Iraq Vet Kills Himself After Being Ordered to Commit “War Crimes”

Vietnam vet here.....they are all war crimes to somebody.......depends on which side your on.....war is HELL!!!!
My source for the mass graves was a marine heavy equipment operator I met. Told me he personally buried 150 men, women, children. And told me, "there are a lot more people like me - you do the math." Take it for what it's worth - that's why I said it was second hand info - "direct word of mouth". Maybe he was lying to impress me :P

Seeing as I've met folks who tell made up combat stories; I wouldn't put it past someone to make up a sympathetic story like that. Not saying your friend is a liar; just saying that I don't know your friend. Hell, I've caught vets making up war stories that I knew were bullshit.
Blackwater definitely seems to have been involved in some truly despicable shit.

Still ongoing, especially in Pakistan and Horn of Africa... Outsourcing can avoid oversight, to a degree...

Some former US military people have described Blackwater/XE/Acedemi relationship with the CIA as "hand in glove".

Another branch of the US military uses Blackwater people almost exclusively for the same reason...
The main reason for the existence of Blackwater was US soldiers were being 'resistant' to some types of missions.....Mercenaries aren't!
The ones they give to Blackwater......

Oh okay those missions... seeing as nearly everywhere they are, they work in tandem with US military or NGOs, I again assert that it's primarily to avoid oversight (considering the location of some of the blackwater bases overseas) and that people with real trigger time get paid commensurate to their experience; a remuneration they would not receive in the armed services, as is evident with Total Intelligence Solutions a blackwater subsidiary.
The main reason for the existence of Blackwater was US soldiers were being 'resistant' to some types of missions.....Mercenaries aren't!

They did it because the Gov. needed well trained and skilled security forces, and the military didn't have a real training program for that. Plus, there's less transparency required with a private corp. than there is with military forces in general.
Blackwater definitely seems to have been involved in some truly despicable shit.

Guess who always comes to rescue them.

I have heard that the majority of the US military's most seasoned veterans end up privatized or in Intelligence if they aren't casualties. If that is true, it is only a matter of time before the most powerful military in history is completely unaccountable.

Capitalism is so childishly irresponsible and it would be funny if it wasn't a travesty.
Blackwater was CIA's extension, founder Erik Prince admits
“Blackwater’s work with the CIA began when we provided specialized instructors and facilities that the Agency lacked,” Prince told the Daily Beast. “In the years that followed, the company became a virtual extension of the CIA because we were asked time and again to carry out dangerous missions, which the agency either could not or would not do in-house."
I was wondering that myself. For someone to commit suicide I am guessing women and children might have been involved :(
I'm guessing the guy already had mental problems. If there were dozens of these incidents, I would assume otherwise. But if only one guy does it, I think the cause resides in that one guy.
Errrrr, no. War crimes are defined by international law. Problem is, trying to apply that law. Bush, Cheney and Blair should all have been prosecuted and imprisoned by now.
That's the way it is in theory, but in practice it is otherwise. War crimes are often unreported by the media and ignored by the politicians. There's a reason they say "War is Hell".
I know for a fact that in the beginning of the invasion of iraq, men women and children were run over with tanks if they happened to be in the way - no honking, no yelling, just run the fuck over. I also know by direct word of mouth that the US military planted mass graves of civilians (men, women, children) killed in the early stages of the war. We can all say that shit happens in war but it doesn't make it right. Especially for a war we claim was to free the Iraqi people from a tyrant like Saddam Hussein - what the fuck did we free them from? Breathing?
How do you know this for a fact? Were you there? Did you see videos? And word of mouth isn't direct at all. That's like claiming rumors are always true. Well, they ARE free of Sadam. And from the news reports I've seen, most of the civilian deaths were, and still are, caused by sectarian violence. Our troops were careful to avoid civilian casualties, even to the point of endangering their own lives. True, civilians died, but that is just a sad fact of war. Our troops are not the wonton murders you are attempting to make them out to be.