The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
im 6ft 7 and 19-20 stone, a mountain of a man,, i have noneed for fucking jogging, let alone paing for the pleasure at a gym!! besides my legs fucked so i cant

ur just a hjealouse mdget don,,


Well-Known Member
Are the amps better than tablets? I'm a skinny fucker too, eat like a horse and cant gain weight. I need to give up cigs to. Fancy a course if roids but don't fancy spiking them

trichome 1

Well-Known Member
Are the amps better than tablets? I'm a skinny fucker too, eat like a horse and cant gain weight. I need to give up cigs to. Fancy a course if roids but don't fancy spiking them
the best option is to inject I felt the same as you until I bought the needles and realised they aint as big as you think in your mind the needles are 1 and half inches but if you want you can use 1inch and they look more like a pin than a needle lol the orals are toxic to your liver so you have to limit yourself to 6week cycle max,but people do gain on dbol solo cycme but most gains are water so will lose around half the weight gained maybe a little more but you will gain some muscle mass and keep some strength gain so it isn't a complete waste but your first cycle should have a testosterone base coz your first cycle will produce more gains,buy one needle and have a look it should put your mind at ease and if you want a contact for roids I can help you :)

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Find you're local smackhead needle exchange and pins/swabs/sin bins are free, providing you take your used ones back to be disposed of properly.

trichome 1

Well-Known Member
bit of a beast you are trich. i been pumping these with 16 kg for a while now, got the arms epecially forearms i just wanna bulk up more
cheers just slowly increase the weight so 16kg for one month then go to 18kg and keep doing that until you are used to it then increase again coz more weight more muscle but don't do too much as a proper lift is better that struggling to lift a weight that is too heavy :)


Well-Known Member
u use the green ends for steds tho,, the needles are fatter than standard,ther 1.25" long so make sure u get it in ther,, if u start sweating grease it means ur steds is cut with peanut oil and u want ya coin bak


Well-Known Member
the best option is to inject I felt the same as you until I bought the needles and realised they aint as big as you think in your mind the needles are 1 and half inches but if you want you can use 1inch and they look more like a pin than a needle lol the orals are toxic to your liver so you have to limit yourself to 6week cycle max,but people do gain on dbol solo cycme but most gains are water so will lose around half the weight gained maybe a little more but you will gain some muscle mass and keep some strength gain so it isn't a complete waste but your first cycle should have a testosterone base coz your first cycle will produce more gains,buy one needle and have a look it should put your mind at ease and if you want a contact for roids I can help you :)
I'm just not keen on using the pins, cos i swore to myself that I'd never use a needle again. If u know what i mean

trichome 1

Well-Known Member
4000 cals a day with the right supplements and training and anybody will grow like a weed.

4000 cals a day in solid food is not an easy task though.
I drink 2 duns river nurishments per day on top of my diet they are only a quid each and will give you 500 cals each(nearly) I cant stand the tubs of shakes so these are perfect and you can buy them in most shops,my missus works at the butchers once week so I get tons of meat cheap lol,i eat a lot of meat and use my punch dummy for cardio and run with my dogs,also im doing 600mg a week coz the test im using is 300mg/ml and 300mg cycle wouldn't give the gains I want,my bro has got massive on the same cycle so I cant wait:)


Well-Known Member
I'm just not keen on using the pins, cos i swore to myself that I'd never use a needle again. If u know what i mean
aye mate i get you, but its not mainline its in the ass cheek. but if i was u id start on the tablets,, strippers ther aclled everyone round me uses em


Well-Known Member
cheers just slowly increase the weight so 16kg for one month then go to 18kg and keep doing that until you are used to it then increase again coz more weight more muscle but don't do too much as a proper lift is better that struggling to lift a weight that is too heavy :)
i think i'm at the point where i just need to eat like x2 breakfast x2 lunch ect.. just demolished a pack of german salami with my brew , weight gain starts today!


Well-Known Member
I'm trying to bulk at the minute. I'm doing it dirty this time though. No more endless piles brown rice and grilled chicken. It just doesn't fucking work for me! Since dirty bulking my body got harder and stronger in a month that I ever did in about three or four. Not a long time to see results either way I know but the difference between those diets is visible. What do you guys like to eat mainly?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Impressive trich for sure but no fuckin way I'm pinning owt just ain't me. I'm cutting then ill do the creatine in shakes instead of up my nose haha. I'm not needle phobic I just know my addictive personality. I want to be cut not massive. Eventually I want to get into Chinese dirty boxing and wing chun. Being huge is a disadvantage at that stage.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
I drink 2 duns river nurishments per day on top of my diet they are only a quid each and will give you 500 cals each. also im doing 600mg a week coz the test im using is 300mg/ml and 300mg cycle wouldn't give the gains I want
Nurishments lol, 500cals from sugar mate! Read the can.

How do you know that 300mg of test won't give the gains wanted if it's your first cycle? Or is it the 'I want it now at any cost' mentality?

trichome 1

Well-Known Member
u use the green ends for steds tho,, the needles are fatter than standard,ther 1.25" long so make sure u get it in ther,, if u start sweating grease it means ur steds is cut with peanut oil and u want ya coin bak
my bro has done this cycle and his gains are excellent lol,i can pharma grade gear but the ugl stuff are sometimes just as good and with this gear it is :)