Random Jibber Jabber Thread


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I will save all my large Stalks... Let u know when I have a good collection ;) ... now I'll go learn to spin me some wool! :) Hahahaha Knitting never worked out for me... but saving the planet one stalk at a time - is very appealing! - makes me wanna Learn New Stuff!
If you'd like I'll set my flax wheel up and take some images so you could see it. But you can spin wool, hemp, cotton, flax anything on a decent spindle or a not decent spindle LOL. We did everything on spindles for thousands of years. Low tech and very dependable. Oh but the wheels are just delicious works of art. I have a couple large production wheels that are just wonderful to feel move with you as you make thread. Very soothing type of work.

This is a good place to start for general info on it and lots of videos etc....

Oh and I spin mostly fine for weaving and lace. For example this is a merino fleece I just purchased:
After you wash it it looks like this:

Since this is a knitting project I'm carding it. If it were for weaving I comb it.

You take the rolags to the wheel and you spin them at 1/2 the diameter of the fiber you are going for. In this case I want roughly very fine so there ya go:

When I finally have enough plied and set this will be knitted into the shawl below.

*shawl isn't mine but the rest of the images are mine and my equipment.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
C2G have you ever worked with qiviut? It's stronger and 8X as warm as sheep's wool and softer than cashmere. It's very expensive!
Made a bedspread out of it. It is a down wool off the Alaskan Musk Ox. Very similar to the buffalo down I'd collect off the fence at the Moonridge Zoo. It's so very warm I made a mix of Merino, Silk (tussah) and Qiviuq in equal portion. It was a little spendy yes. But I had a friend who sent me a couple grocery bags full LOL.

Some left overs I was spinning on my St. Hyacinthe wheel (Canadian flax wheel made in the mid to late 1800's). Sorry about the dust we are covered in it today.


Sector 5 Moderator
I shutter to think what a bedspread made from that would sell for! I edited my post to include a link; it's $50 per oz. Not bad when you compare it to bud tho. :)


Well-Known Member
That's like stealing electrons from gold (if that were possible) to make it into zinc.
Agreed. It would be nice to come up with a non fossil fuel..I actually looked into it and why they aren't utilizing this. The only thing I could come up with was its too expensive to make..Im not sure I buy that excuse as a reason not to develop. Maybe back in Fords day..but now? We wouldn't have to drill, no oil rigs etc;


Well-Known Member
Um, in my state he would be arrested for DISORDERLY CONDUCT and EXPOSURE OF SEXUAL ORGAN????:P
he was, many times, as well as for other things
I think they finally kind of gave up, at least to some extent
that was just his thing and he said he wouldn't stop until he was dead
he wasn't lying


Well-Known Member
Do you mean alcohol?
Seems pretty simple, the conversion would be simple and straight forward
we use some and use some as a blend but we could easily switch over 100%
Thats my question..prolly has to do with BIG OIL LOBBY them blocking research and production.


Well-Known Member
or is it? Padaraper
Thats what I mean. Hell, I can extract why can't we develop this?

Prediction: There will come a time when weed will be utilized for everything..sometime in the future, after man has finished destroying the planet. People will look back at this time in their history books and shake their heads in disbelief.


Ursus marijanus
Thats what I mean. Hell, I can extract why can't we develop this?

Prediction: There will come a time when weed will be utilized for everything..sometime in the future, after man has finished destroying the planet. People will look back at this time in their history books and shake their heads in disbelief.
I will tell you: I hope we'll be shaking our heads from a billion miles away. After we get serious about this business of becoming a true spacefaring species ... and have to build every ecosphere from proton-baked scratch, we'll develop a deeper respect for the original, wild one. I predict Earth will become a park. cn