. So, from what I gather, a lot of, when to flip to flower, depends on you. As in how big do you want them gals to get.


Well-Known Member
Show what the foot print is and the area to fill and it would be easier. Smart pots are flexible to any shape, so is a raised square bed.
Flowering and veg cycles are completely up to the grower preference, you can induce flowering in a rooted one inch clone if you want or you could grow a sativa dominant plant 14 feet tall before you induce flowering its up to you... What it really comes down to is how much time you have to wait for the plant to grow big, and how much room you have for bigger plants (obviosly while practicing "supercropping" techniques in veg such as topping, bending,bansai-ing, FIMing, lollipoping ect...will multiply your yield as many times as your patience and percistance allows. Hygrohybrid has good advice and vids on youtube) Just one thing though you absolutly need a seperate veg and flower rooms to maintain a perpetual harvest and get enough yield to make paying the light bill worth your wile. As far as cloning taking a clone from a vegitative plant is the only way to go in my opinion because you take a clone from a flowering plant you risk waiting up to 2 months for it to revert back to vegitative growth and in the long run will cost you extra nutrients, inefficiently used space in your grow show, and money to veg it extra long before your desired size. Also another important side note you can grow them bushy and wide rather than tall... I will post a pic of my finished product of suppercropping plant. The plant in this pic yielded over a pound after it was dry and cured! it was only 20 inches tall, but almost 4 feet wide! you can manipulate these plants to grow however you want! I took this Liberty haze plant when it was 2 ft tall and slowly and carefully bent the top branch where it met the branch below it and in the opposite direction and where there is a gap between main branches bend the horizontal smaller branches that are coming off the main branches into the open space where it will get more light ( you can even convince the plant to make side branches by carefully bending the branch just above a new node, if you bend it until it either pops or can be completly bend to the point it can touch itself then the new node below it recieves hormones telling it that it is now the new "top" of this branch!) check the bends daily tape over any splits that happen, its ok if your new bends leave the leaves upside down it will revert back to facing upwards in a little as an hour! every 5 days bend some more creating a big round bush, also apply the other supercropping techniques listed above (except basai in this method)you can top again every 7-10 days or so, skys the limit. Cannabis plants are like hoes the more you smack them around the more they want to please you! If this was helpfull please "like" my post and page or whatever lol 2013-05-10 12.27.16.jpg


New Member
Ok so what do u personally think is the max height for 150w hps since they r 6 inches in height already and 5 inches from the light?


New Member
Thats a crazy plant how long did that take from seed ? And i have no idea how to top a plant is it hard and are there any drawbacks from doing that? And also i dont have a ventilation sysyem but i do have central air and my windows open 24/7 thats good right cause i got 4 fans one ceiling and 1 oscilating as well as a purifier and reg fan always blowing on the plants is this ok for ventilation?


New Member
Ok so how high should i veg the plants b4 flower max height wit a 150w hps and i have central air and a window cracked 24/7 is that good for ventilation


New Member
? How high should i start to flower them they are 6 inches already and 5 inches from the light whats the max height i can have them reach b4 flowering and is a cracked window ceiling fan oscalating fan reg fan and purifier good enough ventilation


Well-Known Member
So you want the light just high enough to not burn them. That 150 is i piece of crap. Get a 400, or six. You could grow maybe two medium/small sized plants with that size bulb.
Sorry for the lip.


New Member
?how high should i grow them with 150w hps with good results ? When they r 6 inches high now and r 5 inches from the bare bulb? And also i have central air with ceiling fan oscalating fan regular fan and air purifier with my window cracked for an open closet grow is that enough ventilation?