Do People Not Like Texans?


bud bootlegger
i've trolled a few racists to the point where they call me a race traitor :bigjoint:

it's fun to do.
lol, yeah ub, but i'm a far cry from your trolling excellence..

i never said i hated texas, at least not in the way the finshaggy hates work and growing good weed...


Well-Known Member
Everyone that talks to me to my face is nice and even long term seem not to have an problem, but I definitely have noticed that in America (It's different in Mexico) people that DON'T talk to a Texan (Sometimes I wear a Texas Rangers hat, so I'm guessing people notice I'm Texan when I have that on) or talk to them through a keyboard (I know Buck openly has a problem with Texans), almost act like they got some kind of problem with us... What's the deal?? I just want to know, why? What did Texas do to you? (Question Directed at anyone who can answer it)

So you asked and I'll answer, non of which is pointed directly at you... Where to begin...

#1 arrogant rednecks for one... whats the slogan? "every things bigger in Texas" c'mon that's as bad as Cali fucks saying only Cali weed is good weed.

#2 George Bush

#3 George W. Bush

#4 Every woman in the Dallas / Fort Worth area is fake, ever see them at 8am on a Saturday at the grocery store? Dressed like their going to dinner, c'mon and seriously no one needs to wear that much makeup EVER.

#5 Ya'll tried before and are trying again to separate from the other 49 states (well I don't know how many state there were back in the day)

#6 I got family there

#7 Dallas Cowboys

#8 Accent, southern accents just don't sound smart... let me quote my buddy from Amarillo "Ya'll I was fixin to go get somthin in the kitchen but I fer get what"

#9 Republican state driven by oil and money

#10 (I am all for the death penalty) Ya'll use Capital Punishment on mentally handicapped citizens

Please let me know if you desire more reasons :)


Well-Known Member
So basically you are completely racist (stereotype and generalize with hatred) against southerners and are completely closed minded when it comes to them? (are set in your opinions and think they are all the same)

You know what man, Stereotypes only exist because their often true :) think about it for a minute, let it soak in, now I know folks in Texas whom I can hardly even hang around anymore because well I was raised racist, but like our species (those that aren't in the south) I evolved.


Well-Known Member
Family moved to Texas when I was nine from Arizona. I thought it was so strange that Texans wave to you, even in their cars.

Thirty six years later it's all Starbucks and strip malls. Texas has lost some of the friendliness and I miss that.

But the state still has beautiful women like my native Texan wifey. I will always keep a home here no matter where else I go.



Well-Known Member
I really want to know. And if people don't like Texans, that sucks. Because I have been to Florida, California and I am in Colorado right now, and like 5% of the cars plates are Texan in all those states...
Alright # 1 reason I dont like texas.
Those damn Bush boys need I say more
and it looks like you are everwhere but Texas
The last good thing that came out of Texas was SRV