The UK Growers Thread!

Could be. a lot better tbh. Boss is a twat, what a surprise, thatts why I quit the first time, but hey, need money. And self teaching yourself economics a level is boring as shit! Hoping the weather holds out, got a nice 6 hour fishing trip planned for Tuesday :-).

lol u working at that place again?

fishing sounds mmint! maybe ul catch a kuroi carp? LMAO
i miss fishing,till me kids get older i cant, since we got this car and its 100% we been all over the spot, gotta be parked up from next week tho wen the guy has to cancel his insurance :( shame the kids love it too.
lol u working at that place again?

fishing sounds mmint! maybe ul catch a kuroi carp? LMAO
i miss fishing,till me kids get older i cant, since we got this car and its 100% we been all over the spot, gotta be parked up from next week tho wen the guy has to cancel his insurance :( shame the kids love it too.

Man, sell one ounce and you should be able to pay for a years insurance.

And yeah, i'm back with those cocksuckers. That's unfair, my chef is a legend. His brother, the landlord and manager though, he is a fat piece of shit. We've a river running at the back of the kitchen, as in i sit on the wall with the river underneath when i have a ciggie, and one day, i might just be tempted to create a slight work related accident that has him floating down stream. I dare anyone to find a piece of shit like that. guarantee they wont find one.

And yeah, should be good, although tbh, not massively hyped. To me, fishing is sat in a boat or on the bank with a friend or loved one, big bag of weed, couple of bottles of wine chilling in the water, sun overhead, doing things as you want. Tuesday is gonna be me and a stranger in a boat in a lake for 6 hours. My old man has set it all up, and i know that he just wants to get me back into fishing so that i can get onto the rivers with him at the weekends, but hell, break it in gently, don't just lump me in for 6 hours, else i might never want to fish again. Fingers crossed i catch dozen 3-4lb rainbow trout to make it worth my while. My only interst in fishing is the notion of catching and cooking a fresh dinner. Fuck spending a day tossing flies with nothing to show.
Man, sell one ounce and you should be able to pay for a years insurance.

And yeah, i'm back with those cocksuckers. That's unfair, my chef is a legend. His brother, the landlord and manager though, he is a fat piece of shit. We've a river running at the back of the kitchen, as in i sit on the wall with the river underneath when i have a ciggie, and one day, i might just be tempted to create a slight work related accident that has him floating down stream. I dare anyone to find a piece of shit like that. guarantee they wont find one.

And yeah, should be good, although tbh, not massively hyped. To me, fishing is sat in a boat or on the bank with a friend or loved one, big bag of weed, couple of bottles of wine chilling in the water, sun overhead, doing things as you want. Tuesday is gonna be me and a stranger in a boat in a lake for 6 hours. My old man has set it all up, and i know that he just wants to get me back into fishing so that i can get onto the rivers with him at the weekends, but hell, break it in gently, don't just lump me in for 6 hours, else i might never want to fish again. Fingers crossed i catch dozen 3-4lb rainbow trout to make it worth my while. My only interst in fishing is the notion of catching and cooking a fresh dinner. Fuck spending a day tossing flies with nothing to show.

OHHHHH fly fishing u fucking snob!! lmao

glad your bak at work matey at least its summoney u can put away,, il let u know wen harvest is due again :)

well with my 20 PE fems, pakistani vally,crazy miss hyde and the nlxskunk
it seems im doing this little number

karamelo! u seen the flowert ime? 0-8 weeks? should be a fast finisher, so aye its all gravy, lets see how good she is/.

work related lol,, just toss sum shit in the river, and then report him for dumping oil in a river annonymously ofc lmao

hope u enjoy the fishing u poof! get a rod n reel n do it properly, i never liked fly fishing, too much graft
them water whippers are always first to leave the reservoir with their bag limit every time i've been. it's real fishing ice. don;t get me wrong lazy bank fishing in the sun is great but fish don't feed midday like that they feed when it's cool at dawn n dusk.

fuck carp fishing n that, catch n release guff. who cares if you managed to pull a specimen 30 odd lb carp out, just to put it back?!

