The UK Growers Thread!

Ha ha some lad I kno tried them tanning injections and all the creases in his skin like between his fingers and elbows went bright orange.
We took the piss for weeks.. What a laugh looked like a fucking umpa lumpa lol
your diet depends on what you want,if you want to lose weight but build muscle then cut the carbs and fatty foods and increase protein,but if you want to bulk then do what I do and eat anything lol but make sure you eat a lot of protein,i do weights at different times as you have to shock your muscles to grow so for a couple of weeks maybe do workouts at midday then for a couple of weeks do it early in the morning,it doesn't matter how old you are anyone can increase muscle and lose fat,ive seen massive 50+ year olds lol just stick to it and you wont regret it :)

Cheers trich, sounds good advice, I wanna build muscle & lose fat, I'm bulky enough ! @Don, cheers don, I hope I can stick at it ! .ps Don, what r t3's ?
Aye I was told at the end of my normal set of 12 reps to put the weight up by like. 20-5 k for like just 5 reps. Hurt like fuck. Doing 10 k on a cross trainer daily without increasing speed or resistance is easy after a week or so,.
galaxy s4 or a note 2 hmmmmmmmmmmmmm s4 is 529 and note 2 is around 3-350 only 0.2ghz diffence in cpu but 5mp diffrene in camera hmmmmm

fukit il buy a new sofa
Cheers trich, sounds good advice, I wanna build muscle & lose fat, I'm bulky enough ! @Don, cheers don, I hope I can stick at it ! .ps Don, what r t3's ?

Thyroid stimulant basically, raises your body temp when you work out and I'm told increases oxygen uptake in the lungs. I looked it up afore I used it cos you can get dependant easy. And that's not good so you have to cycle it or mix up the schedule never more than two weeks on. Too much will make you sweat constantly and jittery, it has a half life of about 36 hours.

Apparently what that cyclist That was stripped of loads of medals used Armstrong.
Cheers trich, sounds good advice, I wanna build muscle & lose fat, I'm bulky enough ! @Don, cheers don, I hope I can stick at it ! .ps Don, what r t3's ?
Baz ya know plants like slightly acidic enviro an they use co2 and breathe out o2, well humans thrive well on a slightly alkaline bias, so increase your macronutrients wiv plenty raw veg drizzled in lemon juice and hemp seed oil, we use o2 and give off co2, man and plant in symbiotic harmony..fuk am high tonite
I've done it trying to foliar feed late on. The stuff to kill thrips fucks the fan leaves, yellow singes all owa

and much better than stinking bottles of yeasty shite
Am I on the right thread? pics of blokes!!!! wheres all the bud porn? its the girls we like not gaylords.
This is funny as fuck.

Baz ya know plants like slightly acidic enviro an they use co2 and breathe out o2, well humans thrive well on a slightly alkaline bias, so increase your macronutrients wiv plenty raw veg drizzled in lemon juice and hemp seed oil, we use o2 and give off co2, man and plant in symbiotic harmony..fuk am high tonite

Nice one Indi , I'm gonna get a juicer & start drinking veg & fruit ! , makes me cag if I eat it solid ! Never been a big fruit & veg bloke !
DSCF0310.JPGDSCF0311.JPGDSCF0315.JPGDSCF0319.JPGDSCF0323.JPGI topped my superbud and it has 2 shoots so I did it right and my rhino I missed and 4 shoots are coming out,my rhino was mag def and I had to wait over a week for the postie to deliver,but they have both been given plant magic magnecal for the last 2 days and the new growth is green thank fcuk lol,i also bought some super thrive which arrived today and gave them both a dose of that and I had a cooler delivered today because I was having humidity and heat problems 33c and 20% humity,the temps are now 24-26c and 40% humidity, they will start to look a lot better once the new growth gets bigger,cheers for the help :)
Nice one Indi , I'm gonna get a juicer & start drinking veg & fruit ! , makes me cag if I eat it solid ! Never been a big fruit & veg bloke !
ooh yeah I had to juice fer bout a year to get rid of youthful toxins ahem...fukin green juice every day became a bit manic like had to much energy but health transformed an worked a treat, now we jus get threw a lot of oranges and grapefruit jus cut in half a squeeze wiv ya big strong growers hands straight into the glass
goooooood morning uk ;)................................................ .....................
.................................................. .this guys a fart smella ;)