The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Cheers man think I burnt then a little with me last feed a few yellow ends this morning but they seem alright just want the little afghan to hurry up so I got some free smoke ;-)


Well-Known Member
Its alright gets a bit boring but its still good any way I'm off to bed c bit and check some videos out on dry ice hash it looks bad mate can't wait to have a go


Well-Known Member
Just spent the last 2 hours cleaning mold off me.bedroom wall fookin council houses.wish I had enough cash to buy a proper house! I spotted a little bit of that black mold in the corner behind me wardrobe pulled it out and fuck me the whole walls covers aaarrrgggghhh
had this shit myself

dettol mold and mildrew for bathrooms

its like my newest best thing ever , its a bleach thats specially made for eating mold , it recommends to spray in bathrooms only and this that and the other , walpaper or simply paint ? like a fuckin miracle , the mold doesnt just die it somehow vanishes ! i cant explain it , one minute loads of black shit , shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh , gone ,,,,,, ive used it all over the house including the curtains , this house was rammed with it and there wasnt anything i could do ( 4/500 yr old houses mean mold apparently ) , i brought a bottle then brought 5 it was that good , i did manage to kill off every bastard fan on the plants in the flower room with it ,,, oops


Well-Known Member
pic time


some of those weak wank autos i keep hearing about , almost no frost to be seen especially under leaves and on the fans , about 3 weeks on these , i hope they frost up before then
bit of yellowing going on , some dipshit forgot to feed them , the cold also hasnt helped with the uptake of nutrients i didnt add so clearly its the weather and nowt to do with me


Well-Known Member
the nebular clone , its not what you might call pwitty , smells feckin awful and is stinking out the house , the carbon filters got its work cut out with this shit , this isnt a top but a side branch , the nugs are rock hard all the way down which i like , this lady is alot like cheese to the point its hard to tell the difference DSCN3007.jpg

this piccy is cheese , the real stuff not the seedbank stuff , like i say hard to tell the difference between the 2 except they grow a little different , the cheese has better yields but takes a couple of weeks longer , theres a difference in the smoke also in that neb doesnt fuck about and canes you where cheese builds alot more , the taste is very alike , cheese is more cheesey/feety mind


spent all night chopping both , i fucked up in that i cant find my spinpro so have had to do it all by hand , 5 plants done and 3 to go , i gave up after 5 hrs , ill finish tomorrow


Well-Known Member
bugger , forgot the clones , taken errrrrr late feb some time , potted up a tray full before going to wales , came back to this


which would be fine if i wasnt rather fucked for room , i need to get the tent down to get the autos in there to stick the flower surplus under the autos lights to veg a little while ,,,, im dizzy , simply put a few need a repot except ive got the outdoor babys taking up space , not only this but theres more on the way and the present outdoor are taking the piss , i may flower them out just to make a bit of room , seems to make sense