DINAFEM critical+ and Fruity chronic juice.


Well-Known Member
Not sure what iso is I have the the stuff out bags with the water and ice, and the scissor hash has been dried on a little seed tin with my lighter and crumbled into a bong of critical mass


Well-Known Member
Basically you take isopropyl alcohol and stew some bud/trim in it.

Then strain it keeping the liquid and allow the alcohol to evaporate off.

Leaving behind a sticky resin type substance.

I would then heat up a small amount on a knife using my lighter and spread it on a paper and make a fag.

Fooking mind blowing lol.

I haven't made any for a while though because its so fucking sticky. Lol.



Well-Known Member
Haha aye that bubble hash is a fuck on for how much we got we armt growing big enough scale to make it worth if haha


Active Member
Hey jondamon, all your plants are looking vicious... I had a question though about the clones you made. Were there any holes on the lid of your domes? What did you do with the cup? Transplant like you transplanted your other girls? Cause I was thinking about doing the same thing topping and using as clones. Think FFOF would be alright? A little hot I know, but mixed 70/30 perlite, I started my seeds in it and they went well. How long would you usually wait before feeding anything to it?


Well-Known Member
Hey jondamon, all your plants are looking vicious... I had a question though about the clones you made. Were there any holes on the lid of your domes? What did you do with the cup? Transplant like you transplanted your other girls? Cause I was thinking about doing the same thing topping and using as clones. Think FFOF would be alright? A little hot I know, but mixed 70/30 perlite, I started my seeds in it and they went well. How long would you usually wait before feeding anything to it?
I can't really answer for sure as I use coco which is pretty much nutrientless.

I only placed holes in the bottoms of those dessert pots.

The tops were removable. So if I wanted more air inside I only had to leave them ajar.

As for once they'd rooted. Yes I transplanted them just like I always transplant.

Once my clones have roots I feed them.

But like I said, I don't use nutrient rich soil at all. I use soiless.

So if I were you and trying this with FFOF then yes cut it with perlite. Then IF you get them to root just transplant to your new container again with FFOF and use plain water until the plants tell you otherwise. Such as lower leaves getting paler.

Hope this helped.



Active Member
Yeahh I plan on doing the same thing as you with the clones and topping. So the small holes in the bottom of the cup for clones was just left there? Enough space for them to root out? I've yet to transplant anything, b/c I started my auto in its finishing container. (I hope) So can you explain transplanting stress and why that occurs? I transplanted my tomatoes outside, and it's starting to get mad yellow leaves and curl up and die...


Well-Known Member
Yeahh I plan on doing the same thing as you with the clones and topping. So the small holes in the bottom of the cup for clones was just left there? Enough space for them to root out? I've yet to transplant anything, b/c I started my auto in its finishing container. (I hope) So can you explain transplanting stress and why that occurs? I transplanted my tomatoes outside, and it's starting to get mad yellow leaves and curl up and die...
Transplanting stress usually occurs as a direct result of root damage during transplant.

The other reason can be the soils nutrient value could be too rich for the newly transplanted plant/clone.



Well-Known Member
Day 48 of 12/12.

Around 41 days of actual flowering.

Enjoy the pics.




Well-Known Member
Day 49 of 12/12.

42 actual flowering.

Just 3 pics of the critical+ and the critical clone just as my light comes on so you can see plant health.


I fed last night with EC 0.9 runoff from everything was 1.1

PH 5.8.

I only added Rhizotonic vega A and B and ZYM.





Well-Known Member
Amazing! Great looking bud!
Cheers RED.

Thanks for stopping by.

To be honest with you red I think the critical+ could lend itself to SCROG very well.

I think you could get buds like I'm holding and pointing at in every 1.5"x1.5" square of your screen.



Active Member
Here's a lesson in quick karma. I've been searching for a thread on Dinafem Critcal+ with not much success. Them today BAM! Here you are.
I grew out 1 (might have been an auto), and it was unimpressive. I have several more seeds that I plan to pop when I get my new tents up.
Any little tips on growing Critical+? What is the smoke like? Do you get head-high, or body-stoned?
Your garden is really nice J.
Where is the tip of your thermometer probe sitting? Is it in air, or water? I'm a mini-expert on temp if you have any concerns.


