Well-Known Member
was wondering how to up the level of thc in oone strain? no going outside the genetics to get it.
Has there been any studies or people getting the same strain tested after using UV?
The best way to get more potent strain is to seek it out.
Ok, yes here you go
Same mother
Clones for each grow
non-uvb results
uvb results
same growth chamber all temps and rh maintained the same as was feed schedule and strength only difference was the addition of 12% arcadia T5 ho 54 watts in place of blue actinic 450 nm peak tubes
Apologies but my UVB meter shows no usable amounts of UVB emitted due to the glass of the outer envelope of all the numerous lamps I have tested, eye hortilux included. There is no single lamp that has it all covered spectrum wise. Cmh comes close but still no useful amount of UVB.EVERY HPS bulb gives off UVB. Where the hell did they even get a non UVB bulb? That test is whack. They need to study different brands of bulbs. A HPS Eye Hortilux has more than enough Blue and Red , UVB, to give you max THC potency as do many/most HPS bulbs.
was wondering how to up the level of thc in oone strain? no going outside the genetics to get it.
Apologies but my UVB meter shows no usable amounts of UVB emitted due to the glass of the outer envelope of all the numerous lamps I have tested, eye hortilux included. There is no single lamp that has it all covered spectrum wise. Cmh comes close but still no useful amount of UVB.
The glass formulation must include enough quartz to allow UVB as it is ILLEGAL according to Federal Law for these lamps to emit UVB to protect our eyes and skin. All horticultural bulbs are indeed used around humans so no HIDs have the correct and more costly glass formulations. Therefore the only lamps that do emit UVB in high enough amounts to cause effect to the synthase proteins are a couple of brands of reptile bulbs Arcadia and Megaray.
Stop believing manufacturer hype and get yourself some meters. You will see they all lie. Your attack on the results are full of fallacy. To be expected as you are not knowledgeable in this area. I have researched and tested these things with meters and lab results so I do know and am sharing. Those are my test results.
Unless you can measure and confirm the differences using lab equipment/analysis, why would you bother? Anecdotal evidence doesn't mean squat and it's human nature to see what we want or expect to see.
Ok, yes here you go
Same mother
Clones for each grow
non-uvb results
uvb results
same growth chamber all temps and rh maintained the same as was feed schedule and strength only difference was the addition of 12% arcadia T5 ho 54 watts in place of blue actinic 450 nm peak tubes
Well not to disappoint you but rather to keep you from wasting time and energy none of the cfls I have tested, which were many at quite the cost, emit enough UVB to effect the causation we seek. It takes 150-400 uw/cm2. Over 400 yield reduction occurs with no additional benefit. The cfls tested from 13 - 65 watts the best output at 4 inches was 85 uw/cm2.OK I've looked them up, I can find little 13-watt UVB lamps meant for reptiles over here. So, if I want to supplement A- one 400 watt MH for mums and B- 2 600w HPS fixtures, how would you suggest I go about it? Any idea of how many per square meter I'd need? Any idea of safe distance?
I'm super-curious...
Well not to disappoint you but rather to keep you from wasting time and energy none of the cfls I have tested, which were many at quite the cost, emit enough UVB to effect the causation we seek. It takes 150-400 uw/cm2. Over 400 yield reduction occurs with no additional benefit. The cfls tested from 13 - 65 watts the best output at 4 inches was 85 uw/cm2.
These are the only affordable fluorescent tubes that emit enough and it is at 12-18 inches from the tubes.