• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Amazing speech by war vet

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
I disagree... North Korea is going off the deep end after the UN is considering new sanctions - or have you conveniently missed that? You think China pays North Korea's way? You are nuts... Look at a satellite night photo of N. Korea vs. S. Korea.... That is the USA doing, not N. Koreas.

And sugar? Are you serious? You are trying to either mislead everyone here or you are living in the past... Brazil is the number 1 sugar exporter 39% vs Cuba's 2.7%.

Face it, Cuba and North Korea are the way they are because of the USA - the rest is smoke and mirrors.
well thats news to me, cuba was #1 for decades, but apparently fidel has fucked their sugar production, since they arent even in the top 10 any more, with a projected sugar export for 2012 of less than 1.8 million tonnes, falling below your (accurate for 2010) numbers.

has the US tightened restrictions on cuba since obama took over? no, he has loosened them.

has the us stifled cuba sugar production by using some nefarious plot? no. they are losing out to brazil, the EU, india, and china (none are part of the fictional US hegemony)

they used to make lots of top quality rum too, but now are losing out to barbados (lol) and other nations.

their tobacco industry is also failing to remain competitive with many other nations, including Zimbabwe, malawi and even ITALY for fuck's sake. cuba doiesnt even register in tobacco leaf exports, and their cigar trade is lackluster these days. this is NOT because america doesnt buy their products, since cuban cigars are readily obtainable in canada, england france, russia, spain, and even japan.

blaming the US for cuba's woes works for fidel and raoul, but nobody outside cuba should believe this crap.

north korea has alienated the entire fucking world with their antics, even china. in the 90's china was north korea's sugardaddy, but the north koreans fucked that up all by themselves.

the US didnt force north korea to violate the nuclear non-proliferation treaty, nor did the US force them to conscript an army of 2 million peasant levies reducing their agricultural workforce to a few old gaffers and some cripples.

north korea has created their own problems, and the blame game works for them, just as it does for the castros, and hugo "Im Rich Bitch!" chavez. funny how china is a marxist nation, but they only rattle their sabre occaisionally, and with diplomatic caution. while cuba and north korea and venezuela engage in constant propaganda campaigns, sabotage, infiltration and violence against their neighbors and the us.

we do a lot of trade with china (for good or ill) but their general lack of aggression against anyone but those vile Lhasa Barbarians means that many nations (the US included) are willing to trade with them.

seems the chinese have figure out a way to stay on our good side. why cant castro, chavez and kim?


New Member
north korea has created their own problems, and the blame game works for them, just as it does for the castros, and hugo "Im Rich Bitch!" chavez. funny how china is a marxist nation, but they only rattle their sabre occaisionally, and with diplomatic caution. while cuba and north korea and venezuela engage in constant propaganda campaigns, sabotage, infiltration and violence against their neighbors and the us.
LoL - axis of evil, marxists, commies... You and doer are two peas in a pod...


Well-Known Member
Everybody needs an enemy... For the Zionists, it's the Arab... For the USA it was the commies, now we are scared of the raghead terrorist... For the Greeks it's the Turks... And on, and on, and on....

Funny how the "Axis of Evil" all seem to be countries the world banksters couldn't get their hands on until recently: Iraq, Iran, North Korea, Libya, Syria, and Cuba.... Yes, as Smedley Butler said, "War is a Racket".

But keep believing they hate us for our freedom if that helps you sleep at night :P


Well-Known Member
seems the chinese have figure out a way to stay on our good side. why cant castro, chavez and kim?
Just out of curiosity, who the fuck are you and your kind that these independent peoples of the world need to stay on your good side?

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
yep. it's all america's fault.

but ireland, the scandinavian countries, and numerous other nations are also socialist, yet we dont feel the need to oppress them...

i supoopose it's just based on the NoKo's rejection of Gangnam Style.

thats right Greenland, youre next!


Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Just out of curiosity, who the fuck are you and your kind that these independent peoples of the world need to stay on your good side?
hmm... well perhaps if the "axis of asshattery" didnt constantly threaten to fuck up everybody else's shit and impose their views on their neighbors they might not be on the US's shitlist.

that shitlist is obviously the most powerful such list on the planet, so NOT engaging in dickery would seem to be a clever idea.

hell even the soviets, at the height of the cold war were welcome to trade with the US and were the recipients of a great deal of largesse.

so, if the US is willing to trade and be pals with ireland (self identified socialist republic) france (democratic socialists) scandinavia (democratic socialists) israel (democratic socialists) spain (democratic socilaists) mexico (self identified socialists, and signatories to the Comintern), china (straight up socialists) and even vietnam (dedicated socialists with whom we fought a bitter war not too long ago) turkey (moslem socialists) saudi arabia ( moslem monarchy) yemen (moslem monarchy), mauretania (moslem socialists) and so many others, why are cuba and NoKo treated so differently? why was venezuela not part of the axis of asshattery before chavez took over and started acting like a cock?

the answer is simple, it's not that we are oppressing THEM, but we are simply not helping them oppress their own people, and thats just not fair.

instead we should HELP them with their dreams of marxist hegemony, at our own cost, because that would be awesome.

or it really is just a Gangnam Style issue.


Well-Known Member
yep. it's all america's fault.

but ireland, the scandinavian countries, and numerous other nations are also socialist, yet we dont feel the need to oppress them...

i supoopose it's just based on the NoKo's rejection of Gangnam Style.

thats right Greenland, youre next!

Like I say, you seem intelligent... At least you like to think you are. I see no signs of critical thinking in you. Just the same old recycled crap spewing from your mouth.

So let me figure this out... We are against communism, marxism, fascism, socialism, when it serves our purpose, right?

But we are for killing 1,000,000 iraqi civilians... 250,000 german POWs after WWII, trying to collapse the shitty little banana republic of Cuba, am I right so far?

And you wanna keep saying how Chavez has $2 billion stashed away with him in the grave - even though you never offered any proof of this.

But who is the bigger fool? The fool, or the one that argues with him? That being said, keep up your shilling but you bore me - you are a pseudo-intellectual with no real function but to give out false facts and disinformation. Hopefully people on this site can see through you but, alas, it's not my job to point out what a shill you really are.

Keep up the good work, I'm sure you make your Uncle Georgie and Uncle Cheney proud :P

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Like I say, you seem intelligent... At least you like to think you are. I see no signs of critical thinking in you. Just the same old recycled crap spewing from your mouth.

So let me figure this out... We are against communism, marxism, fascism, socialism, when it serves our purpose, right?

But we are for killing 1,000,000 iraqi civilians... 250,000 german POWs after WWII, trying to collapse the shitty little banana republic of Cuba, am I right so far?

And you wanna keep saying how Chavez has $2 billion stashed away with him in the grave - even though you never offered any proof of this.

But who is the bigger fool? The fool, or the one that argues with him? That being said, keep up your shilling but you bore me - you are a pseudo-intellectual with no real function but to give out false facts and disinformation. Hopefully people on this site can see through you but, alas, it's not my job to point out what a shill you really are.

Keep up the good work, I'm sure you make your Uncle Georgie and Uncle Cheney proud :P

Implied Facepalm.


Well-Known Member
Everybody needs an enemy... For the Zionists, it's the Arab... For the USA it was the commies, now we are scared of the raghead terrorist... For the Greeks it's the Turks... And on, and on, and on....

Funny how the "Axis of Evil" all seem to be countries the world banksters couldn't get their hands on until recently: Iraq, Iran, North Korea, Libya, Syria, and Cuba.... Yes, as Smedley Butler said, "War is a Racket".