think i'm going to try n get out on a hire boat soon and into the sea n catch mackerel or cod, not codling, full size filletable sea cod. think you can go n fish a wreck a few miles out for 20 quid a man a day plus a pond for every lead you lose.
Mornin lads did a 11hour stint carp fishing yesterday we oldest lad fuck me I got burnt real crispy lol factor 30 dint do fuck all lol
I love the carp fishing tho it's the excitement of hooking a big fucker it's a real buzz plus I love sat for hours gettin smashed waiting for the big fucker to lol
An point of putting um back Donny is so you can go an catch same fish again next season but bigger.
Were I go there's a little pond off the main 1 what you can hire out to ya sen for day there's a couple of 30+ in there, there a big ghost in there with half a thin the farmer calls him Purdy for some reason I've had him out 4 times in total twice in 1 day once he's at 24lb now an the big silly sod just comes straight in like he's 2lb lol
Morning UK - did I miss owt in the last 20 odd pages? any good ideas, fights, crashes or awesome bud porn pics?
use airpots matey tried and tested! fuckinggreat things :)

im propper fucked, having this car and driving on motorways everyday propper fucks u up,,, sat here paggered :(

im same with skins MG, fucking terrible, i either have millions of em all loose kicking about or ive got none and im tearing king skins to rollup size to make a smoke

smoke a bible, we used to do it back in the day, not the best but it works, an its the best when you can read ur joint...
Man, sell one ounce and you should be able to pay for a years insurance.

And yeah, i'm back with those cocksuckers. That's unfair, my chef is a legend. His brother, the landlord and manager though, he is a fat piece of shit. We've a river running at the back of the kitchen, as in i sit on the wall with the river underneath when i have a ciggie, and one day, i might just be tempted to create a slight work related accident that has him floating down stream. I dare anyone to find a piece of shit like that. guarantee they wont find one.

And yeah, should be good, although tbh, not massively hyped. To me, fishing is sat in a boat or on the bank with a friend or loved one, big bag of weed, couple of bottles of wine chilling in the water, sun overhead, doing things as you want. Tuesday is gonna be me and a stranger in a boat in a lake for 6 hours. My old man has set it all up, and i know that he just wants to get me back into fishing so that i can get onto the rivers with him at the weekends, but hell, break it in gently, don't just lump me in for 6 hours, else i might never want to fish again. Fingers crossed i catch dozen 3-4lb rainbow trout to make it worth my while. My only interst in fishing is the notion of catching and cooking a fresh dinner. Fuck spending a day tossing flies with nothing to show.
I am what you would call an ex - expert fly fisherman, fished from the age of 5 to 14 havnt been fishing since, but i still have my wee 7ft single handed trout rod made by orvis, cost me 3 ton, had a hardy rod aswell 14ft if i remember for salmon, rod was worth over a grand, reel was worth nearly 2 ton, but i left it when i moved, may have to go down and pick up some flies an that go to a trout pond or summit, and because iw as in care i left with basically nothing, every time i moved something of my fishing collection was 'confistcated' including my mini multi tool that cost 60 quid and held alot of sentimantal value to me, all my fly tying shit got taken away, was left with a box of shit trout flies my 7ft rod and reel, when i moved i owned 5 tackle boxes full of flytying equipment a box with 20 pairs of different sized scissors a vice 'dont even ask why they took that off me iv no idea' maybe 3 or 4 thousdand fishing hooks, goin from 5 different sizes, a bag of copper tubes, alaminium tubes, and plastic tubes, funny how i had maybe 2k worth of equipment that was all mine, every bit of it that i needed got confiscated because apparently a 14 year old was not aloud anything like this, then they wondered why i nicked peds, bikes, cars and got done with alot of assult charges, i could fish 10 hours easy done it many times, and i would again if i had any fucking decent flies, btw i had a tackle box full of flies i made myself about 1000 flies in that box ready for sale down at the river i used to work at, 1000 flies sold each would have made me 3k, so in reality foster care does nothing for you except take everything you own and just throw it away because it doesnt match the saftey marks on a shitty piece of paper, when i left care i left with 3 pairs of boxers, couple pairs of jeans and socks, and about 6 t shirts, ffs my mum wouldave sold kilos of H just to get me new stuff, yet the social couldnt even look after me properly and keep me entertained or leave me to go out and do my original hobbies myself, so i got payback made their shifts in a care home an absolute nightmare, afgter i moved in the manager talked to me about taking all of my stuff away, i recieved my first ever charge that night 14 yr old knocking out a gay 30+ year old who couldnt leave me with my pride and joy, the only thing i liked doin was fishing, but after i was moved at 13 i never heard anything about it wasnt even aloud to go to a trout pond. When i was in my best foster home 'the one i fished everyday at the father owned part of a river where we could go anytime' i was trusted to go out and shoot rabbits by myself with a 20bore, went from that level of trust to not even being aloud a set of long nose pliars ffs, and they asked me at the panel why i acted out, well i gave them a straight answer a plate straight to the face and yet another 2 charges right befor i got locked up.

