you know, that is an excellent point. you can just avoid the hassle of diluting so it works with a wick, and just get a direct drip atomizer. you can find them for less than eight even, I get mine from liberty for five. they still burn, like all ecig atomizers, but it is at least less hassle
Gee whiz! You sure don't have a lot of your facts straight. I bet you are sucking on a soda pop right now, if not good for you.
Diluting it? I don't think so. It is enhancing it. It makes it work. If you don't use PG USP, concentrates will not properly vaporize in an e-cigg. E-cigg oils contain 30-50% PG USP. It is necessary for proper vaporization. Diluting it would be adding VG if you can get the two to mix properly (Concentrate with VG).
Oh, do tell of your masterful experience. Do you have any photos or journals of your experiences in this department?
You make false assumptions once again. You say that I "spat" at you due to e-cigarettes? WRONG I made the statements because I have patients contacting me weekly asking for help because they cannot get their concentrates to mix with VG nor can they get it to work correctly. Yes, it can be done, but very low quality compared to using PG USP.
As for the atomizers being less hassle. They do not burn like an e-cigg what so ever. They are low quality junk equipment. I know because I have purchased and tested most types.
As for the products being made in China, low grade PG USP. Well, I don't know where you get your information from, but mine is made in USA. One gram of PG USP mixed with my concentrate would equal 5 grams of e-cannabis oil. I can put three grams in one of my units and it will keep me high for a month. All I have to do is push the button and inhale. I can't imagine it being any easier than that.
Yes I have done my research. No I did not bother reading your links. I have read the good, bad, and the ugly about PG USP. There is no confirmed proof that it is harmful. Especially only consuming a gram per month. There is at least on gram in a liter of soda pop.
PG USP causing asthma? It is used in many asthma medications..... not sure where you got your information from on that one. I do know that there are a lot of bogus links out there.
There are many more uses for PG USP in the medical marijuana community. Here is one example. The main purpose of PG USP in medicines is to penetrate tissue so the medicine can enter the bloodstream more efficiently and effectively. It also aids in infusing products together, great for topical solutions.
So what does your VG do? It doesn't infuse efficiently. It doesn't aid in lowering the vaporizing temperature. It doesn't help penetrate tissue. What exactly is the purpose of it?
Here is a picture of mine, how about you show us one of yours.
Here is a close up of one of the PG USP products I use Made in USA might I remind you, also pharmaceutical/food/medical grade Kosher PG USP with a 5% sweetener.
One of the essential vape attachments like you described for vaping dabs. It is a piece of crap and is not convenient what so ever. Not what the cartomizer was meant to be used for. Now that is low quality and more than likely made in China. I attached it to one of my batteries and tried it out to let people know how it worked. Yes, it works, it will provide a buzz, but still, it is a POS.
If I were to vaporize my concentrate straight, I would not use an e-cigarette or a customized POS. I would use an eclipse vaporizer.
Well, enough trying to lead a horse to water......
All I see here is e-cannabis oil. I have no interest in smoking buds anymore. After using RSO mixed with PG USP in an e-cigg with a clearomizer, buds just don't cut it anymore.