Meat Cleavered in London


New Member
Funny everyone else is referring to them as Nigerian, British Born. You are just trolling out of total agenda.

I wish there was peace. I wish there was peace. EVERYBODY! I wish there was peace. I wish there was peace. KUM-BY_YAAAAAA. KUM-BY_YAAAAAA.
British born to immigrants from Nigeria who are Christians... How fucking hard is that to understand and why are you replying to your own posts?


New Member
See how they lie. You've never been out of OZ, Jack. I've been all over this world you dumb-ass little baby boy. And if you know I was born and raised in the Repubic of Texas, then why lie about my world travels? Oh, being a dirt punk of OZ, right.

Oh, I would stay out of Texas if I were you, if you every make it as far an International airport, that is.

America. Fuck YOU.
Do you read your dyslexic garbage before posting? Because we all see how you lie...

You sound so tough... Are you holding a gun right now just to prove to the internet how tough you really are? I guess your ex girlfriend is a living testament to your toughness...

I got no problem with airports, just flew to Melbourne and back a few days ago and there's no TSA here "checking inside my asshole" for sharia loving nazi jihadists...

Trust me bro, no one is coming over to the states to visit Texas. No one.


Well-Known Member
But, you lied. Straight up, you are stitting here lying about everything. Your total problem is the self deception of bravado brought on by fear of this great big world and fear of the local shelias.


New Member
But, you lied. Straight up, you are stitting here lying about everything. Your total problem is the self deception of bravado brought on by fear of this great big world and fear of the local shelias*.
Aussie girls don't give "texas titty twisters" nor do the majority of teenage blokes over here have man-boobs big enough to twist. No need to fear the local or national girls here - I don't know what kind of sheilas* you've been hanging around??? And fear of this world? I don't fear USA/nazi/zombie/gestapo/sharia/muslims but you seem scared to death they've infiltrated everything and turned everyone.

Why is it when you're called on your b/s you start in with this internet tough guy act?

That is way it happens on airplanes even. We don't just stand there, like sheep.
They were shouting Jihad...the pussiness of London is an embarrassment.

Damn man. I'm a Boy Scout and a martial dude. For me and 2 big guys, it would be..Let's Roll.
I'd hit him so hard with the nearest garbage can and pile on.

It just happens. I've been in it before. Instant and lawful vigilante. For our own protection.
We are not Subjects.
But you just stood there and watched your missus take it balls deep, yet, somehow if you'd been in London, your heroism would saved that poor soldiers life? (As long as you had a firearm)


Well-Known Member
See how they lie. You've never been out of OZ, Jack. I've been all over this world you dumb-ass little baby boy. And if you know I was born and raised in the Repubic of Texas, then why lie about my world travels? Oh, being a dirt punk of OZ, right.

Oh, I would stay out of Texas if I were you, if you every make it as far an International airport, that is.

America. Fuck YOU.
Who in their right mind would WANT to go to Texas?


Well-Known Member
If you have to ain't welcome, Essex. You are too racist by far. The Brits bought the slaves to us, remember?

----Lee Rigby. He went to his God as a solider. RIP the Warriors.

When the fighting moves on 'or the Afgan Plain And the women come out to pick what remains just roll to your rifle and blow out your brains and go to your god like a solider

Rudyard Kipling

This is a modem rewite, nothing has changed.

When you’re lying alone in your Afghan bivvy, And your life it depends on some MOD civvie

When the body armour’s shared (one set between three),

And the firefight’s not like it is on TV,

Then you’ll look to your oppo, your gun and your God,

As you follow that path all Tommies have trod.

When the gimpy has jammed and you’re down to one round,

And the faith that you’d lost is suddenly found.

When the Taliban horde is close up to the fort,

And you pray that the arty don’t drop a round short.

Stick to your sergeant like a good squaddie should,

And fight them like satan or one of his brood

Your pay it won’t cover your needs or your wants,

So just stand there and take all the Taliban’s taunts

Nor generals nor civvies can do aught to amend it,

Except make sure you’re kept in a place you can’t spend it.

Three fifty an hour in your Afghani cage,

Not nearly as much as the minimum wage.

Your missus at home in a foul married quarter

With damp on the walls and a roof leaking water

Your kids miss their mate, their hero, their dad;

They’re missing the childhood that they should have had

One day it will be different, one day by and by,

As you all stand there and watch, to see the pigs fly

Just like your forebears in mud, dust and ditch

You’ll march and you’ll fight, and you’ll drink and you’ll bitch

Whether Froggy or Zulu, or Jerry, or Boer

The Brits will fight on ‘til the battle is over.

You may treat him like dirt, but nowt will unnerve him

But I wonder sometimes, if the country deserves him.

You cowardly subjects, go puke yourself.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Now these two suspicious looking Hillbilly Americans are on their way to a cock fight
but how do we know that these guys are not actually Muslims
Think about it ...

Those crackers have always wondered what it would be like to handle a big cock. Now they know.