Well-Known Member
Here's a lesson in quick karma. I've been searching for a thread on Dinafem Critcal+ with not much success. Them today BAM! Here you are.
I grew out 1 (might have been an auto), and it was unimpressive. I have several more seeds that I plan to pop when I get my new tents up.
Any little tips on growing Critical+? What is the smoke like? Do you get head-high, or body-stoned?
Your garden is really nice J.
Where is the tip of your thermometer probe sitting? Is it in air, or water? I'm a mini-expert on temp if you have any concerns.
My thermometer probe you're speaking of is actually my fan speed controller probe.

Does it look like I have any concerns? Lol.

Thanks for asking though.

I haven't grown out critical+ before. So I can't tell you about how it makes you feel.

It depends which variation you grew out.

Auto critical?

Each one is very different to the other.



Active Member
No it doesn't. I'm writing a presentation on Temperature to share with the local grow shop, so I'm hypersensetive to anything that looks like it might be relevant. Maybe share it with RIU also.
Anyhooo, I'll keep watching to see how your babies turn out and what you have to say about them when you get to finally sample the goods.


Well-Known Member
No it doesn't. I'm writing a presentation on Temperature to share with the local grow shop, so I'm hypersensetive to anything that looks like it might be relevant. Maybe share it with RIU also.
Anyhooo, I'll keep watching to see how your babies turn out and what you have to say about them when you get to finally sample the goods.

I'll share this with you.

I've been running most of this grow at a steady 24C/74F during lights on. Lights off has been going down to around 19C/69F.

However lately its been hot in the UK +26C so my temps have increased somewhat to 27C/79F.

I have good air movement in my room and the temp is even the whole way through.



Active Member
Hey jondamon, looking good. I had a couple of questions. Is that montery spinosad you're using? If so, how's it work? I've heard that one application and it'll do the trick for thrips. I'm currently using azamax, and I've been foliar spraying and dumping the rest into the FFOF. While doing this, I'm not too sure about feeding, first b/c I think I have a calcium def on my plant.. but can't afford calmag and haven't found any dolomite lime anywhere near me... So what would you recommend? If I try to feed my plant after giving it azamax, I'm not sure what would happen o.o. I know for sure that it'd be overwatered lol. And about your make shift clone dome, did it not get any algae on it from being clear??


Well-Known Member
I very rarely have to use the MONTERAY. Its just part of my pest management plan.

Generally though when I do use it I mix it at 2tsp a litre. Spray plants and top surface of your medium.

No the dome doesn't get algae with it being clear.



Well-Known Member
Here's a lesson in quick karma. I've been searching for a thread on Dinafem Critcal+ with not much success. Them today BAM! Here you are.
I grew out 1 (might have been an auto), and it was unimpressive. I have several more seeds that I plan to pop when I get my new tents up.
Any little tips on growing Critical+? What is the smoke like? Do you get head-high, or body-stoned?
Your garden is really nice J.
Where is the tip of your thermometer probe sitting? Is it in air, or water? I'm a mini-expert on temp if you have any concerns.
Not trying to high jack the thread but he should search Dinafem... Critical+ has been discussed in detail on this site...

Jondamon yours looks great by the way keep up the good work. I have had nothing but great reviews on its potency and bud structure.


Well-Known Member
Not trying to high jack the thread but he should search Dinafem... Critical+ has been discussed in detail on this site...

Jondamon yours looks great by the way keep up the good work. I have had nothing but great reviews on its potency and bud structure.


The critical+ has been on my list of must grows for over 2 years.

Last year I bought a 5 pack but then I got busted and hot fuzz took them all.

So I ordered a single seed and the plant you see I'd the one I ended up with.

Then as luck would have it I found another seed when I was clearing out my shed. Lol. Typical!!! Lol.



Well-Known Member
looking nice in there jon, like a rainforest.

have you ever grown a proper og strain? i think it would do well in your set up, they don't go so bushy and if you know what you are doing you can get decent weights. i say you should try it and see, whats lined up next?