9/11 what do you think?


Well-Known Member
And exactly who do these experts work for? Oh wait.....nvmnd don't answer that

Good question. A bunch of idiots you mean? Oh, yes, elected and appointed, the hired and not fired, idiots. WE the People. Self rule.

In fact, these are the same sort of idiots that educated you, apparently! :)

Mike Young

Well-Known Member
Doer, you live in a fantasy land. DO THE MATH! Only about 10% of everything you type actually makes sense. Only 5% of that is even relevant to what is being discussed. That make 95% of everything you say complete & utter minutia. DO THE MATH!


Active Member
Anybody here who isn't aware that it was an inside job:

They found thermite in the rubble. Scientists have samples and confirmed it. It was even on the evening news in Europe a while ago. Look it up. For me thats the smoking gun. That and:

-Building 7 collapsing after being hit by nothing.
-Pentagon. Plane burnt to dust with no trace, yet half a foot from the gaping hole is a stack of paper on a computer, unscolded on the second floor. HMMM?
-The thousands of reputable witnesses, mainly firemen and police officers witnessing and being injured by explosions in the basement of the WTC's

I could probably believe the official story if just ONE little bit of it made ANY sense, but none does. There literally isn't one thing that makes sense, from impossible physics to ridiculous stories, like finding a terrorists wallet blocks from theWTCs .

For those who believe the official story, think. Just fucking think for a second.


Well-Known Member
Anybody here who isn't aware that it was an inside job:

They found thermite in the rubble. Scientists have samples and confirmed it. It was even on the evening news in Europe a while ago. Look it up. For me thats the smoking gun. That and:

-Building 7 collapsing after being hit by nothing.
-Pentagon. Plane burnt to dust with no trace, yet half a foot from the gaping hole is a stack of paper on a computer, unscolded on the second floor. HMMM?
-The thousands of reputable witnesses, mainly firemen and police officers witnessing and being injured by explosions in the basement of the WTC's

I could probably believe the official story if just ONE little bit of it made ANY sense, but none does. There literally isn't one thing that makes sense, from impossible physics to ridiculous stories, like finding a terrorists wallet blocks from theWTCs .

For those who believe the official story, think. Just fucking think for a second.
Boring. Read back in the thread. I already covered it. Did you read their paper? No. I did. Sit down. :)


Well-Known Member
Ummm Explosives?

I bet you didn't know this, but explosives sound like bombs and explosives when they go off. They can rip elevator doors off and cause 560,000 tons of building to shake. Things that fuel in open air cannot do.
So here's my question then. When the plane struck the building, there was a huge fireball. This was mostly from the jet fuel, wasn't it? Why is it implausible that the fireball would have traveled down the elevator shafts? Wouldn't gravity push the jet fuel downward?

Go about 9 minutes in: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qcr2hh9RQRw. Would you not describe that sound as an explosion...?


Well-Known Member
Doer, you live in a fantasy land. DO THE MATH! Only about 10% of everything you type actually makes sense. Only 5% of that is even relevant to what is being discussed. That make 95% of everything you say complete & utter minutia. DO THE MATH!

Hey, yom-yom, I left a simple equation for you there. Of course it doesn't make sense to you. It's math.

Give numbers, mega joule.

TERMINAL VELOICTY in meters per second of



Math with me.


New Member
Well, puppy-dog. You are saying you don't know. You have not measured it precisely to the percentage have you?

Oh, you think virtually at free fall, means exactly at terminal velocity for the upper structure? Oh, no no. Sorry.

Oh, so, given the size and shape of the upper structure (pick one) and the altitude, pressure density gradient etc, exactly what is the terminal velocity, anyway?

I wish to make a note of it.

In fact I don't see that anywhere

So if you have calculated the exact terminal velocity of the free fall portion, let me know.

