Always great to hear when someones getting a pup & I can relate.
This is one of my (4)labs, as a pup, enjoying her first car ride home from to Ca. ,........ from AZ.
A dynamic breed for sure ,but most all pooches have great potential as long as they recieve lots of positive attention as it seems to bring out the best of their unique personalities.
Glad to hear the good news & thanks in advance for sustaining a precious life although I'm sure the love, care & friend ship will be mutual.
Positive Energy for a long lasting life/ friendship with & for you & your new pooch!
Have fun & we'll be looking forward to seeing some pup pics posted (with name) when you can.
Oh & by the way....the name "Canniba" (kan-EE-buh) is already taken

....But I suppose another could be considered flattery.