That's a pretty dramatic picture. I think having a little bit of a bunch at the bottom could be a benefit though. Follow for a minute, The Geopots would be great for air and drainage and air pruning your side roots, but then leave a saucer or something at the bottom of the pot to get those roots to gather and ball a little and you would have more surface area of roots taking in water and nutrients and supporting the plant. Like an anchor that takes in food and stuff. They wouldn't drown anymore than they would now cause it would drain right out the side if needs be. I was just thinking some stuff after seeing that picture. The one they're pointing to as the healthy one almost doesn't to me, I don't know maybe I'm completely wrong. I know you don't want a bunch of root bound drowning roots or anything, but a little more some how would be nice I think. The bigger the roots the bigger the fruits. I can see why people get 400gal containers for this kind of application. Maybe I'm not thinking of some factor or something, don't let me freak you out man, I can really over think things sometimes. Take it easy I guess i have some research to do. Peace out.