We can go thru the math from there.
As I said before, how do u explain the absolute smooth collapse of a structure that size with upper damage? Never in the history of modern man has this happened. If u have some math or footage to prove this I am salivating to c it. Plz enlighten us brother. Physics will not allow for mass to simply move aside because something less mass is moving. In other words it would have slowed or tipped in a direction. But not smoothly straight down. Lemme guess...u didn't c the angular cut steel beams found in the rubble either?


Well-Known Member
So here's my question then. When the plane struck the building, there was a huge fireball. This was mostly from the jet fuel, wasn't it? Why is it implausible that the fireball would have traveled down the elevator shafts? Wouldn't gravity push the jet fuel downward?

Go about 9 minutes in: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qcr2hh9RQRw. Would you not describe that sound as an explosion...?
And to say nothing of other weird echoing of the day, all over.


New Member
Well, puppy-dog. You are saying you don't know. You have not measured it precisely to the percentage have you?

Oh, you think virtually at free fall, means exactly at terminal velocity for the upper structure? Oh, no no. Sorry.

Oh, so, given the size and shape of the upper structure (pick one) and the altitude, pressure density gradient etc, exactly what is the terminal velocity, anyway?

I wish to make a note of it.

In fact I don't see that anywhere

So if you have calculated the exact terminal velocity of the free fall portion, let me know.

We can go thru the math from there.
As I said before, how do u explain the absolute smooth collapse of a structure that size with upper damage? Never in the history of modern man has this happened. If u have some math or footage to prove this I am salivating to c it. Plz enlighten us brother. Physics will not allow for mass to simply move aside because something with less mass is moving. In other words it would have slowed or tipped in a direction. But not smoothly straight down. Lemme guess...u didn't c the angular cut steel beams found in the rubble either?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I suggest our big-brained friends look into conservation of energy & conservation of momentum. Those are scientific terms, so take your time. 110 story building falling at free-fall speed (10 seconds) meets ZERO resistance on the way down, therefor is not subject to these LAWS. Who the conspiracy theorist? Really!
Explain it for us then. It seems pretty simple to me: when critical columns can no longer hold the building up, they fail and the thing comes down.

Mike Young

Well-Known Member
I never said anything about terminal velocity. I did however see your post going on & on about someone misusing the term. You ignore the points you cannot debunk, and focus on a small portion you fell you can. There is too much that stinks about this whole thing, and for anyone to deny every single anomaly is literally a Moran.


Well-Known Member
As I said before, how do u explain the absolute smooth collapse of a structure that size with upper damage? Never in the history of modern man has this happened. If u have some math or footage to prove this I am salivating to c it. Plz enlighten us brother. Physics will not allow for mass to simply move aside because something less mass is moving. In other words it would have slowed or tipped in a direction. But not smoothly straight down. Lemme guess...u didn't c the angular cut steel beams found in the rubble either?
We need a number that you don't have. We need to do math against reality, not what I call, no offense, Fools Logic.

We need some numbers that are not there. No data capture.

We don't know but we can get very close.

Weight per floor, estimated from gross weight of building. How many floors above, 20 something? Again that is a close guess.

OK, mass of that, in kilograms?

But, terminal velocity depends on two things and not the mass at all. It is shape and width...in this case a flat panel. Easy.

The other thing is the atmospheric density and altitude, humidity even.

So, get numbers, that you like, even rough guess and you will see.

Yommie, free fall and TermV? Same thing.


New Member
I never said anything about terminal velocity. I did however see your post going on & on about someone misusing the term. You ignore the points you cannot debunk, and focus on a small portion you fell you can. There is too much that stinks about this whole thing, and for anyone to deny every single anomaly is literally a Moran.
The terminal velocity statement wasn't at u sir. And ur exactly right, too much does stink. That's my point ...pay attention to big brother cause he's payin attention to u. N ps spell check before u insult someone


Well-Known Member
[video=youtube;PCv35l1uegY]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PCv35l1uegY[/video] Did somebody say molten steel?
Because the firefighter knows what molten steel likes like compared to any other molten material? Because the steel was actually molten and not just heated? No pictures? No videos? This was going on for weeks at this huge site and there's nothing?

