The Irish Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Fuckin flairform pythoff is doing jack shit either, i had to hand wash the brown slime off the roots again, ive lost alot of roots and the subculture-b will be a long time coming cause anything that fixes this is only in the usa cant find them in europe, think i will have to cull this plant and start again when i get subculture-b and aquashield

sad beyond believe this plant has incredible node spacing and would of been a massive yielder


Well-Known Member
Fuckin flairform pythoff is doing jack shit either, i had to hand wash the brown slime off the roots again, ive lost alot of roots and the subculture-b will be a long time coming cause anything that fixes this is only in the usa cant find them in europe, think i will have to cull this plant and start again when i get subculture-b and aquashield sad beyond believe this plant has incredible node spacing and would of been a massive yielder
Sorry to hear,nothing worse than having to kill such a promising plant. what about cloning?


Well-Known Member
Wow a great looking row of colas there MD, looking nice and colourful, I used to use those cooltubes also, bit found they hurt they yield more than they were helping with heat. My temps are actually lower now with a parabolic reflector and no class blocking the lumens.

shit here in san fran its not the temp we worry about its the humidity causing mold. My average temp is 70 degrees sometimes lower sometimes a tad higher but usually right at 70. We absolutely need the tube in this cab, it has a digital combo on the door and is so sealed we have to use big hand magnets to open it!


Well-Known Member
Fuckin flairform pythoff is doing jack shit either, i had to hand wash the brown slime off the roots again, ive lost alot of roots and the subculture-b will be a long time coming cause anything that fixes this is only in the usa cant find them in europe, think i will have to cull this plant and start again when i get subculture-b and aquashield

sad beyond believe this plant has incredible node spacing and would of been a massive yielder
keep doing what you are doing and try not to give up till you get your supplies. what is the temp of your water? throw some ice cubes in that bitch see if you can freeze that shit out it will shock your plants but they will bounce back unless they are already shocked from the root rot.


Well-Known Member
hippie headband.jpgnot sure who got the hippie headband think it was AE but here is a pic of it off the zon website: I still have six of them.


Well-Known Member
Look amazing... i'd say they'll turn real quick, have you stared final flush yet???
actually we never flush but was thinking of doing it on this run

500,000 euro's my ass I bet they weighed the entire plant, at least that is what they do in the U.S. to get you more time.

mj head

actually we never flush but was thinking of doing it on this run

500,000 euro's my ass I bet they weighed the entire plant, at least that is what they do in the U.S. to get you more time.
in ireland they value each plant at 8ooe,doesn go by weight ya get the same for being caught with a seedling as a ready ta harvest plant.


Well-Known Member
Three of my week old seedlings dead as dodo's this evening,I'm thinking it was damping off from what I can tell looking at the stems and roots,never before had I a bother with it and now I've lost 5 to it in a month. Thankfully I have reserves and patience:)


Well-Known Member
What way do you work the last few weeks... full nute's right up until death or slowly decrease... its interesting to hear other techniques
dose them out with liquid and dry kool bloom it makes the buds explode. Only use dry kool bloom the last week or two it is highly concentrated but you can start with the liquid as soon as you see the white pistols


Well-Known Member
in ireland they value each plant at 8ooe,doesn go by weight ya get the same for being caught with a seedling as a ready ta harvest plant.
thats BS like no other! who in the hell is going to buy a seedling? I guess they look at it as when that seedling becomes mature then you could turn a profit if thats your thing. I don't sale shit never have never will, I will give shit away to less fortunate people before I ever even think of turning a profit its not what I do this for purely medicinal!


Well-Known Member
Three of my week old seedlings dead as dodo's this evening,I'm thinking it was damping off from what I can tell looking at the stems and roots,never before had I a bother with it and now I've lost 5 to it in a month. Thankfully I have reserves and patience:)
Night mare... Sorry to hear that man..


Well-Known Member
thats BS like no other! who in the hell is going to buy a seedling? I guess they look at it as when that seedling becomes mature then you could turn a profit if thats your thing. I don't sale shit never have never will, I will give shit away to less fortunate people before I ever even think of turning a profit its not what I do this for purely medicinal!
Regrdless of what stage the plant is at they value it at what it could potentially put out in the end. A few years ago a friend was caught with a little over a quarter and was charged with intent to supply,he ended up only getting a fine and a warning but it's very unfair when the papers report what he was charged with,even though what he had was for his own use,they made him out to be a dealer.


Well-Known Member
keep doing what you are doing and try not to give up till you get your supplies. what is the temp of your water? throw some ice cubes in that bitch see if you can freeze that shit out it will shock your plants but they will bounce back unless they are already shocked from the root rot.
My temps are fine tho thats the thing between 15-23c should be an ok temp, it will probably be two weeks before the supplys come so i dont have much hope but ill try to keep it alive and she if it holds out till then, just found a product advanced nutrients make ( the only fucking product i dident buy ) called sensizym that would do the same job but ive this other stuff ordered and cant really buy anything more for a while

really shit weather all my outdoor veg has died between freezing at night and drowned with rain during the day


Well-Known Member
dose them out with liquid and dry kool bloom it makes the buds explode. Only use dry kool bloom the last week or two it is highly concentrated but you can start with the liquid as soon as you see the white pistols
I dont understand bro... is liquid a product...