What is the Best Grow Tent???

Hello Everyone, I am looking to buy a 10x10x8 Grow tent.I was wondering if someone with some experience using a tent of any size could recommend one, and share their likes and dislikes about tents. I am looking at two different ones , a Virtual Sun Grow Tent - for$419 at 600d thread count, or a Gorilla Grow Tent for$1318 (Damn thats HIGH) at 1680D thread count. My main concerns are air tightness,and noise.I plan on sealing off all unused port holes and windows that are in the tent except for the one entrance(to get in and out ) and running c02. I will have another 3x3 tent where my a/c will be running in and supplying the aircooled hoods with cold air and the room with cold air via two different 6in ducts.Any suggestion would will be much appreciated ? THank You :?:


Well-Known Member
I have a Virtual Sun Grow Tent 4x4 tent and a Secret Jardin tent. If you're worried about air tightness and noise, I really wouldn't recommend the VS tent. I would recommend that if you want a quality flowering tent at a reasonable and fair price point, go with a Secret Jardin tent, or if you want a good tent that's extremely expensive, get the Gorilla tent if you have the money...


Well-Known Member
ppl are going to smack me

get a cheap on from ebay ....do a grow if u like it sell some off and get the secert jardin (they are the best other then gorilla )

if it works out for yah the cheap o one is the veggie/clone/spourt tent and the good one is the flower tent

there is no point in blowing 700-1200 bucks for a huge set up if u do not know if u can do it and if u enjoy doing it


Well-Known Member
I just moved, and the internet has not been turned on yet at my home, but yes, the SJ fabric is at least 3-4x thicker. Maybe it's because they use different materials/fabrics, but the VS tent's material is thin and flimsy compared to the thick and sturdy material of the SJ. If the SJ tent's material is 210D now, it would be ridiculous to make it 400D or 800D IMHO... If I had internet at home, I would have uploaded a video to youtube for you. It should be turned on by Monday morning if you want to wait until then. Basically, the SJ tent is really nice, solid, and again study..

I ordered the SJ tent on Amazon, but while I was waiting for it to be delivered, I came across (seen it being used in a youtube video) and ordered the VS tent which was cheaper. I opened and used the VS tent first and was happy with it until I decided to keep and open the SJ tent. I then realized the difference in overall build quality and features, and started to be annoyed a little by the VS tent... Don't get me wrong, the VS tent was okay, but it was like being happy with eating at Red Lobster and later finding a 4 star restaurant that didn't cost much more.. You become aware of how much better the food could/should be... I use the VS tent for veg and the SJ tent for flowering.

Long story short... If you want a decent tent at a steal of a price that will should work just fine, get the VS. If you want a better tent with excellent build quality and design, get the SJ or Gorilla. I have not used the Gorilla tent, but I hear it's a good buy, but just overpriced. To me, I got the best of both worlds with the SJ tent... The price was in between the VS and Gorilla tent, and the quality was great...

I suggest that if money is an issue, get the VS tent. If you got the extra cash to throw around, get the Gorilla tent. If you want something that's up to par quality wise, but isn't as expensive as the Gorilla tent, get the SJ. Either way, all 3 tents should do what they were designed to do...


Well-Known Member
ppl are going to smack me

get a cheap on from ebay ....do a grow if u like it sell some off and get the secert jardin (they are the best other then gorilla )

if it works out for yah the cheap o one is the veggie/clone/spourt tent and the good one is the flower tent

there is no point in blowing 700-1200 bucks for a huge set up if u do not know if u can do it and if u enjoy doing it
If I could reach through the CP to slap you I would lol... Na I hear bad things about the ebay tents... Like the bars bending because they weren't strong enough causing lights falling on plants and fabric ripping/tearing...
thank you doniboy and justugh havnt bought one yet, your advice is very helpful.Thanks again, now if someone with a gorilla will give their 2 cents i can make my choice Thank you all HAPPY GROWING


Active Member
the room is properly insulated, properly wired, imo easier to run ducting and hang anything heavy because you KNOW a 2x6 truss is gonna hold anything you through at it. if concrete easier to clean, easier to keep cool. ive never grown in a tent though...


