Vert Scrog Flooded Tube Banana OG, Dog Kush 1000w

cocker spaniel is very known for ilness. Have you seen this documentary? Go mixed breed :) And yeah labradors are mostly high energi. But mine is a lazy cow :)
The cat count is 3 boys 6 girls inside. 4 boys outside. With humans it's gonna be 8 to 8. We'll make sure the dog is a boy to push the tables in the right direction.
Out in the country we found that our cat numbers took care
of themselves, with the assistance of the local wildlife.

We had a few of the cats that we indoors, and they managed
to stick around.

I've had quite a few dogs in my life. It depends on what you're looking for. The best thing I can say is look at a bunch of them in person. How they react in person will typically dictate how they'll be once you get them. Granted good training goes a long long way. I can say pointers and labs tend to be high energy from personal experience. Bull terriers (target dog) can be stubborn but very loyal dogs and actually love ro be trained, also personal experience. As an all around good family dog I would say a golden retriever, what my parents have always had. They are easy to train and tend to calm/mature quickly. Best advice like I said is to make plenty of visits to meet with the dogs/pups. And if the parents are there meet them as well. Don't get attached to any one breed until you see a few. Then start narrowing it down. I've learned some of these lessons the hard way.
The coyotes definitely keep the wild cats in check around here. So the only ones roaming the wild are either really bad ass... or very skitish and fast. Of our outdoor 4, 3 are the skitish type and 1 is the bad ass. Most of the outdoor ones around here are black. I guess cuz they are harder to catch. Most of ours are black.

Was scared as hell the other day. Saw kittens across the street frolicing. Went out and told our bad ass to be mean to them if they try to cross the street. The folks over there don't fix their animals. They just had to adopt out 14 pit puppies. Now they got at least 5 more kittens. On top of the 6 or so cats they already got. Those 6 were 10 but 4 got eaten. :)

Got another dead bird on the doorstep today. Had it's guts hanging out and everything. Gotta love our little simba.
Oh yes, the gifts/trophies.

I recall finding just the small truncated cone of the end
of a mouse's face....just something that you do not expect
to see alone. LOL

Usually it was some odd organ, cleaned, from a local wild rabbit.

Im going to say Engish Bulldog of course, they have an unmatched tolerance of children and you can find info to back that up. They dont need alot of space or exercise so they are perfect stoners dog. I could see you sitting on the porch with one! Mine is 9, same age as my son, they grew up together and both survived the other.
I got some reading to do but always thinking about you and our other friends.....

I want to post a cool old video ;)
ok, it's a cool song anyway :D
Love all the dog talk. :) For being people who want travel as much as possible, you'd think we'd be wanting to lessen our crew, but we like living things a lot.

Whodat, always thinking of you as well buddy. Hope it's not too hot out there.

Cowboy, that's a cool song. Never heard of that band before.

Dr. D81, that's a beautiful picture. Actually makes my heart ache a bit thinking of LA. I have only spent a little time there. I grew up in San Diego and moved to Los Angeles when I was 20. I went to Lousianna on two different trips. One I was 12 or something and I met my great grandpa who was 94 at the time. Then I had a mid life crisis when I was 22, and my grandma perscribed me a trip to see the fam. I stayed out there for 2 weeks or so. Just me and some of the family. It's a strange feeling I have when I'm there. It's as if I belong there with all of them, but I don't think I ever could liver there with all of them, so it hurts me to be so conflicted and to shun such a beautiful part of the world. My fam also has loads of money there, so I'd be living large for sure.

Thanks a lot for the reminder though. I love reading Shreveport. It reminds me of the love my fam has for me and the love I have for them. I forget sometimes and that's sad.

[quot=Dr. D81]


Here's a song I'm enjoying these days:

Today was a Home Depot day. I worked in the morning and then headed of to the HD. Bought 6 panels of plywood and 15 panels of siding. It was to replace the thinner stuff I had at home. Then rented the truck they have and drove the goods home. Unloaded, loaded the returns, plus the pallets they have a deposit on. Went back, unloaded, returned the supplies and truck and was on my way. Was really a bonus too as I had a mistake go my way. The siding I had bought was $21 a piece. The stuff I bought to replace it today was supposed to be $31 per. There weren't any barcodes on the stuff so she walked over to scan it, and scanned the exact stuff I had at home. The $21 per stuff. So I didn't pay a thing to upgrade from 7/16 composite to 19/32 real wood.

I feel like I got instant karma though. Was debating whether to be honest or not, decided not to look a gift horse in the mouth. Ate dinner and promptly got sick. Lost the whole night. :( I'll be ok, just upset stomach type thing.
I love your musical tastes, I been jamming this stuff lately a bit of a departure from the norm. Wish I knew Portuguese as well as I do Spanish though.
the bigger the dog the more exercise it will require, also the more scared your daughter will be of it and you will have to always be vigilant as a big dog trying to play can still do a lot of damage. i would recommend a smaller breed like a french bulldog, i think supchaka is spot on abou english bully too, laziest most friendly dogs i have ever met. i also think you would suit one of these
Im sorry but I cant understand much of whats she is saying lol

And also, Iv heard great danes are awesome apartment dog because they are so lazy, and they are giants.
west midlands accent whodat, westy prob sounds somewhat similar lol. it is amazing how there are sooo many accents in such a small country, all thanks to the industrial revolution supposedly.
cocker spaniel is very known for ilness. Have you seen this documentary? Go mixed breed :) And yeah labradors are mostly high energi. But mine is a lazy cow :)

Only could make it 1:30 in, that shit makes me sick.... Duh motherfukers, inbreeding creates problems :dunce: Part of the problem are these people buying these name brand out of the box animals... I swear its hard to consider humans to be an intelligent species sometimes. Eh I caught myself about to go on a serious rant :shock: Dont wanna kill the vibes :eyesmoke:

Point in case....

Get your ass to LA jig!
the bigger the dog the more exercise it will require, also the more scared your daughter will be of it and you will have to always be vigilant as a big dog trying to play can still do a lot of damage. i would recommend a smaller breed like a french bulldog, i think supchaka is spot on abou english bully too, laziest most friendly dogs i have ever met. i also think you would suit one of these

some of the toughest dogs i have known. not always kid friendly though, bur are natural hunter. the al around family dog to be is a well bred pitbull, unless you want your dog to be friendly w/ other dogs. people are fine, otherdogs not so much..How is everything jig? this is usually the time the birthing scares happen with false contraction and what not, you guys must be in the clear:) good things
Im sorry but I cant understand much of whats she is saying lol

And also, Iv heard great danes are awesome apartment dog because they are so lazy, and they are giants.
Awesome dogs! All that i have meet have been super nice dogs. But sadly a 30 minute walk could result in a day in bed the next. They grow so big and fast the bones just hurt. But great dog if you want a big one :)

Edit: Yeah sry bout the pedegree movie. If you feel just a bit like me it can ruin the mood a hole day. Human fuckers! I think i saw as far as you then remembered how it felt the last time i saw it.
On the way home yesterday I saw a sign for St. Bernard puppies! haha... nah. we couldn't swing that.

EDIT: I'm really not sure what's up. I think one of my friends or family is logged in as me... and they look at my thread... and so I don't see that I have new posts to read. It's really odd. So if I ever completely ignore your post it might be because I never knew it existed. ???