Club 600


Well-Known Member
I was just going to do a one shot deal I use FF stuff and feed every other, Feed , Water, Feed, add molasses with every straight water, in organic mix. So if I hit them with a tea of bat guano, worm castings, kelp, liquid karma and black strap molasses, I should cut back on the FF by 50 % for how long?


Well-Known Member
I was just going to do a one shot deal I use FF stuff and feed every other, Feed , Water, Feed, add molasses with every straight water, in organic mix. So if I hit them with a tea of bat guano, worm castings, kelp, liquid karma and black strap molasses, I should cut back on the FF by 50 % for how long?

One time deal you will be fine, just give it to them.


Well-Known Member
Mega pr0n dump,,, hope you dont mind.

het slapen gaan
Goedemorgen DST

?p x bk~ harvested

Short Blue Pit~~~~ harvested

Three female BnS x SB1, x-planting and into veg they go.

?p x BnS, I just wanted to show the fade... dats all.

MVK getting floppy on me.

BnS x BnS, aint never grown bud this dense :shock: amazing.

BnS x SB2, just keeps going... BnS momma did this shit lol, "eh looks good, only about a week left!" week later "aw fuck looks like two weeks keft!" haha

MVK, has that lemon lime soda smell LOVE IT. Looks like shes gonna take a while, I gots time.

3D, old school fruity stuff, looking forward to smoking it :-)

Another MVK, smells more like floppy.

BnS x SB1



Active Member
well, i spent 64 dollars on seeds from BB, on March 1, finally get a package with nothing in it. seems u.s. customs opened my package and confiscated the contents :(


Well-Known Member
What up fellas. Shit is crazy atm. Gangs are controlling 3 different parts of Denmark, and the cops dare not enter. Gangwar is brewing. All because them fucking politicians tried to close Christiania! Hold on to your kids, new shootings everyday.


Well-Known Member
soon as I see these are growing don m8 that is my next plan of attack a cloner then hopefully I will be to harvest at least every 8 weeks haha


Well-Known Member
I have seen here before where a couple of guys feed their dog's a raw diet. I was wondering if you know a place for some good reading on it. I found out thurs. that my 7 year old boxer has a growth that is canceWr. She goes thurs. to get it removed. We allready spend about $75 a week feeding them top line dog food. I figure the raw has to be healthier for them. She's are kid and my puppy would be heart Lexie.jpgbroken!


Well-Known Member
that sucks badly. Do the owners get arrested then? What's the normal deal with a raid like that?
It's all a giant fucking sham. The Federal agencies come in to administer the raids. They actually get the local police and sherriffs to perform the raids for/ with them. The local police and sherriffs who are sworn to enforce local laws which say these shops are opperating legally. Talk about a way to further place local law enforcement on the opposite side of the line as 'law abiding' med mj users and suppliers.

Anyways, they bust in, take everything in the place as evidence. Arrest the owners and anyone who's working there. The don't arrest patients, just detain for a while, unless you get lippy. So they bring all those folks in book them, put them in a cell for a few hours, then release the employees without a charge. Odd how they were arrested and held, but never charged with anything. The owners are usually charged with some seemingly unrelatd, in this case if there were guns, they'll get them on gun charges. It's like mob stuff... they never get the guys on murder, it's always tax evasion or parking tickets, some lame shit.

So they'll charge the owners with something, get a case ready and usually have the owners lawyer up for the trial. Then poof the trial and charges are dropped and they owners get a memo. Feel free to open your business again. :)

One girl from a co-op I went to was held in the sherriffs office for 3 days, with a 500,000 dollar bail. That's murder territory for bail... I don't even think rape would get you over 100,000. She ended up walking out without a charge or even paperwork filed on her. They said their lawyers couldn't find an arrest record or anything.

It's all so illegal it's incredible. Land of the free. Lol.


Well-Known Member
Land of the Lame. Our gov sucks balls.

Mornin' guys and gals! Happy Sunday :)

edit: Jimmer, go raw, it's the way. We use Stella and Chewy's but some say it's too rich for their pet. Whatever brand we feed him, we always give him some veggies with it... my wife either bakes sweet potatoes and broccoli, or we use one of the store bought mixes that is human grade. Good luck with the cancer. :peace:

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
She's a good looking dog. Good luck with the treatment.
You can use natural cooked products. For instance: boil a 5 lb bag of chicken leg quarters and de-bone. Pour the liquid over baked veggies and mix them with the meat. Refrigerate and serve as needed.
