The UK Growers Thread!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
What a tiring day. 10 of traveling to surprise the gf at Hyde park 420 for 6 hours. Was a good afternoon though. Copious amounts of weed, must have been thousand of people. At 4:20 everyone stood up to take photos as Hyde park had literally dissapeared through the amount of smoke. When walking out, it looked like there had been a flock of about a million pigion shit over the place, except the shit was empty laughing gas cartridges, police were all very friendly and didn't give two damns.

Home now though :-). And ice, top man, although your smell proofing has much to be desired, many compliments on my joints, so you clearly did a good job.


Well hi there UK growers.

That's a pic of Nitro Express which is Exodus x Haze BX 1.0

Hope you all had a good 420 day. I was going to go to Hyde Park but had to blow it out at the last moment which was a shame as the weather was perfect for it.

22,5 oz dry, if you were wondering and done in DWC. :leaf:



Well-Known Member
What a tiring day. 10 of traveling to surprise the gf at Hyde park 420 for 6 hours. Was a good afternoon though. Copious amounts of weed, must have been thousand of people. At 4:20 everyone stood up to take photos as Hyde park had literally dissapeared through the amount of smoke. When walking out, it looked like there had been a flock of about a million pigion shit over the place, except the shit was empty laughing gas cartridges, police were all very friendly and didn't give two damns.

Home now though :-). And ice, top man, although your smell proofing has much to be desired, many compliments on my joints, so you clearly did a good job.
Did you get any pics TTT

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
morning you upstanding pillars of the community! That'll flummox ya's

chop day today, exo, and smelly fingerez are coming down. i'm going to fucking bin the clones i'm fucking sick of checking the dead ones. and i need the space to veg this fuck off massive aquafarm i've bought. thing must be 2ft square ffs. change the handle on the grow room door cos i keep locking myself in the fucking thing (springs gone) quick jaunt to the supermarket cut the lawn then go to the gym. i'm tired just thinking about it.


Well-Known Member
High on cheesequake, got rid of hangover and the bits of my head that were hurting are now buzzing, its an early scrump as i am very curious about this strain tastes good and spacey, more sour than cheese at the mo. Hate trainin in late stretch sooo risky ( esp as the ones that need it are spindly fukkers) but am doin jus that to a dpww that is about to hit the glass. thinks ill be playin footie in the garden laters wiv little ones then steak an salad in the sunshine, have a beautiful day ukers


Well-Known Member
Supermarket, lawn, gym...that sounds like a busy week u got don lol.

That's one thing about hydro m8, takes up a hell of a lotta room. My two systems are about 4 ft square each ffs

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
well this is the test run to see f i'm going to switch full time. in an ideal world 4 to 6 dwc or aquafarms under 1200 watts. it's too much light trying to run the lights on the same airline as the fan/filter and the room always stinks of ganj cos i smoke and veg in there so i'd need another fan filter for the lights and then a Y splitter for the 2 lines to go out a 5" hole in an airbrick. it's just too much of a fuck on. and if the fans aren't equal strength i'll end up with negative pressure and back to square one.

i've run all sorts of alternatives through my head and i just don't think it's worth the bother, i get canny results using 2 600's for 6 hours flower each as it is now. if it aint broke eh. i miss my 2.5 m tent.

well best get my arse moving or it'll be monday.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Growshop for some bits and bats, wilko's for some paint, paint me outside window frames, paint me inside doors, steam me kitchen carpet clean, take some clones and then I might be able to chill out!

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
I might cut the grass - I will smoke the weed - I'll probably go for a burn on me thumper fuck the grass

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Thought about a cheap ozone gen Don?

They're have a far higher output and are loads cheaper than those that the hydro shops sell.

I'm getting one for crop time and inspection days.
I've got a uvonair already but to make it effective needs a fuck load of ducting to run it inline. And it fucks with my birds asthma she reckons even tho I know for a fact the pressure sucks everything out the airbrick. I just use for chop days actually I haven't the last few I just sit in Tue room with the tent door open. The o3 in the air makes your skin crawl. Not a nice sensation when your sat for a couple of hours trimming.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
I've got a uvonair already but to make it effective needs a fuck load of ducting to run it inline. And it fucks with my birds asthma she reckons even tho I know for a fact the pressure sucks everything out the airbrick. I just use for chop days actually I haven't the last few I just sit in Tue room with the tent door open. The o3 in the air makes your skin crawl. Not a nice sensation when your sat for a couple of hours trimming.
How effective are they? Like you say, I'd only be using it for chop days and maybe watering in the bath.


Well-Known Member
Well you lot are a busy bunch today arnt ya.2day I'm doing fuck all apart from Sunday dinner and might do the lawns but need to borrow the in laws petrol mower my gardens like a footy pitch.but for now a nice j and a cuppa ;-)1366537899455.jpg