life story the worst years of my fuckin life...
OHHHHH fly fishing u fucking snob!! lmao

glad your bak at work matey at least its summoney u can put away,, il let u know wen harvest is due again :)

well with my 20 PE fems, pakistani vally,crazy miss hyde and the nlxskunk
it seems im doing this little number

karamelo! u seen the flowert ime? 0-8 weeks? should be a fast finisher, so aye its all gravy, lets see how good she is/.

work related lol,, just toss sum shit in the river, and then report him for dumping oil in a river annonymously ofc lmao

hope u enjoy the fishing u poof! get a rod n reel n do it properly, i never liked fly fishing, too much graft
you got a spinner? what a fucking noob get on the fly fishing mate its way better than chuckin a spinner out in the river, this time a year get some plastic 1 1/2 inch tube flies cascade fly is my personal faviourite i used to use single hook cascades for trout and double hooks for salmon, thats my default fly, except i add a long streak of black tail to mine, used to sell them all the time where i used to live,

for you guys who dont fully understand. I lived with foster carers the father was a ghillie, he was basuically a gamekeeper of the river ie fish, and was a real gamekeeper in the winter. and every day i wasnt at school for 4 years i went to the river to fish, shoot, help guests, and piss around on my wee quad that i got for transport.
Mornin lads did a 11hour stint carp fishing yesterday we oldest lad fuck me I got burnt real crispy lol factor 30 dint do fuck all lol
I love the carp fishing tho it's the excitement of hooking a big fucker it's a real buzz plus I love sat for hours gettin smashed waiting for the big fucker to lol
An point of putting um back Donny is so you can go an catch same fish again next season but bigger.
Were I go there's a little pond off the main 1 what you can hire out to ya sen for day there's a couple of 30+ in there, there a big ghost in there with half a thin the farmer calls him Purdy for some reason I've had him out 4 times in total twice in 1 day once he's at 24lb now an the big silly sod just comes straight in like he's 2lb lol
i went for a fishing holiday when i was younger, fought a 46 lber, had to let my foster carer give it a real fight though while i netted the cunt and chapped him on the heed, my biggest so far, but hes had a few 60lb+ in his lifetime and went to alaska and caught 100+ lbers over there, he had to hire a magnum pistol while fishing over there because of the bears, and he had to take his shotgun, well he was advised to take it.
I used to do a bit of fishing mesel, I mine one time I was about 15, there was a party happenein that night and me and a m8 wer skint, we went fishing for the day but we wer pretty much just arsing about an I found a purse in a rockpool, 3 bank cards and three pin numbers fuckin jackpot. Went to the cash machine an the limit on each card was 200 so we got 600 quid between us to head to this party, thot we wer like fucking kings, weed pills speed and a stack of drink in a shopping trolley lol, ahh them was the days
I used to do a bit of fishing mesel, I mine one time I was about 15, there was a party happenein that night and me and a m8 wer skint, we went fishing for the day but we wer pretty much just arsing about an I found a purse in a rockpool, 3 bank cards and three pin numbers fuckin jackpot. Went to the cash machine an the limit on each card was 200 so we got 600 quid between us to head to this party, thot we wer like fucking kings, weed pills speed and a stack of drink in a shopping trolley lol, ahh them was the days
i remember doin patrols down my bit of the river on my quad when i was around 13, caught a couple stoners, so went an got the air rifle, came back and they were all shittin it, ofc i didnt point it at them just walked around with it displaying my dominance, but yeah think that might have been the first time i got stoned, they were sun bathing on private property, i got a smoke and had to tell them to fuck off, well all i remember is leaving the quad and walking back to the fishing hut baked off my ass arms raising an inch each step, i got back with my hands in the air like somone had a gun pointed at me lmao was good times back then, only wish i could zim around on my quad, and boat for crossing the river to the other side, where there was another hut, i basically went from that level of freedom to not being allowed lighters ffs
wtf is goin on all my usual torrent sites are down, ffs isp's blocking torrent sites now ffs, dont understand how they make that shit illegal their not losing money off it, cuz i aint payin to go see a film that might be shyte, if the films decent ill buy it even if i torrented it god muther fucking dam the fucking law
AR-15 off bmr for 3k? 9mm for less than 2, im not even gonna say anything.

upto about 3 years ago you could buy stuff like AK's/grenades/pistols etc from the russians in the docks, used to be £1800 for an AK with a full mag, £50 per grenade and £500-900 for a pistol/revolver depending on what they had at the timelol, we also used to buy stun guns n flick batons n fags n booze from em lol