***HELP**** Experts needed first time grower. Photos attached


Hi Guys first time grower and poster.

My Knowledge this far: I have done A LOT of reading on this and many other forums from common mistakes to all the different types of deficiencies your plant can have.

About this grow: I have originally made the mistake of not feeding my plants any nutrients or measuring the PH.
Growth was then stunted at week 3 for about a week and a half. I corrected the PH and fixed my Nitrogen deficiency and now 1 plant is struggling.
It has shown signs of improvement and is getting better each and every day but it is no where near its sisters.

Growing: Nirvana Sky Super Auto, Big Band Feminised, Northern Lights Feminised
Age: 5+ weeks
Nutrients: Sea weed emulsion
Water Cycle: Every 3-5days or when dry
Set up: Indoor with lights and fan. They are moved out side on sunny days
Regulation: Temp and Ph levels are regulated

My question: What have I done to the Nirvana sky? its smaller then the others and I have looked up other grows and they look nothing like my plant.
All the plants are on the mend and showing 500% improvement will this be fixed with time if I keep feeing them correctly and testing the PH?

I have supplied photos of all my plants I am interested in your opinions and what I can do to make this a grate grow.
Thank you.

Northern Lights

Big Band

Nirvana Sky Super Auto


Active Member
Hi Red, Just my pennies worth, I'm new to this site so I know there are far more superior minds then mine out there when it comes to growing, but ill help best I can. Ive grown autos under led a few times now and they seem to start off really small for the first two-three weeks then they spurt, quite a lot, that being a 'super auto' im wondering if they do the same, plus what light are you using? or outdoors? If light then how far away did you have it when they started growing? I only found out the other day that if I had my led too close it would stunt the seedling so now ive moved my light up to 19inches. Hope that bit of info might help and your plants do look they are definitely on the mend, looking really good infact.


Well-Known Member
It also looks like your embro leaves (the first two tiny leaves that appear first on a growing sprout) look rather unhealthy for your plants size...I don't think overwatering is your only problem..Do you measure ppm's when using nutrients?

You might have root rot..I'm not swearing to it, but I'm thinking some dampering off might be going on with that stem..I do not know much about root rot, nor if it definitely is..Something to look into though, because your stem definitely looks funky..

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Hi Guys first time grower and poster.

My Knowledge this far: I have done A LOT of reading on this and many other forums from common mistakes to all the different types of deficiencies your plant can have.

About this grow: I have originally made the mistake of not feeding my plants any nutrients or measuring the PH.
Growth was then stunted at week 3 for about a week and a half. I corrected the PH and fixed my Nitrogen deficiency and now 1 plant is struggling.
It has shown signs of improvement and is getting better each and every day but it is no where near its sisters.

Growing: Nirvana Sky Super Auto, Big Band Feminised, Northern Lights Feminised
Age: 5+ weeks
Nutrients: Sea weed emulsion
Water Cycle: Every 3-5days or when dry
Set up: Indoor with lights and fan. They are moved out side on sunny days
Regulation: Temp and Ph levels are regulated

My question: What have I done to the Nirvana sky? its smaller then the others and I have looked up other grows and they look nothing like my plant.
All the plants are on the mend and showing 500% improvement will this be fixed with time if I keep feeing them correctly and testing the PH?

I have supplied photos of all my plants I am interested in your opinions and what I can do to make this a grate grow.
Thank you.

Northern Lights
View attachment 2582038

Big Band
View attachment 2582077

Nirvana Sky Super Auto
View attachment 2582079View attachment 2582080
point 1) your soil is no good. those big chunks of wood and twigs are NOT soil. you need to use an actual potting mix or real loamy soil. chunks of wood release tannins and other acids when they get wet, and even more when they bgin to decompose. those big chunks will also absorb your water and nutrients in their structure making them unavailable to the root system

point 2) seaweed emulsion is a good nitrogen source but it tends to be salty (which is bad for plants in large doses) and it lacks phosphorus and potassium as well as the trace minerals plants crave.

point 3) moving your plants outdoors on sunny days exposes them to unaccustomed levels of light which will stunt their growth, particularly at the younger stages, and changes in temperature that will retard growth and can even kill them if they are not propperly "Hardened Off" (a process of moving plants outside for longer periods until they acclimatized to the harsher environment outdoors)

Point 4) plants grown under artificial lights make more chlorophyll and do not develop as strong a protective cell wall as those accustomed to the direct sunlight's UV rays and stronger output. this is why plants which grow in the shade of a large tree ialways die back severely when the tree is cut down. if youre gonna grow em inside, keep em inside, if your gonna put em outside, dont leave them out all day, pute em out for several hours in the morning, and take em in before the hottest part of the day, and gradually leave em out longer for 2 weeks or so, then leave them outside.

