Ok, let me clear something up. If you're convinced of the NIST report/gov't story... You're stupid. If you believe the kids who made loose change got everything right... Again sadly, you're stupid. And by stupid I mean, you pick a side and you are un-willing to deviate because you're convinced, and you will never change your shitty opinion, because you're weak! It's ok to be wrong! How better to learn something than to fail at it, and learn from your failure. "But I have a college education". They taught you to MEMORIZE, not THINK. I don't care how much knowledge you've accumulated in your years of school (indoctrination). Pride is the biggest thing holding you back. Pride is fucking stupid! Primitive! If you question something, look at all the evidence available to you, be it for or against your ideals. People are trying to mislead you. Go with your gut and fuck what anybody else thinks. Edit: Clayton bigsby. Love you're shit!