Club 600

At what temp do the colors really come out? I've been trying to do the same. I've got about 4 hours each night where my room gets down to 64 but my purple og still isn't showing any purple. Need lower temps? More hours at the low temps?

In my experiance purple strains will purple up either late flower some beggining of flower if ur lowering ur temps to 64 what are ur temps when lights on...u need to drop ur temps at least 15 degrees when lights off....
And stunt them for color? No thanks, I'll go with normal temps and real "purp" genetics ;-)

I agree i'd rather have more bud then purple color. Last summer I grew the same weed and none of my plants turned purple. Temps were 78 day 65 night. Cold does help the coloring process. The high 50's doesn't affect the growth on my kush strain. Below 55 and I have issues. Strain specific I guess. I know in Afghanistan daytime temps can be 80 and nites drop down to the 30's- 40's with no real problems from the change.
I agree i'd rather have more bud then purple color. Last summer I grew the same weed and none of my plants turned purple. Temps were 78 day 65 night. Cold does help the coloring process. The high 50's doesn't affect the growth on my kush strain. Below 55 and I have issues. Strain specific I guess. I know in Afghanistan daytime temps can be 80 and nites drop down to the 30's- 40's with no real problems from the change.

Ah yes. But some of that has possibly been bred out of the genetics, breeding indoors for generations has got to have an effect on it too.
I guess its wrong of me not to post pr0n.
Rip from me thread, day 50~ 12/12

BnS x SB2

Gotta toss in thumb pr0n lol

BnS x SB1

BnS x BnS

Small MVK

Another small mvk (no pictures of the big MVK before the cam died)

3D, very nice.
outstanding as usual whodat

here's my bastard, medicine buddha f2
wish had somewhere to keep him, but space is not permitting :(

also maybe someone can answer this, or just clarify

a friend of mine has soft water, (not sure of ppms but probably below 100) his ph comes out the tap at about 8.2
my water is hard (probably over 250ppm) yet also comes out at about 8.2

he only has to add about 8 drops of ph down to get it below 6
however I always end up adding way more to get it down sometimes close to 5ml

is this because of the contaminants in my water source? Is it normal?

also just added some ph down and it turned the water cloudy? wtf?

I may need to go back to filtered :(


good point, all I saw was balls
didn't even notice the hairs until you mentioned it.

it may also be cos I'm half blind and didn't have my glasses on lol
No worries, i was just pointing it out, in case you hadnt seen :)

and im pretty good at Where's Waldo too. lmfao
looks like a herm to me, not a straight male... why would you want to keep it?
Iv read that males going herm showing pistols will produce predominantly female offspring. I read this after i had 2 or 3 BnS males do it and already had canned them and only used the un herm male for all my s33ds.
It would be cool to KNOW though.
I know i have probably asked this before... but what is the occurrence of trichomes on seedlings.. rare? common?
I aint never seen it. You still fuczen with those dank genetics ;-)
Exactly. I dnt c why people want to turn it colors if its in the genetics then its going to.color up cold or not

I had 9 strains outside till end of December. 3 of them didnt turn any color at all.
I think 3 would have turned purple under normal conditions.
I dont know what strain is what, but one of the green ones was the best smoke.
I still love purples, reds etc...asthetically.
I grow more for the plants than the smoke.
Smells and colors and tastes can help decide what goes into my garden.