Random Jibber Jabber Thread

I'm not spending good money on flip flops that last a few days. I recycle


I've had these for a year
i smoke about once every 3 weeks, usually when i drink. i didn't want it built up in my system because i'm pretty fat and i don't want a lot of fuss to pass a piss test. i haven't bought it in years. i tore down my grow a while back because of aphids. i douched the whole house and got rid of the bugs but i haven't put the grow back up because i don't want a mountain of weed laughing in my face when i'm studying for a piss test. i'll probably pop some seeds in the next week or so now that i know i can go back to my usual pothead ways soon.

whole thing sucks
and once every 3 weeks
whole thing sucks
and once every 3 weeks

it's not the end of the world. my memory is amazing now but i can't sleep for shit. there's something about being able to remember words mid sentence that just excites me. i can't wait to give up the benadryl and melatonin, though. i've had to endure my birthday, 4/20, a few good cookouts, and baseball's opening day without weed. i wouldn't really mind if it was my choice but i feel like a 10 year old who's grounded. i'm fucking 30 years old and i've worked since i was 16 and i've always been a good employee. i don't show up late, i don't take long breaks, i don't fuck up, i don't smoke at work, and i pay my fucking taxes. i'd like to be able smoke a doob without worrying about whether i can pay my bills. piss tests are such bullshit.
I'll be moving to another place tomorrow night, a happy place, a place with better internet reception, a place where I can be free and smoke pot again.
in sadder news the recent weather has also given me jock itch and I tried the peppermint oil Clayton suggested.

i can still remember the time when i was getting laid... fuck... what was I gonna say?
I went upstairs to make myself a caesar sald and discovered that my wife put all of the romaine in the bottom/meat cripser. The whole head was frozen and wilted. Discouragerd, but still craving, I chopped it up anyway and went to get some dressing. There was no dressing in the fridge, so I went to the pantry. There were three giant bottles in the pantry, none of them any good. They all expired in March or April. Defeated, I threw it all out. Blueberry fig newtons now instead of a salad.
I went upstairs to make myself a caesar sald and discovered that my wife put all of the romaine in the bottom/meat cripser. The whole head was frozen and wilted. Discouragerd, but still craving, I chopped it up anyway and went to get some dressing. There was no dressing in the fridge, so I went to the pantry. There were three giant bottles in the pantry, none of them any good. They all expired in March or April. Defeated, I threw it all out. Blueberry fig newtons now instead of a salad.
Awesome post Clayton Bigsby. Your so insightful. White power.