Well-Known Member
i got a superlex.....the ebay choice

i will not lie it is no where near perfect.....i have issuse with the zipper closing and the seams around highly reenforced sections pin point hole of lite ....and u see where someone careless packaged (the makers) and the tent got hit with staple to close the box..................give that and where it is my lvl of exp and my funding it perfect .....i say the ebay choice is the best .........here is the one i picked to test/learn on (if i am good i can do it it keeps me thinking and fun i will invest for a 600w cooltube secert jardrin/gorrilla)

here is the break down and final arguement for my choice ...........118 bucks shipping include 4x4x6.8...... 4 upper bars.... the 6 inch top .....2 4 inch sidevents...3 passive ventflaps.... this is the sheer basic ....2 simple 4 inch inline booster fan (80 cfm) they sound like fans on medium or a ac on low (sleepable room) the tent is only 104 volume do it to 100 divide by 5 (volume of the room divided by 5 is the minal CFM cubic feet a min that your room needs to have health plants....bad co2 good co2)....adding acarbon filter to a 4 in line figure u are now at a 40 cfm (or even 3/4 reduction 20cfm ) your minal so u are covered there ............once u got some time in and your ideas in head u can then make sure u get the prefect flowering tent cord slots ....ducting...bar weight veiw ports .....all the bells and whistles

the honest to gods truth is any u get now u will be happy with but in 4 weeks u will wish u pick other ...............go basic learn then invest
ive built rooms inside of bedrooms or garages before ,out of 2 x 4s and that black and white plastic with insulation board ,Duct taped all seems and made some pretty air tight rooms , to make the c02 more efficient .Its a lot of work to do it,and a lot of work to take it all down. not to mention some tools that u would need .Where as the tent is fairly easy up and easy down and can be put back in it box should u need to tare it down quickly.Im going for stealth hear to and ive never used one so thats why im getting a tent. Im starting to lean more towards the gorilla even though it is a lot of money because they have the highest thread count and there for has to be the most insulted and able to control the climate inside with the right equipment. SO PLEASE SOMEONE WITH A GORILLA GROW TENT PLEASE WEIGH IN WITH AN OPINION THank You All


Well-Known Member
What's the real difference between using say a 10x10 room vs a 10x10 tent other than extra hammering and drilling?
You can stand outside the tent and work on it, leaving the entire space for plants. Try that with a regular room


Well-Known Member
awl come on if u can not make your mind up based off that lvl of info

gorilla is far none the best on the market do to the options they offer and the IR built in ......they are new to the market and they are looking to get into the nitch ....secert jarden is the top of the line and has been for several years becuase they back there up with well millions of use stoner yell wahoo u rock to them

one thing i did learn there is one call mammoth they turned there name into secret garden stay away from them make sure it has the J


Well-Known Member
found something interesting,still not as much information as i would like to hear about the air tightness but informative http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_SRG9_-eASI
LOL you're over thinking this big time. Not many buy the Gorilla tent because it's over priced and the SJ tent is comparable. Gorilla maybe a better tent on paper, but it's like paying $300-$400 dollars extra for a tent that can hold 500lbs instead of buying a tent that is just as good, but can only hold 400lb when realistically, you'll never ever need to hold more than 200lb max if that. The 2 best tents on the market are SJ and Gorilla.

Also, no tent is going to be all that air tight, and you do not want one to be air tight. You want fresh air to be able to be pulled into the room at the very same time that your hot, carbon scrubbed, C02 depleted air is pulled air out of the room. This will create a suction within the tent that will keep odor from escaping, i.e., airs pulled in and not escaping out.. If you have an air tight tent, you'll not only create a vacuum effect (like air leaving a balloon), but you'll suffocate your plants as well (unless you plan on buying a C02 filter). No matter what, there will be some odor, but as long as you're using a Carbon Filter and Inline Fan to pull air out of the room, you do not have to worry about any overwhelming odors...

You seem to be leaning towards the Gorilla tent, so why not get that one? You can't go wrong with either...


Well-Known Member
Good post.
I would love a tent. I grow in rooms/cupboards etc which works for me ATM.
However, a tent can be easily moved, hidden etc.
When the SJ is mentioned (which is what i am considering), do you mean the DR or DS ones?