neo-nazism is alive and well on rollitup

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Well-Known Member
How'd you get a picture of me and my dad. That's a picture of us going to the cock fights with our champion cocks in hand.
I was not aware that hilbillies were known for their paternal instincts

praise to your father for sticking around and raising you :)
putting myself in your fathers shoes i think once i had beaten the rape charge i would of run like the wind


New Member
so you're claiming what now? that the camps didn't exist? that the numbers are falsely inflated?


again, this whole reverse apostrophe usage must be unique to the vernacular of the anti-semitic, holocaust denial crowd, as educated people use apostrophes in much different ways.

but good job on pointing out how i missed one key while typing.
Says the high school and university dropout, who also feels he's in a position to lecture everyone, correcting spelling on a forum is the last refuge of the unimaginative.

I don't know how in your mind, visiting the camps and the museums equals some kind of denial?

I mean, REAL denial is paying for rhinoplasty before adulthood, to ensure you don't look like the chosen people you claim to be....


Active Member
I was not aware that hilbillies were known for their paternal instincts

praise to your father for sticking around and raising you :)
putting myself in your fathers shoes i think once i had beaten the rape charge i would of run like the wind
+Rep....Fucking classic man...Brilliant....!!!


Well-Known Member
Says the high school and university dropout, who also feels he's in a position to lecture everyone, correcting spelling on a forum is the last refuge of the unimaginative.
remind me what you did when i missed a key on the word holocaust in post 208? :lol:

and i didn't correct your spelling, i addressed your retarded usage of apostrophes.

I don't know how in your mind, visiting the camps and the museums equals some kind of denial?
kynes has noted that you are a holocaust denier, and he's not a stupid guy. so if he says you're a holocaust denier, i'll believe him.

not sure where you are trying to go with this whole tangent about visiting the camps, a few posts ago you said i needed to STFU because i had not visited them, so i asked you why this was.

of course, you met my calm question with your trademark angry virgin bitterness. no surprise there.

I mean, REAL denial is paying for rhinoplasty before adulthood, to ensure you don't look like the chosen people you claim to be....
another worthwhile contribution of anti-semitism.

i guess all jews have to conform to your anti-semitic ideals, your own little code of political correctness. anything less would be way too jew-y.

you make some very worthwhile contributions to this board, please do not ever stop gracing us with your anti-semitism and your bitter virgin anger.

thanks again!


Well-Known Member
That is a riddle, not a pun.
Leave the shitty puns to that cannibear guy.
I think that polar bear guy got offended by the jew comments and left the thread
one moment he was here, then all of a sudden he was gone like magic
polar bear magic


New Member
remind me what you did when i missed a key on the word holocaust in post 208? :lol:

and i didn't correct your spelling, i addressed your retarded usage of apostrophes.

kynes has noted that you are a holocaust denier, and he's not a stupid guy. so if he says you're a holocaust denier, i'll believe him.

not sure where you are trying to go with this whole tangent about visiting the camps, a few posts ago you said i needed to STFU because i had not visited them, so i asked you why this was.

of course, you met my calm question with your trademark angry virgin bitterness. no surprise there.

another worthwhile contribution of anti-semitism.

i guess all jews have to conform to your anti-semitic ideals, your own little code of political correctness. anything less would be way too jew-y.

you make some very worthwhile contributions to this board, please do not ever stop gracing us with your anti-semitism and your bitter virgin anger.

thanks again!
Nice long response (typical trial lawyer) You would believe anything skynehead says, you views jive with his, according to that fuckwit, everyone is a holocaust denier, Israel has no nukes and is not committing war crimes, arabs enjoy the same status as jews... But hey, don't let the truth get in the way of a good yarn aye proselyte....

Just like you cry racist and holocaust denier when things don't go your way.... So did you remember if the missus got the bump shaved?


Well-Known Member
Nice long response (typical trial lawyer) You would believe anything skynehead says, you views jive with his, according to that fuckwit, everyone is a holocaust denier, Israel has no nukes and is not committing war crimes, arabs enjoy the same status as jews... But hey, don't let the truth get in the way of a good yarn aye proselyte....

Just like you cry racist and holocaust denier when things don't go your way.... So did you remember if the missus got the bump shaved?
kynes may have some odd racial views, but that doesn't make him dumber than a bag of cocks, like you are.

i'll touch base with him to find out exactly what type of holocaust denial you like to practice, despite it being illegal in your country.

no guns, less protected speech, and god knows what else about that shitty island is really making you a very bitter, angry little thing.


New Member
kynes may have some odd racial views, but that doesn't make him dumber than a bag of cocks, like you are.

i'll touch base with him to find out exactly what type of holocaust denial you like to practice, despite it being illegal in your country.

no guns, less protected speech, and god knows what else about that shitty island is really making you a very bitter, angry little thing.
Go nuts, you've got nothing better to do. Since I had family murdered in the camps, that are actually related by blood, I know wtf i'm talking bout.

Don't start on AU liberties and shit, you'll lose... You don't have liberties and the only laws here in regards to the holocaust were drafted by the Israel lobby. Fine bunch of credible people there, nearly as credible as you...


Well-Known Member
LOL, Uncle Buck, do you troll Stormfront as well as RIU? Isn't it enough that they have their own forum? Can't you stay the hell out of peoples business or are you that much of an attention hog? I see you're running your mouth again, that must mean you're ready for another one two logos punch, yeah? Last time I saw you you were reduced to a name calling little turd on the bottom of my shoe. Your arguments were tore up worse than the back of Mammy's slipper.

You ready for round two? I'm more than willing to step in for these guys.


Well-Known Member
Go nuts, you've got nothing better to do. Since I had family murdered in the camps, that are actually related by blood, I know wtf i'm talking bout.

Don't start on AU liberties and shit, you'll lose... You don't have liberties and the only laws here in regards to the holocaust were drafted by the Israel lobby. Fine bunch of credible people there, nearly as credible as you...
So true. :clap:
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