Some leaves are going yellow?


water PH is around 6.5. I've not used many nutrients and this time I'm using soil, and the nutrients I have came with my hydro pack, will they be okay to use in soil?

When I measured the ph with the "solution?" or feed, it seemed okay on my chart.

I've only ever added nuts twice since they started since I am using a milk carton to water with, and nutrients are ment to me mixed with a large hydro tub (which is what i'll be doing next time).

Can they still be saved? If so, what should I do? Feed them more often?


Rather than risking with the hydro ferts. I could head on down to my local garden center and pick up some miracle grow pour and feed. Will that supply them enough Nitrogen?


Well-Known Member
Slow down. They are going to live for sure. How much do you water? What exactly are the nutes you used? What type of mix are you growing in?


I water them every day, since they feel quite dry. If I skip a day, the leaves droop.

This is the link to the whole package I bought.

The only thing I used from the package was the light, since I didn't want to jump straight into hydroponics.

Nutes are Vitalink grow A/B and bloom A/B. I know how to mix them and the correct amount, but I don't actually know how much to put in by manually hand (feeding) watering them with my carton.

Heh, sorry, this is my first grow and I guess I always need to take things slowly the first time. :)


DONT go buying bloody miracle grow ......when specialist nutes are available there not that much more expensive and you'll get much better results...


Active Member
Nitrogen deficiency. Also what is your ph.
Pretty sure there ey. Cal Mag was a good idea IMO. Could be MG. Also check those NPK's on those nutes your using as im not sure and make sure your balanced and have enough N to support your foliage. Flowering should be a 1-3-2 but can use a 3-1-2 to get those leaves green if you find out it is N.Keep your leaves green till harvest. Start slow don't go adding a bunch of stuff hoping it works. Check for new growth to see if your on the right track. Have you popped those out the pots to check on the roots? just curious. Hope it helps Good Luck


Pretty sure there ey. Cal Mag was a good idea IMO. Could be MG. Also check those NPK's on those nutes your using as im not sure and make sure your balanced and have enough N to support your foliage. Flowering should be a 1-3-2 but can use a 3-1-2 to get those leaves green if you find out it is N.Keep your leaves green till harvest. Start slow don't go adding a bunch of stuff hoping it works. Check for new growth to see if your on the right track. Have you popped those out the pots to check on the roots? just curious. Hope it helps Good Luck
I'm too afraid to pop them out of there pots lol.

This is my first grow, and I just chose a package online that looked good.

On the back of the nute GROWTH B it says: EC NUTRIENT NPK 5.1/7.8/2.6

I have growth nutes and bloom nutes.

I don't actually measure how much water I give my plants, should I have a strict amount?

Anyway, on a different note if things go well, how long until I should start flowering?


Active Member
Couple of things will deff help. First don't be afraid to pop them out of there pots. There strong girls and can handle it. Just dont be to rough. You are going to upcan to a bigger pot right. 3 or 5 gal? Just want to make sure your roots are nice and healthy. As far as watering NO just water till you have plenty of run off. Dont use a specific amount. And dont let them dry out. As far as those nutes go Seems you dont have enough K on this one. Like i said for flower you want a 1-3-2. Take into consideration the NPK and what is in your soil as well. Also don't ever buy any more products that "look good" ha. I did this one time and i still have the damn product in the garage. stay away from cannabis specific nutes. Look into dyno gro and jacks. Both are great nutes for a very good price. Also read through this whole thread. As far as veg time goes. You wait until your ready. In general 2-3 is a good time. This all depends of what you want out of your grow and how much room you have. Check this thread out to. I PROMISE you it will help. Dont listen to everything you read on here. Be VERY careful. Hope it Helps Good luck.


Active Member
Pretty sure there ey. Cal Mag was a good idea IMO. Could be MG. Also check those NPK's on those nutes your using as im not sure and make sure your balanced and have enough N to support your foliage. Flowering should be a 1-3-2 but can use a 3-1-2 to get those leaves green if you find out it is N.Keep your leaves green till harvest. Start slow don't go adding a bunch of stuff hoping it works. Check for new growth to see if your on the right track. Have you popped those out the pots to check on the roots? just curious. Hope it helps Good Luck
100% sure there ey. Google nitrogen dificiency and then google cal mag deficency you will see the difference. This is nitrogen deficiency that is obvious.


Active Member
^ lol Did i say it was a cal mag def? Like i said in my above post OP. Be careful what you listen to around here. Good example.


Couple of things will deff help. First don't be afraid to pop them out of there pots. There strong girls and can handle it. Just dont be to rough. You are going to upcan to a bigger pot right. 3 or 5 gal? Just want to make sure your roots are nice and healthy. As far as watering NO just water till you have plenty of run off. Dont use a specific amount. And dont let them dry out. As far as those nutes go Seems you dont have enough K on this one. Like i said for flower you want a 1-3-2. Take into consideration the NPK and what is in your soil as well. Also don't ever buy any more products that "look good" ha. I did this one time and i still have the damn product in the garage. stay away from cannabis specific nutes. Look into dyno gro and jacks. Both are great nutes for a very good price. Also read through this whole thread. As far as veg time goes. You wait until your ready. In general 2-3 is a good time. This all depends of what you want out of your grow and how much room you have. Check this thread out to. I PROMISE you it will help. Dont listen to everything you read on here. Be VERY careful. Hope it Helps Good luck.
Thanks for the tips.

I haven't got a job at the moment (am over 18. So it's hard to find spare cash, and I don't want to borrow from parents. Is there any way I could make this work without having to go out and buy loads of new nutes and stuff? I could probably spare £10 ($15).

But that's it for a couple weeks, then I can get a couple hundred dollars.


Active Member
Yeah i dont think you need to go out and buy new nutes right away. In fact i think many growers use those successfully and love them. Just amend it if need be. Ex: Cal Mag: Just watch your plants and see what there telling you. Read that thread a lot of your questions will be answered. Dont throw those nutes out.


Active Member
^ lol Did i say it was a cal mag def? Like i said in my above post OP. Be careful what you listen to around here. Good example.
You questioned me if I was sure it was nitrogen def. You said cal mag was a good idea in your opinion. Then you said could be mg(magnesium)? You obviously don't know what your talking about. Yes you did say it was guy why would you question what I said it was then say it could be cal mag. You shouldn't post if you don't know what ur saying. Practice what you preach cause I would be careful listening to what you have to say. You don't know shit it's obvious.

Haha OP look for your self you decide wh deficiency it is I know for a fact it's nitrogen.