Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?


Well-Known Member
Thanks again guys. I know she looked like she had longer, but not enough life left in her to finish But it's all good. She was just a test run and I'm extremely happy I can smoke her and not spend my hard earned cheddar on other bud. Perfect timing really, I won't have another plant finishing for 2-3 weeks....so I'm stoked
how long do you plan on curing?

Stoned Drifter

Well-Known Member
Hi. Everyone! This is my first plant im growing, and i think its ready for harvest. buds are tiny, but the trichomes are cloudy. I'm at week 9 of flowering, and between 7-8 weeks since first pistils. What do u guys think? Strain is OG x Sour Diesel. lmk if anyone needs any additional pics.


Well-Known Member
It looks real close but I'd let it go another week or so for my preference> you might like less couch-lock than me.

perdrick l. hapley

Active Member
yeah looks like mostly cloudy there, not seeing much amber at all though (kinda hard to see). like kindnug said you could probably benefit for letting it go for a few more days but it's up to you


@ a certain point it's up to the person harvesting, Your @ that point...

Thank you Kindnug, you are right.I felt happy with what i have seen of her now so i chopped her down yesterday. 12/12 from seed(bagseed) 3 weeks veg cfl 300w 7 weeks flower 700w cfl . Weighed wet at harvest @ 3.75 oz ,weighed as of now ( 24 hours later) @ 1. 3/4 oz . Am happy with results because i can now increase numbers at a time and still get ok results within a confined space. Thanks again Kindnug, Mike.


Well-Known Member
Hey kidnug! I hope you can help me out. I would love to post pics of my trichs but my hand is not that steady haha. I will say the split is like 80% cloudy, 15%clear and 5% amber. Here are some pictures of the plant itself. I would love you opinion on how much longer. I was thinking within the next few days or so. Thank you in advance!



Well-Known Member
You have a few weeks left still madrush... white pistols look like they're still reaching and growing IMO. what strain? how old?


Well-Known Member
Well alot of the pistols have turned and the trichs are showing that its close. It was vegged for 4 weeks amd.this is week 8 of flower. It's an a pure indica


Well-Known Member
My MMJ care-giver was just over and gave me his suspected time frame for harvest, curious to hear yours :)

First one thats more of a close up is a Sour D other is a Tangerine Kush (which is possibly one of the best tasting buds EVER so I dont want to fuck it up even a little.)



Active Member
I got a question my cam is down currently and I'm at week 10 sativa bagseed strain. 90% of all hairs are amber and retracted. Its doing its final foxtail stretch and even those hairs are amber. I don't want to harvest early. How can I tell if I let her go to long?


Well-Known Member
I'd wait till those hairs recede more. From my experience, when most people think their plants are done, they actually need about 2 weeks longer. Probably pack on some more weight too...

EDIT: Can see a few amber trichs tho, a week to two weeks I say! Depends on how fast they change, and how heady or heavy you want the stone to be.


Well-Known Member
thanks. ive been flowering over 9 weeks now. this thing is lagging it.
Most breeders flower times are retarded.

I usually add 2-3 weeks to whatever they say. Maybe if you had absolutely perfect conditions you might hit their 'times' but, Jesus Christ man, my ladies have a damn nice home and I've never matched what they say. Purps is supposed to be 7-8 weeks and It's going on 9.5-10 now. Better be patient and reap the rewards than be impulsive and have regrets later!