Club 600


Active Member
Pictures are loaded on my mac ready for me to start my thread, but I'm having a big fat booner in the sunshine atm so it will have to wait lol


Well-Known Member
well my blueberry still look tiny for 4 weeks in the wilma like, getting sum back in my cuboard tomoz under a cfl for now tho till a get a 400w ballast sorted in next couple days,,

debating on wether to get enough clones for me to scrap the hydro and go for 6 in soil in the tent and 4 in here to flip about the same time

or scrap the hydro and veg in here move to tent to flower taking clones to veg again in here then eventually be to flower in both the rooms and have a little veg tent in the corner of my bedroom


Well-Known Member
what do you guys think about an ant pile taking up residence in one of my pots? with a plant im trying to revege. they literally just moved the fuck in like they own the thing.. I think I took care of the problem already though without any pesticides.. I put them in a bird bath so theres like a moat around the pot.. no way for them to get food and what not.. but im wondering if they would have been more beneficial as far as breaking down dead plant matter and insects and stuff in my soil? not to mention aerating it.. and producing more organic matter. like larvae shells or caseing or w.e you wana call them.. not an ant expert, only experience I have is sticking m-60s in there piles and lighting them lol.. oh and the occasional smoke bomb. but yea I picked up a big brick off my deck the other day and slapped it against my side..little did I know that brick was basically the roof to an ant nest. just wearing shorts no shirt and felt the stinging sensation look down and I was basically rubbing a handful of ants into my side luckily most were on my shorts and only got bit probably like 10 times lol but its horrific looking down and a bunch of stinging insects swarming you. I let out a proper yelp. thanks a lot to whoever imported these fiery fuckers.


Well-Known Member
thinking back to when I was a kid on a field trip. this kid literally was covered in them, like his white shoe was brown, they were trying to take him alive.. he musta been traumatized.


Well-Known Member
Got lotts of gardening done yesterday. Repotted 3 into 5 gall buckets and moved outside. Just in case of a frost or freeze. In 4 weeks will put them into 20 gall holes. I repotted my jack herer into a 20 gall pot. This will be lt final home so in october if its not done i can take special care for it in fall in the north east. I moved my 4 jack clones and 2 kalis. clones under the hid light for 3 weeks to get ready for the move outside. I moved my 3 baby liberty haze seedlings to a small container with 3 cfl bulbs for these 3 weeks. And the 6 in flower are just starting to show good sighns of flowering.


Well-Known Member
Forgot thi pics.012.jpg013.jpg014.jpg015.jpg016.jpg017.jpgpics go jackherer,kilishnikova,bigbang,than big bang I fell on a couple of weeks ago.And my clones.I got 10 out of 15 not your guys averages put won't complain considering a coupple looked sad to begin with. they just took forever to root and catch.I hope I can go back to being a hermit on my hill this week.Way to much action the last 3 weeks. I don't want to be this busy unless it's festival hopping or something to that effects. Have 4 days to get admittance letter from community college to be able for summer classes. Now I'm hoping I have to wait till fall classes. peace 6er's!


Well-Known Member
just thinking out loud.. but i remember growing a super Mexican sativa one year like the oldschool shit.. i shoulda crossed it with something. the high was really euphoric.. i feel like they have something that could be more bred out of or to be less of, more modern genetics.. since the main concentration was on thc. i see experiments where they tested a lady with thc only then thc and cbd but they never tested her with just cbd.. i wonder what other cannabinoids are responsible for euphoria? any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
well heres the blueberry 4 weeks they been in and the purple kush about 2 weeks this what im debating on scrapping to put 6 in 18ltr pots in soil to lst in there?????????? (i dont just mean hoying away i mean bring back to veg room to seee if i can get cuts off or revive)

i have added grow to this tank off water but looks likt the pk need it more then the blueberry

and i will have pics of all the stuff i can replace them with tomorrow once i pick them up



Well-Known Member
Looks like they are locked out Bud.

Droman, I don't like Ant's near my plants, or in my pants:shock: lol.

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
LOL!!Hi DST!Your plants look spectacular ! how are things today in Damsterdam? Did i ever tell you my nephew has been battleing Testicular Ca (20 years old)? he had 6 mnths chemo and a couple major ops. He has been medicating heavily with the herb for is nausea , pain, ect. refused to take any of the prescription meds...After the last surgery and pathology he is clear! As a celebration he s going to Amsterdam in the fall with his bro to visit family. Have a wonderful day!


Well-Known Member
ok so i will get the pics up tomoz of whats coming here from my m8s there is a couple like some are sum unsure of seeds but supposed to be fem but not 100% few are clones aswell...

so might just go with getting 6 in the tent in soil and stop waisting my time and lecy with the hydro till i can afford to again


Well-Known Member
forgot to say d m8 they had no nutes in them till today as i eased off at the start as i thought i dived in a bit to quick with them


Well-Known Member
me neither.. they literally like moved there whole colony into my pot.. luckily its just a plant im trying to revege should be alright until I can take some clones n then trash the ants.. these suckers are big they are like fire ants on steroids.. sprayed them with neem oil with no noticeable effect.


Well-Known Member
Have you tried some diatomaceaous earth yet to fight the ants?
Sprinkle on the soil and all around the pot (if growing outside, sprinkle it down and put the pot on top of it so any ants & bugs trying to come in from below are targeted, too).
Just a thought.