On Bagseed, and Snobs


Shut up about bagseed not being good. You look like an idiot.

If your pot has seeds in it, you can bet that even if it is super good, it's WAY better without seeds.

You can grow the best kind nuggets from some the crappiest mostly-seed dirt weed in the world.

Genetics play some role, but for the MOST part, if your bag had seeds, it could have been A LOT better. The more seeds, the better it could have been

When a plant is pollinated, it focuses on those seeds, no more good stuff.

So when you get seedy pot that is even half decent ghetto piss IT IS GOOD POT IT JUST GOT POLLINATED.

So keep your seeds, grow those seeds, don't let them get pollinated, and stop giving people 10 dollars to 100 dollars a pop for something that you can get 20 of down the corner in a nickel bag.

The quality of pot is less about genetics and more about 1: was it pollinated? and 2: how was the harvest, dry,cure handled?

You can take a seed from the most mexican of mexican garbage and grow top-shelf pot with it if you grow it with more care than they do. You will cure it, clip it, dry it properly (ie, not in piles in the sun... but in a proper place) and cure it properly, and you will use the same exact genetics, and shit all over that commercial shit.

It is how it is handled, dried, cured... fucking catapulted over the border... look - it's more about the grow and the cure and less about the seed. Yea, there are some great breeds out there, but even the best strain in the world would come out garbage grown and handled and harvested the way the commercial retards do it.
No, seeded weed can be very good.

Bag seed can be great , most farmers dont just grow wild hemp they plant the best seed they can get
Exactly. The worst pot is usually grown from the top quality seed possible and just is grown in so much quantity and handled so poorly after harvest and stepped on and shaken over screens to steal hash off of it and out of the the final product, what comes out in nickle bags and sold on street corners has much more potential than it would seem. You'd think "oh, it's crap genetics, gotta find a better connect" when in reality, it was good genetics that brought that commercial crop to bare fruit in the first place - under better, indoor (or ideal outdoor conditions), hobby and enthusiast conditions, that bad brown bag 50% seeds for 5 dollars can be frosty greens.
I'd like to see some scientific proof that once pollinated a plant focuses on seed production and not bud production or THC production and not some forum talk..
Exactly. The worst pot is usually grown from the top quality seed possible and just is grown in so much quantity and handled so poorly aftr harvest and stepped on and shaken over screens to steal hash off of it and out of the the final product, what comes out in nickle bags and sold on street corners has much more potential than it would seem. You'd think "oh, it's crap genetics, gotta find a better connect" when in reality, it was good genetics that brought that commercial crop to bare fruit in the first place - under better, indoor (or ideal outdoor conditions), hobby and enthusiast conditions, that bad brown bag 50% seeds for 5 dollars can be frosty greens.

While I agree that if grown out in optimal conditions bag seed can produce better bud than the bag it came from, but to call that good genetics is plan full on retard.. you have no clue what the genetics could be..
They could be some 18 week full on sativa that's never going to grow good indoors, or it could simply be some Hermie genetics and no matter how well it's grown indoors it's always going to Hermie..
Bag seeds are a crap shot @ best.. you could end up with some good bud but on the other hand you could waste four months plus on some garbage..
The nice thing about purchased genetics is you have an idea of what to expect in terms of flower time and indica vs sativa genetics along with general potency of finished product..
notonly that but genetics play a much larger role than most think, u cant just plant anything and it will be truely dank headie ass shit, you need good genetics, end of story.
Great, now you tell me! I just ordered some seeeds from Herbie's. If only I had read this five minutes sooner!
I've got bagseed growing right now. I think it's going to be very good. I'm hoping the seeeds I ordered will be even better. At least they're feminized. My M/F ratio from bagseed has been skewed greatly towards M. For what I'll be saving in time, money, and resources I expect the store-bought seeeds will be a bargain.
But no, there's no shame in growing bagseed. I have a couple more I'll eventually be growing.
Bagseed is great because it's free. But it is totally unreliable and random. I got 3 seeds from some random bag, they all came from the same bud. Of the 2 that were female one was an 8 week indica and the other a 13+ week sativa.View attachment 27332252012-12-07 12.56.59.jpg2012-12-07 13.02.26.jpg
juist becasue its bag seed doent mean its bad genes, but there are some better genetics than others, just the way it is, you will be OK no matter what i think.
Have fun growing your bag seed. I'll stick to my GageGreenGenetics, Sin City, TGA, Serious, THSeeds, MTG, G13, Mr. Nice, BOG, etc. Why waste your time on a roll of the dice? I don't want to bust my ass growing something that might be good. I want to hedge my bets on growing something that may be great.
7th strongest strain in the world dubbed by 2012 hightimes The Kosher Kush

