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I had it up on 2 wheels ,once I forgot to drop the down riggers swung it off to the side and damn near tipped it.
Get it hung up coming over some thing at a slightly over weight pick and....
So many years of construction in just this one job building a state of the art Saw Mill 22 years.
I've helped recover two trucks that went over - its freakin messy to say the least.
Had to take the CB valves out of the out-riggers while they were on their sides (next to a pinned cadaver on one) so we could use an excavator to right them after torching off the boom - those damn things shot out of there like they came out of a rifle !

I'll take a pass next time.


Well-Known Member
wow lady extravaganza spelled yogurt the euro way! ive tried to read your name but it gave me a headache, hope you dont mind


Well-Known Member
Little one is 6 months!! Growing like some weed. Started crawling last week and is only getting more adept. Apparently I need to baby proof my life now. :eyesmoke:.



Well-Known Member
what nutes and strain tho??

I like that we both have g-baby's and your's is just a tad older too.. for while seemed like we had the same weekend with the lil ones too..
She's actually my baby (1st), and I have her every weekend. Every day actually!