Well-Known Member
Chill MyCo! Woody has never grown mold on bread. Thanks for being there for me though!Why are you being such a hard on? Coming in here giving the guy shit for telling you how he's growing some smoke. Do you realize how damn stupid your argument is just considering that simple fact. Go away little troll! Who wouldn't want to save some money anyways, I guess you're an heir to a billion dollars right moneybags. Get bent, what's up with all these pricks jumpin threads and starting shit with people. It's fuckin sad when you can't get on a pot forum and shoot the shit without having some asshole ruin your good time. Go back under your fuckin bridge little troll. Sorry everybody I do apologize to the rest of everyone. Good luck, Good grow, Be safe,out.
The internet continues to increase our level of intelligence and understanding..... right?