1st grow, how does it look?


Well-Known Member
Hi all, i have been a member for a long time and have read a lot on here but have never had anywhere i could grow until now.
I'm making this post so i can keep track of what i did and when and also to ask questions/get advice when i need it.
I germinated and planted my feminized Super Iced Grapefruit on the 27/5 in john innes seed compost/perlite mix and on the 29th she broke through the soil :-P
She has only had ph'd water so far and seems to be doing ok.

1. How does she look?
2. When should i start to add nutes?
3. I want to take cuttings from her so when should i top her?
4. Do i wait to see roots from the bottom of the pot before i repot into a bigger home?
5. The 1st leaves you can see at 6 days old look a little misshaped/twisted, is that normal?

2013-05-29-1.jpg Broke free :clap:

2013-05-30-628.jpg 1 Day old she was approx 3/4" tall

2013-06-04-635.jpg2013-06-04-637.jpg 6 Days old

2013-06-08-639.jpg2013-06-08-638.jpg 10 Days old

2013-06-13-651.jpg2013-06-13-652.jpg today 15 Days old


Well-Known Member
looking very good man, nice and healthy for sure. agree with gary boy tho, bout time for those ladies to get bigger homes.
once in bigger pots theyll start getting some serious growth. good way to transplant is to fill the new pot with like 30% of the soil your
gonna put in, then take your plant (still in its old pot) and put it in the big pot and basically make a mold of it with soil, so when you take it out
theres a perfect size whole for the transplant. thats how i do it, never had an issue. Good look man they look awesome so far.

I would wait to take cuttings from her till shes maybe 12-18 inches some people do it earlier but i like to get em pretty sturdy b4 taking cuts
but once u take your first clippings from it, let it recover about 5-7 days and thats when i would start feeding it nutes.

Good look man they look awesome so far.

Happy growing/toking sir


Well-Known Member
Thanks, i only have 1 plant for now until i can get some cuttings but it is a feminized seed so hopefully i'll be ok.
I was thinking to repot this weekend and bury it up to the lower leaves so thanks for the tip on making a mould out of the old pot, great idea :)

Once repotted it will be a soiless mix, can i just water until i start to see N deficiency before starting nutes or should i start after a few days?

I will wait until she's bigger to take cuttings but when should i top to get more growing branches?


Well-Known Member
ya you technically dont have to nute @ all but its preventative you know? you never know if you wait to see a N def it might be irreversible you know.
just my opinion tho man ive had 3 successful outdoor harvests no nutes @ all and just regular earth soil lol


Well-Known Member
Ok but this is indoor so i'm gonna need nutes i'm just not sure when to start feeding her and also at what point i can top her to create more branching.


Well-Known Member
Ok but this is indoor so i'm gonna need nutes i'm just not sure when to start feeding her and also at what point i can top her to create more branching.
what nutes are u gonna use as this will help decide whens best to start feeding, also u can top it whenever u want it all depends on how many heads u want on your plant


Well-Known Member
I'm going to repot her into coco/perlite mix which doesn't have any nutrient value in it so i'm guessing once i repot she's gonna get hungry pretty fast and plan on using canna coco nutrient .


Well-Known Member
Update, repotted into coco/perlite mix in an 11l air pot.
Buried the stem and topped at the same time.

17/6 @ 19 days old



Well-Known Member
Roots showing through the fabric pot :)

2013-06-29-692.jpg 2013-06-29-693.jpg
30 days old
Went under the 600w mh yesterday, she seems to like it.

2013-07-01-696.jpg 2013-07-01-697.jpg
33 days old, she likes the mh :)
I'm gonna take 2 of the tops off for clones soon and then mainline her for 8 tops, hope it works out ok but if you're gonna learn you may as well learn fast :roll:


Well-Known Member
2013-07-02-701.jpg 2013-07-02-700.jpg
Took her top off yesterday, gonna get some ties tomorrow and start the bondage for the mainlining.
Think that'll be a seperate thread from now on :)


Feed her once you have re potted. I have great success with the Lucas formula with peat&perlite.

Before you repot sprinkle some Tricoderma Fungus in the peat&perlite mixture, it promotes healthy roots and i find it very beneficial with indoor grows.

The first feed of nutes you give her make sure it's at 1/2 strength as not to give her nute burn! after a week and a half bump it up to 3/4 strength and then a week later full strength should be ok.

Check out the FIM technique as well which is a favourite.

Happy growing