Ventillation & Heating Problems - Strawberry Cough


Active Member

I've been growing this Strawberry Cough for about 3.5 months now. I screwed up big time about a 7 weeks ago, and over fed the plant. I flushed it several times and eventually it has come back to life. I've been flowering it for the last 5 weeks.

I've been very cautious feeding it, and in fact fed it for the first time a week ago. I gave it half strength tomatoe feed & some Maxicrop Plant growth stimulant.


With all the lights it so hot in the box, i put a bathroom extractor fan in the top and a vent in the bottom.

Both have flues that are about 500mm long painted balck, with a green scrubbed wedged inside to stop light.

Plus a small fan cooling the top of the plant.

Does it need venting all the time, at the mo its just when the lights on.

What does the venting do for the plant exactly?


Its about 27 - 30 degrees (80.5 - 86), is this way too hot.


Its seems to be flowering fine, but quite a few leaves are turning pale, and then dropping off. Is this just the normal cycle? In fact it seems abit pale, does it need nitrogen?

Any advice with Heat, Venting & Feeding would be great.

Many thanks,



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Active Member
if you r in flower u will have 2 get a feed with a ratio.10.30.30 or anything with a high magnesium high potassium this is what they need in flower not so much nitrogen.but u r in week 5 it sounds a bit late just give it a light feed. then on week 8the feed only with plain water.u might have 2 give it a extra week or 2 over the nine weeks it should be worth it good luck........


Active Member
on your venting u need it on 24/7 this is a must goood venting means high yeals sounds like u need 2 invest in a bigger fan..u need 2 get the stail air out or this will give u probs they will need 2 transplant water through their leaves just two cool down. this means they will use all there water just 2 cool down this means u will get poor get a fan that can clear the air in 5 mins. this will be much better. and a fan for moveing air on 2 your plants this will give them good strenth.. and a bigger stalks meaning more nutes getting 2 your leaves.this giving u bigger yeilds.....good luck don.........................


Active Member
Hay Thanks.

Does the fllowering cycly take about 9 weeks, and are you saying i'm a bit late too feed it?

I'm going to put the vents on to full time, ,and try and get another fan.

Its just so small in the space that its hard toi get a fan in there.
