
The whole idea of gun control is to limit the number of deaths.
No it isn't!! The goal is to take away guns. If they gave a shit about deaths there are other things they could do that would save many times more lives than gun control. How many people die each year from taking PRESCRIPTION medications? 20,000? 30,000? 40,000 a year?

How many people are murdered each year by gun? ( Not including suicide or righteous defensive killing) 9000 or so?

Argue the numbers all you want. Gun control, is about disarming people, not saving lives. They could make other laws that would save many many times more lives than gun control EVER will.

None of these laws will do anything to prevent suicides ( 2/3rds of the statistics) or gang member killings ( 75% of the leftovers after taking out suicides).

at best this law might save 20 or 30 people a year. not worth giving up a right for such a small effect.
The whole idea of gun control is to limit the number of deaths. I guarantee I can get more kills per minute with a hk416 then a knife or a hand gun limited to 10 rounds. Now ask yourself which one do you think will get more DEAD faster and quicker

oh and please don't bring a knife to a gun fight

more kill per minute? Are you talking call of duty or real life? I guarantee I can get an hk416 if it was illegal, I guarantee you I could kill people without an hk416, If I were a murderer. I gurantee you I can get as many kills as with _____ If I didn't have _____. Jeffrey Dahmer killed 18 people? with steak knives?

No my friend...The whole idea of "Gun Control" is a play on your emotions to use and abuse you. "Gun Control" is not a noble thing, its a human rights violation. It is much akin to the "Save the Baby Seals Campaign" which was really just a ploy for oil companies to strike down their competition so they could continue to murder baby seals in solitude.
No it isn't!! The goal is to take away guns. If they gave a shit about deaths there are other things they could do that would save many times more lives than gun control. How many people die each year from taking PRESCRIPTION medications? 20,000? 30,000? 40,000 a year?

How many people are murdered each year by gun? ( Not including suicide or righteous defensive killing) 9000 or so?

Argue the numbers all you want. Gun control, is about disarming people, not saving lives. They could make other laws that would save many many times more lives than gun control EVER will.

None of these laws will do anything to prevent suicides ( 2/3rds of the statistics) or gang member killings ( 75% of the leftovers after taking out suicides).

at best this law might save 20 or 30 people a year. not worth giving up a right for such a small effect.

so the government is trying to disarm us. Then what will they do??? Is this the same logic as you thinking that America would be fine without a military.
But its about the CHILDREN!!! Oh Sob, Oh Cry!! Oh woe are we when others are allowed to have magazines of more than 10 capacity! Oh cry!!
I know about Birmingham and it has nothing on Detroit or Chicago. To the red highlight how many lives would have to be saved in order for you to agree???

I grew up downriver Detroit, graduated from Univ Of Alabama-Birmingham. Trust me when I tell you this. They are very similarly run cities, the demographics mirror, the socio-economic classes are in the same boats, the unemployment rates are almost identical, the populations of the two cities are much closer than Detroit and Chicago, what more do you need to compare the two?

Saved lives is an unquantifiable supposition. I read an opinion from an unbiased source that says 100 times as many lives have been saved by guns than lives lost by guns. Prove me wrong.

no i posted it saying he spoke from a neutral side.."hint" remember the word unbiased

If my opinion comes from a neutral side, does someone else get to quote me as fact? It's still an opinion.
so the government is trying to disarm us. Then what will they do??? Is this the same logic as you thinking that America would be fine without a military.

I never said America would be fine without a military, why do you constantly make false shit up? Why do you do that? Do you think it makes you look smart? IT'S FUCKING STUPID to claim facts when it is incomprehensibly easy to PROVE you WRONG!! Why are you so fucking dumb to keep claiming false shit all the time?

What Psycho Pathological error does your grape contain that causes you to act this way?
I never said America would be fine without a military, why do you constantly make false shit up? Why do you do that? Do you think it makes you look smart? IT'S FUCKING STUPID to claim facts when it is incomprehensibly easy to PROVE you WRONG!! Why are you so fucking dumb to keep claiming false shit all the time?

What Psycho Pathological error does your grape contain that causes you to act this way?

the founding fathers feared a large standing military because it could be used by a potential tyrant to oppress the American people, not to mention the cost of such a monstrosity.
more kill per minute? Are you talking call of duty or real life? I guarantee I can get an hk416 if it was illegal, I guarantee you I could kill people without an hk416, If I were a murderer. I gurantee you I can get as many kills as with _____ If I didn't have _____. Jeffrey Dahmer killed 18 people? with steak knives?

wow you can't be this dense..How long did it take Jeffrey to kill those 18 people ???? You can NOT legally own the HK 416 lower part, which is the part registered as a machine gun... only upper is legit , so I call you on that guarantee to own the illegal part. Hope you speak German. Once again people please stop talking firearms if you know nothing about them
it's clear. he thinks saving less than 200 lives per year is worth restricting what made and makes America so great, freedom.

yes I think saving 200 lives a year is worth limiting mag size and types of weapons fools carry...For the record I would compromise with a 15 mag size limit..not ten
Once again people please stop talking firearms if you know nothing about them


keep throwing those 80 mph fastballs down the middle and i'll keep knocking 'em out of the park!
I never said America would be fine without a military, why do you constantly make false shit up? Why do you do that? Do you think it makes you look smart? IT'S FUCKING STUPID to claim facts when it is incomprehensibly easy to PROVE you WRONG!! Why are you so fucking dumb to keep claiming false shit all the time?

What Psycho Pathological error does your grape contain that causes you to act this way?
I really don't think anything would happen if the Military was disbanded at all. Prove me wrong.
LOL...are you senile or forgetful
Please tell me what freedom is being taking...You still can bare arms

my right to bear arms with large magazines.

man, they should warm up the bullpen. you should change the subject like canndo and buck when you aren't winning. or result to personal attacks, buck is especially good at using that tactic to get under people's skin.