The UK Growers Thread!

sweeeet, that was a nice post to read wasnt expecting that, although the last batch i fucked me fone and laptop up lmao had the fone in me pocket and was pissed n munching zops and kinda bounced off a wall and into a radiator and it caught the screen of me fone totally smashed it, the laptop same again pissed up n on the zops and spilt a vods over the mousepad now it dont work have to use a mouse.

wonder what il break this time lol

i also done all 20 of the pregs same day the women finally gave me the parcel cause i aint had none for a while i was fucking mingled ice totally off me nut lol

lol u mong, but yeh il send 56 pregs and i should have 22 zoppies to make it 50, at this rate will hit that number well b4! lol
seems its a reg thing now getting both each month, fuk me id be spangled taking 500mg twice a day fuuk that!

but yeh monday m8, i wernt expecting em niether, gotta love random chemist delivereis!

Out of interest has anyone got anything thats proper banging to send with the Fairy to me next week for my birthday? Will pay of course lol

no fuk off!!

bit windy here today, but sunny. engineers dream dog in the greenhouse

have a nice weekend matey peeps.
could you make them "hob nobs" instead please? - cravings for British biscuits over here. Think I need to go to M&S..
How'd that BB turn out Sambo?

was ok yman, had a real good stink to it and kept that stink on just a dry, yield wasnt too sad 12oz from the 2 but flavour wasnt anything special m8 certainly didnt taste of any blueberrys lol

had a quite heavy hitting stone but once again nuffing amazing, i gotta do another run of it cause was the only clones i had but after this 1 i wont run it again, will just stick with what i no.