  • Kosher Kush
    • Unknown Mostly Indica »»» Mostly Indica

Bag seed bitches, Nuff said

OP good genetics make all the difference. have you ever grown different strains from different breeders vs. bagseed? I HAVE. and i can tell you with 100% certainty that genetics are extremely important, probably the most important. everything after sprouting is just giving the best environment to get the most out of genetics.

what you are really saying here is that someone who has dwarfism can be as good as a basketball player as michael jordan, and that is just ignorant. its the same concept when you are talking random genetics, plant or animal.

have you ever take a plant genetics course?
I'd like to see some scientific proof that once pollinated a plant focuses on seed production and not bud production or THC production and not some forum talk..

cant provide any data lol, only some experience, some plants i had grown 3 or 4 times (seedsmans afgani 1) with no problems seeded on me, i think i stressed them with heat
is the only thing i can think of, they were seeded quite bad, the end product was just as potent had plenty of resin, but virtually all the flavor was gone
it tasted very bland compared to the rich earthy hash taste it would of had seedless , some colas had many seeds in, other colas only a few seeds, overall 100s of seeds
no mater what part of the plant i smoked it was the same bland absence of flavor but good potency as far as i can tell the potency was not affected

OP good genetics make all the difference. have you ever grown different strains from different breeders vs. bagseed? I HAVE. and i can tell you with 100% certainty that genetics are extremely important, probably the most important. everything after sprouting is just giving the best environment to get the most out of genetics.

what you are really saying here is that someone who has dwarfism can be as good as a basketball player as michael jordan, and that is just ignorant. its the same concept when you are talking random genetics, plant or animal.

have you ever take a plant genetics course?

See your kinda taking this out of context without you knowing it. The topic is about the potency of the weed grown from badseed weed. You go to the breeds for the hybrid vigor and desirable traits. Seeds you get from bagseed can turn out to be just as good, but it might not yield as much, it can be "landrace"'ush and try to reach 10'' tall. All things like that are refined into what people seek. You go to breeders you know what your getting, if you use bagseed its a gamble but most times then not the weed is very good. Especially the indicas.
cant provide any data lol, only some experience, some plants i had grown 3 or 4 times (seedsmans afgani 1) with no problems seeded on me, i think i stressed them with heat
is the only thing i can think of, they were seeded quite bad, the end product was just as potent had plenty of resin, but virtually all the flavor was gone
it tasted very bland compared to the rich earthy hash taste it would of had seedless , some colas had many seeds in, other colas only a few seeds, overall 100s of seeds
no mater what part of the plant i smoked it was the same bland absence of flavor but good potency as far as i can tell the potency was not affected


did you have any without seeds from the same batch to compare potency to? i HIGHLY DOUBT potency was not affected in some way by 100's of seeds stealing energy that would otherwise go to bud production.

not surprising to get more nonsense from you.
See your kinda taking this out of context without you knowing it. The topic is about the potency of the weed grown from badseed weed. You go to the breeds for the hybrid vigor and desirable traits. Seeds you get from bagseed can turn out to be just as good, but it might not yield as much, it can be "landrace"'ush and try to reach 10'' tall. All things like that are refined into what people seek. You go to breeders you know what your getting, if you use bagseed its a gamble but most times then not the weed is very good. Especially the indicas.

oh hell yeah i got you there. i definitely agree that if you grow bagseed out and do not let it get pollinated your end product should usually (not guaranteed though) end up better than what the seeds came from.

its just too much of a gamble.
So much to disagree with, so little time.

seeded weed can be stronger than unseeded

genetics is everything
So much to disagree with, so little time.

seeded weed can be stronger than unseeded

genetics is everything

are we comparing the same strain but different plants seeded? clones from the same plant seeded? or two different strains seeded?

of course there are variances on all of this.
did you have any without seeds from the same batch to compare potency to? i HIGHLY DOUBT potency was not affected in some way by 100's of seeds stealing energy that would otherwise go to bud production.

not surprising to get more nonsense from you.

you highly doubt it, you can doubt what you like you are of no importance to me
why are you typing in caps ?
for a noob you are a bit of a cheeky cunt lol
hey now buddy i didnt call any immature names. relax a little, ok? and post count only makes me a noob on this website, in real life, where i actually live and spend my time, i am definitely not a noob.