I must admit, I'm still on the fence with regards to the 2014 referendum.
We have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to make this country great again and this can only happen with an independent Scotland.
Do people really think we can shape our future in a positive way when big decisions are being made by a Tory or Labour or Con-Dem government at Westminster?
It is a well know fact Unionist politicians lie as a matter of principle and do tidy business with each other laughing behind our back. 98% of Scots never voted in the far right Conservative UK to power, that was the English and they know nothing what is best for our country, only their rich.
Look at the tax cuts 'Ca-Moron' gave their rich this year, EVERY single millionaire is £100,000 better off, fact and the poor and workers on low wage get taxed even more and benefits cut on a fucking bedroom not being used; so its buy food or pay bedroom tax...fucking sick cunts to say the least. The SNP in an independent Scotland is to scrap this horrific tax, the only way it will be scrapped I fear.
Scotland's powers and identity over the years have diminished one by one until today we have a very lopsided Union which is of little use to the Scottish people and will only get worse unless we vote "YES" and become one of the most richest and prosperous countries on earth.
Every other country in the sham of the old *colony* bit the UK's hand off to get independence...UK and her "cruel Britannia" colony is DEAD...
Don't believe the UK propaganda "better together" because Scotland will win independence by a land slide, trust me.
Nuclear weapons stored in Glasgow... fuck that I say, or any other part of Scotland as a matter of fact. its cost us taxpayers near 100 BILLION £££ for what?!!!? Independent Scotland under SNP says: "no more wars and no more nukes"...sounds good to me.
If we vote NO. Then what do you see as the future for Scotland?...bleak.
No vision, No ideas, No change - thats the 'No' campaign.
How can Scotland move forward, when it has no more power?
The choice is simple.
Remain in a stale/rotten UK Union that has now slid to the bottom of the fucking barrel that will ALWAYS be run by ratbags that know and care nothing for Scotland...
Or vote for Independence to be free and prosperous...
Vote 'Yes' in 2014.
Roll on Independence Day!!!