sun output


Well-Known Member
how many lumens per square ft does the sun put off? just curious, and i cant find it on the web anywhere


Well-Known Member
I think it would be slightly better to hit a person with actual, verifiable facts than just requoting an unverified answer from this forum. ;)
How Many Lumens Does the Sun Produce [Archive] - CandlePowerForums
About 130W/sq' How Bright is the Sun?
A good search term (I just discovered after a little more than 2 seconds of searching) is "solar constant". Thing is, EVERYTHING an indoor grower is trying to do is MIMIC THE SUN. So... no need to be concerned with spectra, lumens, output, etcetera unless one is growing in a shaded area. :)
SnackTalk - Snack Discussion Group: Re: Lumens (fwd)

The final answer, in lumens, is that the sun gives off approximately 10,000 lumens/sq.f (lumens per square foot, also lmn/sq').
Now that's what I'm talkin' about. FUCK, I love science! I am SO glad I was born for the here and now and not centuries ago when all this shit had to be explained by religion alone, Christ, like living in the Dark Ages, MAN that had to be fucked, I mean, they were dark, ya know? (And for more reason than one, but that's a whole other story.)


Well-Known Member
Is it true that even on a cloudy day the sun emits more light onto the plants when compared with fluorescents?


Well-Known Member
Without searching I'd have to say yes. The sun, after all, is a star, and fluorescents are just little manmade tubes of light. :)

Of course, that would have to be a qualified yes, too. It depends on many factors; How cloudy? What time of day? What latitude (more equatorial automatically = stronger sunlight)? And so on.