The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
1st of them buds look flacid


besides i didn't grow them for yield especially man i did them for the experiance and to smoke them.
as you see some of them do yeild well , some don't. more often then not the ones that don't yeild well are the more potent... anyway what were you's just talking about ca$h crops. the grower isn't gonna care less if he yeilds 2-3 oz per auto and it isn't the best grade, he's gettin paid!

heres one i didn't throw in, a real skinny bud producing pheno... but i can say that stuff would have you lights out on your arse matey.



Well-Known Member
anyway rant over..
not saying they come anywhere close to the proper / parent strains because they dont, apart from the afghan but there are gonna be others out there that perform like it,
but if you want a fast harvest for smoke or $ then they are not a waste of time or dosh IMO.

pon i had a look bro but i don't know how to comment ? never been in that part of the site before...?

trichome 1

Well-Known Member
I have a advanced seeds bio diesel mass on the go so I can have bud while im waiting for the photos to flower, I just hope it is as strong as other growers say it is, its my first auto ive ever grown but I think if a grower is going to veg for a long period then an auto or two will come in handy and stop the need to pick a bud or two early from the the photos I have heard that bcn diesel is a very strong auto but the yield isn't great where as bio diesel mass has 17% thc 300-400g per sqm on the description but we'll have to wait and see ive not seen any bad feedback on bio diesel mass in terms of yield or quality,but id sacrifice yield for quality all the time id be happy with anything over an oz if its quality weed and I hope autos aint as sh1t as many people say they are :)

trichome 1

Well-Known Member
here's what i think of autos.. just for ic3 :hug:

just to show you the fat nugs / big plants you can achieve from them.. probs wont change your views on them even though you probably haven't grown 1. I don't know how anyone can knock it being chopped 8-9 weeks from planting.

different pics taken from nearly all of my auto grows...
great looking plants m8,do autos still taste like normal weed and get you stoned? I have an auto on the go and ive never grown one or smoke one b4,im hoping it will be good though as ive heard good feedback from everyone that has grown it (bio diesel mass) aslong as it has flavour like nice weed has and it gets me high,i don't care if its not super strong i'll just smoke more :)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
auto's are for impatient growers. simple as that really. if you research ruderallis, the fastest cannabis plant of them all you'll realise it's like a host. it's shit, yield, and practically no taste it just speeds up and dilutes to some degree the other parent.

canny if you've got space in your veg garden just chuck one in and forget it's like a brucey bonus when time comes, but a full tent of them is just daft. a 600 w lamp on for 18 hours instead of 12 a day is going to add a chunk onto your bill. if it's in with your cfls in veg it won't be very dense but still better cared for than junk of the street.

and 2timEr you should check BB's deep blue it finished 9 weeks 12/12 from seed. there's plenty more about as well.

ruderallis is total gash


Well-Known Member
Well well missed another debate last night bloody fell asleep on sofa again ha ha I was only a little bit smashed ;-) IMO autos look a bit shitty never grown one tho and if I ever do it will go outdoors I got 2 free with my last order I might just stick em in the garden?and I've never done the dark period before harvest does it deck make the trichs swell???

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
some say it does some say it doesn't personally i don't do it. think about it in terms of sun light. if a plant suddenly gets no light it will do what? make more bud that it will do nothing with? more likely throw bananas in a last ditch to survive.

resin profile is dependent on light and conditions. you'd be far better off lowering the room humidity for the last week or two so the terpins and cannabinoids ( 36 ish) of them will think it's environment has become drier and hostile as the suns scorching them. so what does it do. (same as if you run MH and HID or also UVB light) it engineers thc crystals as almost sunblock for it's surroundings. dehumidifier in the last week or two will swell crystals much more than 2 days dark. what exactly that one does i have no fucking idea or see no benefit in? i could be wrong.

of course having a dehumidifier on during lights off will raise temp and you'll have to water a bit more obv


Well-Known Member
I have a advanced seeds bio diesel mass on the go so I can have bud while im waiting for the photos to flower, I just hope it is as strong as other growers say it is, its my first auto ive ever grown but I think if a grower is going to veg for a long period then an auto or two will come in handy and stop the need to pick a bud or two early from the the photos I have heard that bcn diesel is a very strong auto but the yield isn't great where as bio diesel mass has 17% thc 300-400g per sqm on the description but we'll have to wait and see ive not seen any bad feedback on bio diesel mass in terms of yield or quality,but id sacrifice yield for quality all the time id be happy with anything over an oz if its quality weed and I hope autos aint as sh1t as many people say they are :)
Yo trich, I've done a biodiesel mass - it was a crap yeilder for me but still a very nice smoke.


Well-Known Member
anyway rant over..
not saying they come anywhere close to the proper / parent strains because they dont, apart from the afghan but there are gonna be others out there that perform like it,
but if you want a fast harvest for smoke or $ then they are not a waste of time or dosh IMO.

pon i had a look bro but i don't know how to comment ? never been in that part of the site before...?
2timer, I think you have to sign up to that group to comment - tis in my journal as well :)


Well-Known Member
Yeh man I see what mean I think its all personal choice aint it. I think its Cuz they haven't seen there plants properly for a few days when they finally get round to harvesting them in the light they just look better? God knows Lol. Just fookin rubbed me eye with a sticky finger BASTARD


Well-Known Member
big yawns - goooooooood sunday morning ;)



Well-Known Member
alls good on my end m8, just got 4 KC brains NL special to add to my fridge. looks like im gunna have to prep another veg area because the critical mother is gunna need butchered again soon ;)
Good good. Another veg area bloody ell someone's gonna have a nice harvest ;-)I'm on week 9 today reckon there gonna go another 2 weeks then its chop time


Well-Known Member
Good good. Another veg area bloody ell someone's gonna have a nice harvest ;-)I'm on week 9 today reckon there gonna go another 2 weeks then its chop time
just keeping the good strains in my library m8, time flies when ur havin fun ;) not long now dont get itchy fingers ;)


Well-Known Member
just keeping the good strains in my library m8, time flies when ur havin fun ;) not long now dont get itchy fingers ;)
It sure does mate. Ha ha if my trimmers weren't downstairs yesterday a branch would be hanging right now Lol so I tied it up instead I'm gagging to chop it mate but don't worry they'll get all the time they want ;-)


Well-Known Member
just posting what im watching.......................................... ................
..............................................did you know you dont exist ;)


Well-Known Member
just posting what im watching.......................................... ................
..............................................did you know you dont exist ;)
ive known i haven't existed for years now don , just ask the mrs !, any way, just ignore this, coz i haven't typed it, coz im not here. Ive never been thought of ever in the history of time, i don't even know what the fuck im doing here coz i never said it ! get the jist anyway.
ps, im a big ying & yang man, love u Del ! (not in a sexual way !)