Highlanders Perpetual. BB,Ice,Void,Qleaner and Some of Chimeras' Strains!

LOL, I didn't know you had kids... and surprised at this point they don't know :)

Took some pics of the girls in my new project,,,,I have 3 different females coming up on three wks of the resin dripper pheno Grape Apollo x (Super Bud x Blue Dream) blue dream dom. They are pretty similiar but with subtle differences, I'll post pics tonight.

My daughter and her boyfriend are coming over in a little while so she can store all her possesions in my barn. My ex wife is selling our old house and the kids have to move all of their shit out.

I'll throw the stir fry I made a couple nights ago on the stove and maybe add some extra onions haha, make the house smell real good before they come over ;)
Can`t wait to see the Resin Drippers man, interested to see how these will differ from one to another, sound heavenly

KC :weed:

Was just about to post the pics, they are pretty sweet looking to me I'm happy with them so far.

LOL, I didn't know you had kids... and surprised at this point they don't know :)

Oh yeah man I have an 18 yr old son, 6'3" blonde hair blue eyes who's a musician. He's opening up for a canadian act this summer on a short two week tour and he plays local clubs around here and is just finishing up his first album.

And I have a 20 year old hippie geneticist daughter that's about to graduate the local university and is going out to Colorado to finish her masters and then back to boston to Harvard for her doctorite. She's a physics and biochem whiz kid and all of her schooling is paid for with scholorships and grants. She's daddys little girl and she know's that I have to do what I have to do to survive. She just doesn't know the scale of things hehe and they don't ask questions.
From right to left, #1,2 and 3 grape apollo x blue dream dom. The girl in the foreground is the resin dripper grape apollo (momma)...



Let me go check the calender,,,,looks to me like the must be getting close to 3 weeks.

.....hmm guess I didn't write that one down, maybe I can find out in my journal here but they are right around three wks
If i went top school it'd have to be nano engineering I think, but making GMOs could be fun add much as I disagree with eating them. Might just have to accidentally alter my DNA to glow in the dark or something.
Plant biology can be studied at home, I mean that's what we're all doing here. Books and the web full of info and it's not hard to experiment with on your own at home. Saves you a fortune.

GMO stuff, and nano technology you about have to go to school to play with.

Besides I'm pretty sure plant school only teaches big ag way of doing things. All man-made fertilizers and stuff. Only thing if like is access to micro propagation lab to experiment with. I just need a couple hundred dollars to make a diy setup.
Just bungling in the jungle like usual mon amie :)


If i went top school it'd have to be nano engineering I think, but making GMOs could be fun add much as I disagree with eating them. Might just have to accidentally alter my DNA to glow in the dark or something.

Nano tech is where it's going to be at. I was really intrigued by that shit last year and downloaded a bunch of sites,,,,,stuff just absolutely blew me right away

Hc those look great
I love the fat fans of the #3 pheno

Yeah good eye bassman because they are not much fatter than the other two are they? I noticed that too recently,,,,ed rosenthals Super Bud influence is what that would be. I'm not crazy about the blue dreams I have in flower right now. They are at 5 wks, I'll take pics and talk about them later.

Thinking #3 may be a good yeilder now with the sb genetics :)
So the liquer stores around here do not sell everclear nor will they order. I took half of the trim I had and am making hash this morning, what would be the next choice as far as alcohol for extraction purposes?
bacardi 151, isopropyl (above 90%, the ones lower may have additives other than water) works but let it dry out, you don't want any of that left in there. It evaporates pretty quick though.
I have 90% isopropol. So the next step is fill a jar (3/4?) full with trim and then enough alcohol to cover it? Shake for 15 seconds and then strain. Strain how and through what is my next qestion?