Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
Smoked a bowl a while ago, now its blunt time.


Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
wake and bake time gang!! fire in da hole!! bongsmilie


well the morning ride is a very nice ride, and you miss morning ride are the longest ride.

give me the morning ride
give me the morning ride
give me the morning ride
give me the morning ride

slip and slide you going broke your back side
slip and slide you going broke your back side
no matter where you run you just cant hide
when you give me love send me love just send my clive.

give me the morning ride
give me the morning ride
give me the morning ride
give me the morning ride


Virtually Unknown Member
Good Morning my friends!! Today promises sunshine and the thermometer may touch 50 degrees here in the Midwest. I'm thinking homemade waffles with about a gallon of maple syrup and real butter but first, well you know what has to come first don't you???

Have a great day everyone!

match box

Well-Known Member
Good morning BarnBuster the waffels sound good this morning. It sounds like a heat wave get out the fans.lol Enjoy your day.


Well-Known Member
Time to wake up and don't be a victim of those changes!


Well-Known Member
Morning Kids.. bit late this am.. but I made it..

Today's pic and Vid

Perfect usage of Kazoo's 2:23 mark :)


Well-Known Member
Having no cannabis has driven me to drinking. Can I still post here if I've been up since like 9pm and am getting drunk because I've got nothing else?

I don't even normally drink, but I gotta do something to kill the manic episodes.