final analysis:

get a good quality soil mix (sunshine #4, happy frog, ancient forest, or even good old miracle gro) and transplant them into real dirt, not chunks of wood and bark, get a good quality broad spectrum fertilizer, which can even be as simple as osmocote pellets or miracle gro tomatoe fertilizer and stick with it till your ready to flower, then switch to a rose or other flower food. use the fertilizers at 1/2 the recommended dosage, 1/2 as often until you see that the plants want more and slowly increase the dosage and frequency. decide on keeping them inside, or keeping them outside, splitting their time will only cause them problems

outside will give you faster growth from real sunlight (which is also free) but will expose them to pests, cops and theives.
indoors you can control the enviromnment more closely, veg for as long as you want (except the autos...) and can flower them at your leisure, with much less chance of picking up errant pollen, bugs or nosey cops and neighbors, but fungus and mould infstation is more likely.

redeye jedi88

Active Member
auto's are sensitive to nutrients i dont feed mine for the first 2 weeks if you got a decent soil that should see it through till then
sort that soil out m8 no good for weed need a good potting mix or what i use is coco but u must use the coco nuntes that go's with coco all the best m8 remember its all a learning curve everyone is still learning no one will truley understand weed..good luck...


Thanks for your support guys.

In doors or out doors?: Here is the dilemma out doors where I am from can be very in consistent hot cold then cold hot you never know what you are going to get.
Authorities are not so much a problem as I have a balcony area. Some times we have rain for 1 week straight and then scorching hot very dry days.
Indoors I started growing with a rubbish aquarium light Warm white I think it was 34W and that wasn't doing the job so I though I would get a LED (I know there are mixed opinions) I am on a budget so at the moment I have been using that.
I just want a chilled crop nothing to pro or complex to tell you the truth I am having a lot of fun with it.
Would you recommend in my situation to do indoor or out door?

Soil: When I got this stuff I researched on the internet and they said to get something witha slow release fertiliser in it so I went and asked and this is what they gave me. I am in Australia and some of the products you recommend might not be available do you know of any brands that are common with in Australia both for a good soil and a fertiliser for veg?
Now I know how to re pot but in this situation you guys say my soil is rubbish, how do I re pot with the new soil? Would you suggest shaking off the old dirt or would that be too rough? Also would you go a bigger pot?

Nirvana sky: So every one here seems to agree over watering? so should I dry it out for say 7+days?

Thanks every one for your help in advance prior to being a member on here one can only rely on google and for as many answers you think are right out there you get as many people that swear by a method that turns out to be crap.


It also looks like your embro leaves (the first two tiny leaves that appear first on a growing sprout) look rather unhealthy for your plants size...I don't think overwatering is your only problem..Do you measure ppm's when using nutrients?

You might have root rot..I'm not swearing to it, but I'm thinking some dampering off might be going on with that stem..I do not know much about root rot, nor if it definitely is..Something to look into though, because your stem definitely looks funky..

I am not 100% sure but I read a while ago when my embro leaves were going yellow and dieing that this is a natural thing for the age.
Am I wrong?


Well-Known Member
Hi Guys first time grower and poster.

My Knowledge this far: I have done A LOT of reading on this and many other forums from common mistakes to all the different types of deficiencies your plant can have.

About this grow: I have originally made the mistake of not feeding my plants any nutrients or measuring the PH.
Growth was then stunted at week 3 for about a week and a half. I corrected the PH and fixed my Nitrogen deficiency and now 1 plant is struggling.
It has shown signs of improvement and is getting better each and every day but it is no where near its sisters.

Growing: Nirvana Sky Super Auto, Big Band Feminised, Northern Lights Feminised
Age: 5+ weeks
Nutrients: Sea weed emulsion
Water Cycle: Every 3-5days or when dry
Set up: Indoor with lights and fan. They are moved out side on sunny days
Regulation: Temp and Ph levels are regulated

My question: What have I done to the Nirvana sky? its smaller then the others and I have looked up other grows and they look nothing like my plant.
All the plants are on the mend and showing 500% improvement will this be fixed with time if I keep feeing them correctly and testing the PH?

I have supplied photos of all my plants I am interested in your opinions and what I can do to make this a grate grow.
Thank you.

Northern Lights
View attachment 2582038

Big Band
View attachment 2582077

Nirvana Sky Super Auto
View attachment 2582079View attachment 2582080
I agree with Dr Kynes, and the only thing I can add is don't feed them until 3-4 weeks, you have obviously stressed the plant. Look at the spacing between ridges as leaves progress in nodes, they are streching further apart, learn to read your plants they will tell you everything...BTW I'm a n00b but I'm learning...lol


Well-Known Member
BTW this is a bagseed grown without nutes in MG Garden soil on day 27, It's just now asking for nutes.. (Literally askin in the pic)



Active Member
Miracle Grow? Hmmmmm its good soil but has moisture activated feed capsules throughout the soil, the more you water it the more it feeds the soil/plant. Ive grown with it but literally had to starve the plant of water at 10 weeks when it had finished as the soil still had feed in it. If id waterd it, bang, more feed. Personally I wouldn't feed it any grow nutes at all, just bloom ones.


