Well-Known Member
What's bo2? lol I'm hooked on gears of war three just now. As soon as the xbox 720 comes out i'll be all over that likeplaystation. I get so shit at call of duty when I smoke weed. you guys play bo2?
What's bo2? lol I'm hooked on gears of war three just now. As soon as the xbox 720 comes out i'll be all over that likeplaystation. I get so shit at call of duty when I smoke weed. you guys play bo2?
Methinks it's a PS4 first release...big and brilliant, instead of limpin through with development games. Perhaps...
thats what i been doin the past 40 mins lol, makin sure they are ok, gettin frosty now, all the inner buds have trichomes on the sugar leaves, hopin shes gonna be frosty biatchI love just standing there lookin at me plants and che kin all the buds out lol
LOL, i played since cod4, and had to give up, black ops to makes me beat my mamplaystation. I get so shit at call of duty when I smoke weed. you guys play bo2?
iv got xbox, ps3 is for bitches!fuk all that checking for 40 mins, ther frosty or ther not, i only go in ther to feed, and make adjustments to lights if they need raising or watever,, did all that faffing around first few grows lol
ps3 ftw! fuk xbox its shite,, got black ops 2 with nuketown completed normal game aint played it since lol
iv got xbox, ps3 is for bitches!
My oldest son is ps3 daft and the youngest is xbox daft. Does my nut right in, have to buy games for the both consolesiv got xbox, ps3 is for bitches!
adios guys celebrity juice is on kelly brook, holly willo-booby and kimberly white cant go wrong there peace out
defo get worse as they go, played world at war the other day, was amazing! im really into zombies at the moment. lol, Im still amazed that this thread is still going, thought itd just be like 100 posts then die a death, but its still going strong. thanks for the reps tip top toker still here? and gin tin and ton was the other oldie.