But keep believing they hate us for our freedom if that helps you sleep at night :P
I'm pretty sure Zionists hate the Jewish people more than any other since the money behind them:

Financed Hitler
Knew full well about the Holocaust as it happened. Continued to assist the Nazis until well after WW2 was over.
Set up Israel and the large majority of their insanely stupid policy that has been designed to breed hate and war (aka: Future punching bag to be destroyed in a big war that seems increasingly inevitable at this point).

Really they just hate humanity.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Read Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler and then you won't throw out this stupidity when dealing with undeniable facts you don't like.
Wait, so youre implying that financiers and investors might rush to take advantage of a crushingly low Deutschmark, and invest heavily, for pennies on the dollar, in a depressed but historically strong market with industries receiving massive infusions of capital for a rebuilding campaign for the entire nation of Germany, including their military?

Youre suggesting that ordinarily the investor class and wall street avoid such opportunities, but made an unusual exception in the case of the reconstruction of Germany's economic and industrial power?

You're insinuating they jumped on board not for anything as trivial as Profit, but rather they were ideologically motivated, and inspired by Hitler's oratory skill and the "Power of His Message"?

You're asserting that Banks who lend money to a nation willing to offer excellent interest payments and a long term indebtedness, only do it if they agree with the ideology of the government of the day, rather than the financial security they gain from a nation offering to pay huge sums in interest for eternity?

You're proposing that suppliers only supply their goods to governments and organizations which they deem ideologically pure, and compatible with their own beliefs?

wall street and the US banking system rushed into germany for PROFIT not ideology. they didnt invest in nazism, they invested in the german economic market, their large well educated populace, and their potential as a Growth Opportunity due to their massive rebuilding campaign financed by borrowing from anyone who would lend them a fistfull of cash

before he revealed himself as anything other than a firebrand politician with big dreams, a vision for Hope and Change for his nation, and a willingness to borrow heavily to create that dream, hitler was considered a visionary, and a positive foirce for germany and all of war weary europe.

Henry Ford, and FDR thought he was the bee's knees, Ghandi saw hitler as a potential ally in his campaign of national sovereignty and non-violence, and he received glowing endorsement s from the press worldwide...

in 1932 YOU would have invested in hitler's vision too, only to be scandalized and ashamed when the real hitler showed his face.

Mussolini was likewise considered a model for a modern leader creating a modern nation from the ruins of the past.

How sad, that even your hindsight is myopic.


Well-Known Member
I'm asserting you're being a dumb ass and that the banks knew fully what Hitler was engaged in and they did not hesitate to invest heavily. They also set aside money for him specifically to assist in his rise to power. They created the power vacuum that allowed Hitler's rise to power with peace agreements anyone with any brain knew Germany could never honor (and they controlled the timing by putting their own finger on the switch as to when it's got to be repaid).

The League of Nations was a joke. That was determined quickly. When world government is your goal and you previously used war to sell it and it didn't quite work but sorta worked kind of, you might try the same play again.

Of course now we're entering a brutal scientific dictatorship where it won't be long before someone can flip a switch and you no longer can purchase food (see: Pushes to make everything electronic).

Every single member of the board of IG Farben was indited for war crimes. Well all except Max Warburg. Despite determining that every member of the board was well aware of the atrocities being committed and the slave labour and the killing and all of it, Max Warburg gets off scott free. Why? Close ties to the Rockefeller/Rothschild cartels. Kind of like Prescott Bush somehow wasn't hung for treason after assisting in the laundering of German cash all through the war and beyond.

Many key technologies transferred occurred courtesy the settlements decided (who were largely determined by the banking elite by the way, JP Morgan etc) allowed the war to happen as well.

Considering the US is adopting much of Hitler's policy in regards to domestic issues and how to handle dissidents (see: Every single piece of legislation attacking your freedom) and Israel flat out is using identical tactics in the ghettoization of Palestine it's pretty easy to see the comparison. But that's because they have no ideological similarities at all (and it's all a coincidence)!

