I water skied every day for over 7 months (slalom, barefoot, and trick skis), so I pretty much looked like perfexionist but a lot less handsome. :) I didn't have big muscles but I was as hard as a rock and great abs, shoulders, chest and legs.

Sport is great. I love diving personally. I wanna start a sports thread but I'm not even going to the gym!! Perfexionist should do it.
I did not think those were knees...

'Knees' did I hear? I gotta love me a nice set of knee caps.

Ninja- where's that bath shot of your legs? :)
Nahh man, all the people i know put on a bunch of water weight while taking creatine and when they stopped they just got fat. So are you skinny now or are you still fat? Just wondering cause it sounds like your the last person id take advice on droppin weight from skinny :):):)

Thats true, most ppl on creatine do put on water weight (just depends on the person). I used creatine for awhile since it helped with the pump but I got off it after reading some studies.. forgot what it was.. I've been using Jack3d recently and I just learned that it got pulled off the shelves for serious health issues (some ppl actually died from it) --Wish they tell you that shit BEFORE they sell it and tell you its "safe"..

Nahh man, all the people i know put on a bunch of water weight while taking creatine and when they stopped they just got fat. So are you skinny now or are you still fat? Just wondering cause it sounds like your the last person id take advice on droppin weight from skinny :):):)

Someone that lost over 100 lbs is the last person you'd want advice from about losing weight? Are you dense? I went from 305 to 175. If you look at the pic I posted you'll see I'm no longer "fat". Where's your pic?
Thats true, most ppl on creatine do put on water weight (just depends on the person). I used creatine for awhile since it helped with the pump but I got off it after reading some studies.. forgot what it was.. I've been using Jack3d recently and I just learned that it got pulled off the shelves for serious health issues (some ppl actually died from it) --Wish they tell you that shit BEFORE they sell it and tell you its "safe"..


the guys at gnc just wanted to sell me everything, they even sold me pump fuel and no3 nitric oxide boosters which both have nitrate complexs and specifically say do NOT take with other nitrates. assholes could have given me a heart attack
the guys at gnc just wanted to sell me everything, they even sold me pump fuel and no3 nitric oxide boosters which both have nitrate complexs and specifically say do NOT take with other nitrates. assholes could have given me a heart attack

They'll do that, bro. That's why used to research exactly what I needed then just ordered it online. Cheaper that way too.
Someone that lost over 100 lbs is the last person you'd want advice from about losing weight? Are you dense? I went from 305 to 175. If you look at the pic I posted you'll see I'm no longer "fat". Where's your pic?
Right here :):):) image.jpg how far back do i have to look to see yours, and how do you think that creatine helped you with your weight loss? Or were you just not being a lazy person and working out and that was on your list of supplements?
Start it lahada. I'll post in it. I was heavy into sports when i was younger. I always thought i'd make it someday as a wide reciever or quarterback lol didn't happen. Basketball was My shit too. I practically lived at theneighborhood park

I can't start it coz I've got gun holsters now and haven't seen the inside of a gym since Oct. :)