Buying grow equipment isn't illegal is it what they gonna say like!?
It is legal but if it were me I'd be worried they would know I don't want the gear for growing tomatos.
Just an opinion not trying to put you off.
Buying grow equipment isn't illegal is it what they gonna say like!?
aren`t they the best tho... i know i will come across them from time to time during the year and always brings a smile to my face, found some awhile ago from my eldest kid (13) and from when he was like 5...
sometimes its nice too have kids, roadtrips and holidays excluded hahahahaha....
Dont underestimate customs, got seeds from holland before and received them with one crushed and tape on package where it was opened. 2 months later gards came visiting my friends place (safe address) they just did a walk trough no warrants etc. coincidence...??Ah I wouldn't sure for all customs know I'm growing veg, no mate say be Monday or Tuesday setting up a space for them in a closet gonna grow them there for couple weeks give em a head start then into the greenhouse they go
Really like the pax and da vinci ones my bday soon drop hints to the GF hahamdjenks:9210511 said:Really want to get one these vapes the ones I've seen are for wax and oils can ye get them for weed my bad had a read of that one this does have to invest
the ascent looks awesome but you should look into the arizer solo and the pax. I have the arizer solo and I love it i don't even use a pipe anymore and you get huge vape clouds on exhale.
you can get an arizer solo for $149 and they ship to ireland
budsahoi:9212196 said:Dont underestimate customs, got seeds from holland before and received them with one crushed and tape on package where it was opened. 2 months later gards came visiting my friends place (safe address) they just did a walk trough no warrants etc. coincidence...??Ah I wouldn't sure for all customs know I'm growing veg, no mate say be Monday or Tuesday setting up a space for them in a closet gonna grow them there for couple weeks give em a head start then into the greenhouse they go
Suppose better safe than sorry =)
ae86 grower:9212292 said:Suppose better safe than sorry =)
thats right up there with tell no one you grow in my book, its mostly why i buy in person, as buds said, it would hardly be coinsidence that a few months later they called to the house...
and once they`ve been your on the radar, so the growing unless gurilla would be out the window....
ae86 grower:9212323 said:same dg, i can`t afford to buy weed at the prices they charge on the street, so growing is my only option, as for dd and adverts, then i`d go with adverts, more of a site based sale like you can leave feed back and see if there good to deal with, still get some shit but its ahead of dd by a mile..
clondalkin indoor gardening, handy spot to get anything, lads are helpful and you can have a banter with them...
How much is a eighth on the streets of Ireland? How much jail for having said eighth? HOw fucked are you if you get caught growing? Do gypsy's grow weed? Questions from California.
Yeah I've actually sold couple things on adverts before, I seen there ad on done deal I'm hardly over that way tho the odd time, I'm still debating converting an old wardrobe I have into one of ly grow one plant tho but I might still do it be 10 times cheaper and Piss easy to convert still doing homework on it b4 I attempt anything
That's true ill prob end up buying a tent, anyone growing using pre pay power?? It's that unit you get you top it up like a phone, so you pay for the power you useae86 grower:9212369 said:Yeah I've actually sold couple things on adverts before, I seen there ad on done deal I'm hardly over that way tho the odd time, I'm still debating converting an old wardrobe I have into one of ly grow one plant tho but I might still do it be 10 times cheaper and Piss easy to convert still doing homework on it b4 I attempt anything
only thing i found with wardrobes is the heat will get up there pretty quick, once you sort that your onto a winner...
prepay power is a great job,no vat,no hidden costs,no more bills,no one checks your meter,whats not ta electric costs is way down since i got one installed.....That's true ill prob end up buying a tent, anyone growing using pre pay power?? It's that unit you get you top it up like a phone, so you pay for the power you use
prepay power is a great job,no vat,no hidden costs,no more bills,no one checks your meter,whats not ta electric costs is way down since i got one installed.....