Hitler was largely brought to power by the powers that be. They used the media to prop him up, as you have alluded to, they financed his every move, they financed his war machine, they gave him the technologies to wage war and they knew fully what his ideology was. They share much of it, so that was a bonus. As evidenced by their actions (really fucking clearly too).

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
I'm asserting you're being a dumb ass and that the banks knew fully what Hitler was engaged in and they did not hesitate to invest heavily. They also set aside money for him specifically to assist in his rise to power. They created the power vacuum that allowed Hitler's rise to power with peace agreements anyone with any brain knew Germany could never honor (and they controlled the timing by putting their own finger on the switch as to when it's got to be repaid).

The League of Nations was a joke. That was determined quickly. When world government is your goal and you previously used war to sell it and it didn't quite work but sorta worked kind of, you might try the same play again.

Of course now we're entering a brutal scientific dictatorship where it won't be long before someone can flip a switch and you no longer can purchase food (see: Pushes to make everything electronic).

Every single member of the board of IG Farben was indited for war crimes. Well all except Max Warburg. Despite determining that every member of the board was well aware of the atrocities being committed and the slave labour and the killing and all of it, Max Warburg gets off scott free. Why? Close ties to the Rockefeller/Rothschild cartels. Kind of like Prescott Bush somehow wasn't hung for treason after assisting in the laundering of German cash all through the war and beyond.

Many key technologies transferred occurred courtesy the settlements decided (who were largely determined by the banking elite by the way, JP Morgan etc) allowed the war to happen as well.

Considering the US is adopting much of Hitler's policy in regards to domestic issues and how to handle dissidents (see: Every single piece of legislation attacking your freedom) and Israel flat out is using identical tactics in the ghettoization of Palestine it's pretty easy to see the comparison. But that's because they have no ideological similarities at all (and it's all a coincidence)!

Hitler was largely brought to power by the powers that be. They used the media to prop him up, as you have alluded to, they financed his every move, they financed his war machine, they gave him the technologies to wage war and they knew fully what his ideology was. They share much of it, so that was a bonus. As evidenced by their actions (really fucking clearly too).

"THEY" being the "International Banking Elite" and "The Elders of Zion" and "The International Jew"?
say what you mean, it's not against the law.

the real "THEY" who you are blaming for every problem in the last 80 years are not a secret cabal of powerful shadowy elites, "THEY" are capitalists, and "THEY" value a Return On Investment, not any particular ideology. "THEY" operate with the scrutiny and approval of their shareholders and boards of directors, and "THEY" rarely take ideology or morality into account since morality and ideology rarely provide profit. "THEY" make no secret of this fact, and thus "THEY" are not secret at all.

"THEY" are not what we should be worried about. "THEY" have clearly defined motives which "THEY" do not hide behind code words and dogwhisltes. "THEY" are driven by profit, for it's own sake, which you may object to, or embrace at your pleasure, but "THEY" are not the powers behind madness, bigotry and evil. "THEY" only seek the greatest return for the least investment.

shadowy conspiracy theories wither in the light of reason, and even the creation of the Federal Reserve Act was a conspiracy for PROFIT, not a conspiracy for power or control over anything but money. The fact that money gives power, political influence and control over those who do not have money is just a side effect.

JP Morgan, the Rothschilds and William Randolf Hearst dont give a flying fuck if YOU gain wealth, as long as you dont cut into their profits when you do it. if YOU personally can become as wealthy as they were, without cutting into their bottom line, then you can join their club, and as long as their profits are secure, you can even become more wealthy than themselves. Oil Billionaires dont object to Gold Mine Magnates, or Diamond Impresarios, they only worry about other Oil Billionaires who are competing for a slice of the Oil Market.

theres nothing secret about it, but shadowy conspiracies and scapegoating are so much more satisfying than accepting that these assholes are rich, and you are not. claiming they made their wealth through exploitation, chicanery and dirty immoral dealing simply gives you a justification and a sense of moral superiority, which is an entirely normal, and very human reaction. It's still bullshit, just understandable bullshit based in simple jealousy and envy.