Well-Known Member
Those crackers have always wondered what it would be like to handle a big cock. Now they know.
These guys ain't smart enough to not beat someone to death. I grew up there. You have no idea what evil fucks these guys can become with practice.

And all the not so evil, just little punks in forum, stay out of Texas.

A cowboy kiss in the teeth happens so fast, you will just stand there bleeding and spitting out some incisors.

Now what will you do? You would not be really sure who of these two just hit you. HINT: it is the one you lost track of. The one that slipped outside your peripheral, on purpose. :)


Ursus marijanus
Aussie girls don't give "texas titty twisters" nor do the majority of teenage blokes over here have man-boobs big enough to twist. No need to fear the local or national girls here - I don't know what kind of sheilas* you've been hanging around??? And fear of this world? I don't fear USA/nazi/zombie/gestapo/sharia/muslims but you seem scared to death they've infiltrated everything and turned everyone.

Why is it when you're called on your b/s you start in with this internet tough guy act?

But you just stood there and watched your missus take it balls deep, yet, somehow if you'd been in London, your heroism would saved that poor soldiers life? (As long as you had a firearm)
*damned asterisks. cn


Ursus marijanus
If you have to ain't welcome, Essex. You are too racist by far. The Brits bought the slaves to us, remember?

----Lee Rigby. He went to his God as a solider. RIP the Warriors.

When the fighting moves on 'or the Afgan Plain And the women come out to pick what remains just roll to your rifle and blow out your brains and go to your god like a solider

Rudyard Kipling

This is a modem rewite, nothing has changed.

When you’re lying alone in your Afghan bivvy, And your life it depends on some MOD civvie

When the body armour’s shared (one set between three),

And the firefight’s not like it is on TV,

Then you’ll look to your oppo, your gun and your God,

As you follow that path all Tommies have trod.

When the gimpy has jammed and you’re down to one round,

And the faith that you’d lost is suddenly found.

When the Taliban horde is close up to the fort,

And you pray that the arty don’t drop a round short.

Stick to your sergeant like a good squaddie should,

And fight them like satan or one of his brood

Your pay it won’t cover your needs or your wants,

So just stand there and take all the Taliban’s taunts

Nor generals nor civvies can do aught to amend it,

Except make sure you’re kept in a place you can’t spend it.

Three fifty an hour in your Afghani cage,

Not nearly as much as the minimum wage.

Your missus at home in a foul married quarter

With damp on the walls and a roof leaking water

Your kids miss their mate, their hero, their dad;

They’re missing the childhood that they should have had

One day it will be different, one day by and by,

As you all stand there and watch, to see the pigs fly

Just like your forebears in mud, dust and ditch

You’ll march and you’ll fight, and you’ll drink and you’ll bitch

Whether Froggy or Zulu, or Jerry, or Boer

The Brits will fight on ‘til the battle is over.

You may treat him like dirt, but nowt will unnerve him

But I wonder sometimes, if the country deserves him.

You cowardly subjects, go puke yourself.
What would you have those REMF mods do? cn

desert dude

Well-Known Member
So, you got what you want to give them? Not so fast. These guys ain't smart enough to not beat you to death. I grew up there. You have no idea what evil fucks these guys can become with practice.
Just a little "big cock" levity. I am sure Unclebuck will appreciate it.


Well-Known Member
Just a little "big cock" levity. I am sure Unclebuck will appreciate it.
Oh, I My pre-post, I edited after I realized your levity. I had to get a good look at the picture....:)

All I can say is you better be standing back with a big friendly smile if you say something like that to these boys. :)


Ursus marijanus
Oh, I My pre-post, I edited after I realized your levity. I had to get a good look at the picture....:)

All I can say is you better be standing back with a big friendly smile if you say something like that to these guys. :)


Well-Known Member
What would you have those REMF mods do? cn
Me? Not qualified very much, here, but in the history of the solider. The Ministry of Defense civvies is what he is talking about.

Like our DoD? How about the civilians in DoD sit down an STFU? How about the President surrounds himself with Warriors as much as Politicos, since he is CinC?

Just wishes. Like the frog wishes he had wings so he doesn't bump his butt each time he hops. :)


Ursus marijanus
Me? Not qualified very much, here, but in the history of the solider. The Ministry of Defense civvies is what he is talking about.

Like our DoD? How about the civilians in DoD sit down an STFU? How about the President surrounds himself with Warriors as much as Politicos, since he is CinC?

Just wishes. Like the frog wishes he had wings so he doesn't bump his butt each time he hops. :)
No worries. Checking that there wasn't Customer Feedback in there.

As for frogs bumping their butts ... we had quite the incident in T&T. Was darkly amusing. cn


Ursus marijanus
That is likely to be the response. Unless you mean hold them at gun point to tell the joke? :)

What I meant was I wouldn't mouth off to hard-looking fellows (I mean, look at those cocks! Just look at'em!) without my Big Friendly Smile in plain sight. Respectful, and all that. :mrgreen: cn

*If you look closely, those chickens seem ... hypoxic.