Active Member
I use BioBizz Medium Mix Soil, BioBizz Grow, Bloom and Top Max Feed (3 Seperate bottles), all dutch made I believe. Really good stuff, all organic aswell, no nasty chemicals, To transfer , dry her out, then lift her out carefully (different methods of doing this), Most of the soil will drop off as it will be dry. Don't worry about bits of MG left...now put her into a slightly bigger pot with new soil pressed up against side, put her gently in the middle. Fill in soil, water well. Done.


Active Member
Yeah just seen your post aswell, MG is good stuff meant for long grows but its hard to control the feed in it, plus you cant really add your own feed.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Thanks for your support guys.

In doors or out doors?: Here is the dilemma out doors where I am from can be very in consistent hot cold then cold hot you never know what you are going to get.
Authorities are not so much a problem as I have a balcony area. Some times we have rain for 1 week straight and then scorching hot very dry days.
Indoors I started growing with a rubbish aquarium light Warm white I think it was 34W and that wasn't doing the job so I though I would get a LED (I know there are mixed opinions) I am on a budget so at the moment I have been using that.
I just want a chilled crop nothing to pro or complex to tell you the truth I am having a lot of fun with it.
Would you recommend in my situation to do indoor or out door?
in a pot, intense heat can overheat the rots and stunt growth. i grow indoors due to the scarmanto valley's incredibly hot dry summers which put great stress on any potted plant unless you shade the pot, and the interference of the coppers even if youre legal. if your local climate were slightly cooler you could grow on a balcony, but the smell when it starts flowering travels very far and WILL bring cops to your door.

if you have the space in a closet or a disused room to set up a light, indoors gives so many advantages thats how i would roll.

Soil: When I got this stuff I researched on the internet and they said to get something witha slow release fertiliser in it so I went and asked and this is what they gave me. I am in Australia and some of the products you recommend might not be available do you know of any brands that are common with in Australia both for a good soil and a fertiliser for veg?
Now I know how to re pot but in this situation you guys say my soil is rubbish, how do I re pot with the new soil? Would you suggest shaking off the old dirt or would that be too rough? Also would you go a bigger pot?
any good potting mix will work good, but since youre in aus, your sticks bark and wood jumble you currently have in your pots is probably mostly eucalyptus, and that makes massive amounts of tannins. any soil mix would work better. coco/perlite, would be an option too. you do NOT neccessarily want time release nutrients in your soil since you will get the best results from controlling the fertilizers yourself. the nutrients in miracle gro potting mix is not as strong or and persistent over time and has been indicated, by month 3 or so miracle gro soil is depleted and becomes basically a soilless mix. miracle gro and all the other commercial bagged potting mixes except the special ones like Sunshine Mix #4 (nutrient free soil-less) ancient forest (actual active live loamy soil from, oddly enough ancient forests...) and happy frog (rich compost with natural nutrients amended by added natural fertilizers from guano) are all the same basic idea, peat moss, lawn clippings, yard wastes, sawmill waste, and agricultural stubble composted to a loam-like material which holds water and added chemical fertilizers, but is sterile and free of the natural bacterium and worms which would finish the job and turn the vegetable matter into soil for you. any of them which are not CRAP would be fine for starting out, and with care and attention can become a great source of dope.

soil has 3 jobs in your plant's life, to hold the root system in a dark moist environment so the plant can stay upright, to hold and store water and nutrients for the roots, and to keep the roots insulated from heat and cold, thats all.

you could grow in sand and gravel if you set up a good ebb and drain hydroponic system, iwith the roots hanging in water (like i do) with a deep water culture, or you could grow with the roots hanging in midair if you set up an aeropinics program. "soil" is the easiest and neatest form, for the noob, since the soil mix holds water and nutrients and provides a safety buffer.

if you dont transplant out of those wood chips currewntly holding your plants youll most likely not get to harvest.

you dont have to remove all the excess shit, when you dig around the roots and gently lift the plant free most of the crap will just fall away, anything that stays in the roots should not be dislodged by shaking EVER. just prepare a pot to recieve your plant, dig around the plant with a trowel keeping the blade outsice the ring of foliage at least 2 cm and dig down at least 8 inches then using your hands grasp the stem with 1 hand (genetly but firmly) and scoop out under the plant with the other let the debris and junk fall away, and then immediately put your plant in her new home, and water her in. till you see water come out the drain holes. then dont do SHIT ELSE for a week. she may wilt a little but she will bounce back, then just water and feed as dictated by the needs of your new soil system. if you go with a soil-less mix, you will need a full spectrum nutrient system, if your new dirt has nutrients already, no fertilizing will be needed until she starts to get a little pale

Nirvana sky: So every one here seems to agree over watering? so should I dry it out for say 7+days?
get the plant out of that sawmill debris and into soil, water her in, and then dont do shit else till she bounces back.


Thanks for the advice guys I am on to it now tomorrow I will buy some new soil and do as suggested. The problem plant is doing something strange it seems to be flowing if that is possible? it has what I think is THC crystals on it and smells strongly and has little white hairs coming from it. Has this happened to any one else before? I can post pics if you would like