day 11 what you think

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Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
it looks like the tips are a darker colour....or is that just the pic careful not to over water....your soil is looking rather damp

New Age United

Well-Known Member
Ya it looks good man but like sun king said be careful not to overwater, that soil looks real dark so it prob has plenty of nutes in it, don't add any for awhile.

New Age United

Well-Known Member
Very dark leaves are a sign of pottasium deficiency, but it could just be the strain, if the whole leave gets that colour I would def hit them with some pottasium

New Age United

Well-Known Member
Ya man if that's fresh new growth in the center then that's good, but def keep the overwatering in mind you don't want to give them too much.


Well-Known Member
The plant looks Ok, but as was suggested earlier you might want to watch your watering.
Unless you watered right before you took the picture your soil does look really wet.
Keep us posted as she grows bigger.


Well-Known Member
Could just be the strain though don't ya think Mr. Vega
No....look at how yellow the cots/round leaves are...and its progressing to the tru leaves...that seedlings in rough shape...and once u mess one up at such a young age its almost better to re-start


Well-Known Member
It looks fine man, and since everyone's showin off their babies, here's a healthy 18 day old..

18 days.jpg I need to get her to quit smokin though :-P

and here's a healthy 56 day old..

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