Club 600


Well-Known Member
The bubbles are up to the 3-gallon mark in the bucket (reaching the lowest ring and sloping down on one side, like in your photo/\/\/\).
I might have to put it in a drain tub for the next 5+ hours until Light On.
She be alive!!!

Hey forgot to mention. Only time Iv had it overflow a 5gal is when Iv upped the ingredients past the 2gal ratios. You should be fine but a little insurance is good until you know its cool.


Well-Known Member
What up 6. How is everyone? Not much going on here just everyday work.

Mixed up another 30 gallons of soil for my next run, changed a few things in it so we will see how it goes. No bud pr0n but you can have some soil pr0n :D


Hope everyone has a good Easter!


Well-Known Member
hell yea, ive got some guano and kelp, il add yucca, molases , maybe some hygrozyme.......dont know. your thoughts WHODAT?
Go for it!

sliced n' diced. Sounds good.

*We like to add yucca extract near the end of the brewing process, since it has a tendency to create a lot of foam. Also, you'll want to make sure your yucca doesn't have any preservatives, but does have a high saponin content.Common Compost Tea Recipe Ingredients

White SugarBacteriaMaple SyrupBacteria
Corn SyrupBacteriaCane SugarBacteria
MolassesBacteria/FungiFish EmulsionBacteria
Fruit PulpBacteria/FungiFish HydrolysateFungi
KelpBacteria/FungiGround OatmealFungi
Rock DustsBacteria/FungiYuccaFungi
Humic AcidsBacteria/FungiSoybean MealFungi

"...if you're plants ain't chillin', then they be illin'..."

Dr. Harry Hippieman's™


Platinum Series
Woosah Tea Mix™

...made From the finest gaunos
and other select ingredients...

If you want to make a billion, whodat, use that, and make your packaging tie-dye influenced, with a 1970's dude with big 'fro and matching beard & mustache, wearing a headband with old-timey doctor's reflector on it, big rose-colored sunglasses, dressed like a guru, with a big green thumb, and a doctor's stethoscope around his neck.
If I make billion you get lifetime trips to the 600 getaway paradise, and whats 500 mill at that point anyway ;-)

edit: Love the label!
"bringing the planet to your roots" ?

good night all, closing the shop for easter....enjoy your see you folks next weekend with some more cool stuff......amazing work everyone. 600 love.
eat some chocolate for me! I haven't gone to get any yet lol


Well-Known Member
I've been a good boy this year (since Halloween last year) about not buying seasonal candies.
I miss them, but I feel better without them.
More room in my tumbly for actual food.

Like my pre-dinner double-dipped cherry cone:

One more hour to go...



Well-Known Member
Whats Crackin 600? Spent the day at the flea market arguing with cheapskates. I sold a ton of garbage out of my garage, now I can buy more garbage.

Hope you all have a great easter!!!

Found some vintage Chopper prOn. He wanted $2000.00, who the hell caries $2000 to the flea market?


Well-Known Member
Whats Crackin 600? Spent the day at the flea market arguing with cheapskates. I sold a ton of garbage out of my garage, now I can buy more garbage.

Hope you all have a great easter!!!

Found some vintage Chopper prOn. He wanted $2000.00, who the hell caries $2000 to the flea market?
View attachment 2594341
That is fucking sweet! Did it run? I would of offered him 1000$ cash money and said take it or leave it :D


Well-Known Member
Breakfast lunch and dinner doobs! ha, it looks really good.

I guess the bucket could use a collar of sorts, I brew in a dirty building anyway so I didnt even think of it.

All in all it looks like a nice healthy brew! exactly like mine. What do you think of the smell?


Well-Known Member
Breakfast lunch and dinner doobs! ha, it looks really good.

I guess the bucket could use a collar of sorts, I brew in a dirty building anyway so I didnt even think of it.

All in all it looks like a nice healthy brew! exactly like mine. What do you think of the smell?

I don't notice any kind of bad odor about it.
Except for when right over the mouth of the bucket.
Then I can smell the dookey.
Perfect stealth brew, in my opinion.
No worries at all for those of us in small apartments.
Going to pop down to the store before I feed the girls.
Will take final pics, and record some video footage to finish out what I already have.
Have some recorded at 240fps, and can slow that down by half, too.
Some at regular speed, too, so will be part Rock Video, part Herzog, part Spielberg, part John Waters.
Then some muzak to go with it after I edit it together.
Won't be ready until tomorrow, but will get it done.
This astounding futuristic neo-classical piece of cinema verity will be of such magnitude of awesimity that it will make Fellini weep in his grave with nihilistic indifference...

Now, off to the store!


Well-Known Member
whodat and doobie, if i just started flower but have been using synthetics can i switch to using a flower based tea? i also plan on just using teas my whole next grow to see the difference. any help would be great.


Well-Known Member
currently in promix with bottom layer and top layer of happy frog. still got about a 1/3 bale left of promix and was thinking of getting just right xtra and mixing it with the remaining promix.
or what every you guys suggest.


Well-Known Member
currently in promix with bottom layer and top layer of happy frog. still got about a 1/3 bale left of promix and was thinking of getting just right xtra and mixing it with the remaining promix.
or what every you guys suggest.
Mixing the JRX with promix sounds good, it will dilute the JRX so I would also suggest amending that mix with some simple ingredients (dilute the recipe below), letting it cook for a few weeks then its ready to use, then tea can supplement the soil.
What Iv used.
1 Bale sunshine mix #2 or promix (3.8 cu ft)
8 cups Bone Meal - phosphorus source
4 cups Blood Meal - nitrogen source
1 1/3 cups Epsom salts - magnesium source
3-4 cups dolomite lime -calcium source & pH buffering
4 cups kelp meal.
9kg (25 lbs) bag pure worm castings
4 cups azomite

- Mix thoroughly, moisten, and let sit 1-2 weeks before use.

I would say yes, you can switch to teas from using synthetics on the same plant, I would do a light flush to get rid of any kind of salt buildup from the synthetics.

There are many tea recipes out there so maybe finding one you take a liking too would be best.
Ive used this simple recipe for a few years now.

1gallon flower tea.
2tbls ~Peruvian seabird guano (10-10-2)
2tbls~Jamaican bat guano (1-10-1)
2tbls~Worm castings
1tbls~Soluble kelp (1-0-10)
1tbls~blackstrap molasses
Brew 24-48hrs and use

The strength of your soil dictates how often guano tea can/should be used. Happy frog is somewhat weak and promix is inert. While that JRX sounds somewhat strong then diluted with promix but ultimately brought back up with the amendments I suggested, I would use guano tea once a week with that mix.


Well-Known Member
thanks whodat. ill start to look up what my local shops carry write up a recipe and see if it would be something that would work out. for cooking the soil does it have to be in sun light or can it just sit somewher? im mainly going to be using it as a tester so i dont need to make alot but enough for this tester grow to see if it is something that i can get a better result with. ill be doing it in a very small scale 2 to 4 plants tops. and pot container size would only be roughly 2 gallons. only uning a 2x2x5.25 tent.