The fact that steel is red does not mean that it is molten. The first one is molten steel; the second is merely heated:

molten-steel-being-poured-into-mold-23caeb.jpgrough forged taper.jpg

Your video suggests that the "World Trade Center cross" resulted from two pieces of steel melting together. Please substantiate this. My understanding is that the World Trade Center was full of t-beams and that the cross was just a t-beam. I have never heard anyone claim that it was two previously unrelated pieces of steel that melted together. Sure makes for a better story, though--much better than mentioning that the building was full of t-beams (which would make this cross not particularly special).


New Member
We need a number that you don't have. We need to do math against reality, not what I call, no offense, Fools Logic.

We need some numbers that are not there. No data capture.

We don't know but we can get very close.

Weight per floor, estimated from gross weight of building. How many floors above, 20 something? Again that is a close guess.

OK, mass of that, in kilograms?

But, terminal velocity depends on two things and not the mass at all. It is shape and width...in this case a flat panel. Easy.

The other thing is the atmospheric density and altitude, humidity even.

So, get numbers, that you like, even rough guess and you will see.

Yommie, free fall and TermV? Same thing.
What ur forgetting is how can somthing go from zero to free fall that quickly if the supports r still there? Check the footage again. Nearly instant acceleration with an intact base. How is this possible? It isn't unless u remove its supports. No comment on angle cut steel beams I c. Must have been burnt that way lol


Well-Known Member
So here's my question then. When the plane struck the building, there was a huge fireball. This was mostly from the jet fuel, wasn't it? Why is it implausible that the fireball would have traveled down the elevator shafts? Wouldn't gravity push the jet fuel downward?

Go about 9 minutes in: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qcr2hh9RQRw. Would you not describe that sound as an explosion...?
fireballs only travel down elevator shafts 1000 feet down in the movies. The initial impact would have burned up the majority of what fuel was left, and we know it wasn't full. Most of the fuel was used up in the big fireball on impact, maybe 1,000 gallons could survive for more than a minute or 2, it wasn't dumped into a single pool, the plane crashed into the building at 500 MPH, so did the fuel.

Random fuel load would not all be forced just down an elevator shaft, it would be ALL OVER the place. Even if you literally dumped 10,000 gallons of fuel down the elevator shaft, it still wouldn't explode, its JP-5, its not a highly volatile fuel, you can put burning cigarettes out with it.

Mike Young

Well-Known Member
The terminal velocity statement wasn't at u sir. And ur exactly right, too much does stink. That's my point ...pay attention to big brother cause he's payin attention to u. N ps spell check before u insult someone
I should've probably quoted him, as this comment was intended for doofer. So much tension in here. :)


New Member
Melting point of stainless steel? 2750F

Structural steel? 1517F

Of course I am sure if its just a few pounds of Stainless it will defy all laws of physics and melt in 500F temps to suit tokenderp.
he also ASSumes, going from a single engine prop, to commercial airliner, is comparable to the transition from driving a car to a truck... I don't know kids these days...


Well-Known Member
I never said the steel melted, the witnesses did.

These steel beams are covered with asbestos, one hell of a good insulator. Of course it is mere speculation that the plane "Knocked it off" and there is no evidence to suggest this actually happened. Plus a sprinkler system. Plus people standing inside the hole that supposedly was hot enough to bend steel due to the heat. Humans cannot survive in that environment, except in reality they were waving at us.
How could there be evidence? Are you suggesting that the hypothesis should find confirmation in the debris?

The steel beams actually weren't covered with asbestos, at least in the impact sites. New York City required the World Trade Center's builders to stop using asbestos at the 64th floor, and they had to substitute other materials from that point on. The fireproofing in the World Trade Center was known to be deficient before 9/11 happened. You can find pictures and videos that show large sections of fireproofing already missing--it was a well-known and well-documented problem. See this article, for example: http://www.fireengineering.com/articles/print/volume-155/issue-10/world-trade-center-disaster/volume-ii-the-ruins-and-the-rebirth/fireproofing-at-the-wtc-towers.html.